Libmonster ID: UZ-1305

On November 30, 2012, the life of a famous scientist, a beautiful woman and a wonderful person - Galina Ivanovna Slesarchuk-ended. A senior researcher at the Department of Korea and Mongolia of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she was one of the leading Mongolian historians of Russia, widely recognized in our country and abroad.

Galina Ivanovna joined the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1957 as a highly qualified archivist. She graduated from the postgraduate course of the Historical and Archival Institute, where she brilliantly defended her PhD thesis, and successfully worked for a number of years in the Archive of Ancient Acts. All this gave Galina Ivanovna the opportunity to immediately occupy her niche in the work of the Mongolian sector, to become the driving force behind the implementation of a major scientific and publishing project, namely, the compilation and preparation for publication of documentary materials on the history of Russian-Mongolian relations in the XVII century from the archives of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tyumen and Irkutsk.

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In different years, four volumes of these materials were published, covering almost the entire XVII century - from 1607 to 1690 inclusive. And if two more employees of the sector participated in the preparation of the first two volumes, the last two volumes were entirely the brainchild of G. I. Slesarchuk.

Working on these volumes gave Galina Ivanovna a fundamental knowledge of the new history of Mongolia. In general, these volumes are of lasting importance as a first-class source, and their publication, introduction to scientific circulation of more than 570 documents with a total volume of 120 pp. enriched not only domestic, but also world Mongolian studies. And this is the main merit of G. I. Slesarchuk.

Galina Ivanovna, a Russian scholar by training, acquired her deep knowledge of the modern history of Mongolia by working with M. I. Golman on the collection of documents "Soviet-Mongolian Relations 1921-1966" (Moscow, 1966), and actively participating in the joint expanded edition of documents and materials on the history of relations between the USSR and the MNR in 1921-1975 in two volumes. in several volumes (Moscow, 1975, 1979), as well as acting along with a large team of Russian and Mongolian scientists as one of the main compilers of the unique documentary collections "The Comintern and Mongolia" and "Mongolian-Soviet cultural and scientific-technical relations 1921-1960". Both collections were published in Ulaanbaatar in Mongolian in 1996 and 2000, respectively.

In the late 1990s, Galina Ivanovna was one of the initiators and main executor of the preparation for the publication of the complete works of Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov, a leading Russian scholar of Mongolian studies, in 4 volumes.

They cover the works of Academician B. Ya. Vladimirtsov on the history and ethnography of Mongolia (vol. 1. Moscow, 2002), on literature and linguistics of the Mongolian peoples (vol. 2. Moscow, 2003 and vol. 3. Moscow, 2005) and vol. 4 " B. Ya. Vladimirtsov. Emails" (in production). A great help to Galina Ivanovna was provided by the well-known Mongolian philologist A. D. Tsendina as a partner-compiler of the second and fourth volumes.

Galina Ivanovna's work on the third volume was particularly laborious: the analysis of complex texts, many of which were written in transcription, also in small handwriting and font, which cost her a sharp deterioration in her eyesight, especially since she wore pince-nez from a young age.

She prepared the fourth volume as a seriously ill person, and completed it shortly before her death. It can be positively stated that she made a real labor feat.

Galina Ivanovna is the author of many articles and reports at All-Russian and international scientific forums, including international congresses of Mongol studies, which have always aroused great interest in the scientific community.

G. I. Slesarchuk's scientific achievements were highly appreciated in our country and abroad, and she was elected an Honorary Doctor of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia.

Starting from 1965, Galina Ivanovna repeatedly came to Mongolia on research trips, traveled a lot around the country, having traveled its length and breadth. She fell deeply in love with the country and its people, and the Mongols returned her love. Her apartment in Ulaanbaatar has always been a place of attraction for many Mongolian intellectuals, poets, prose writers, historians, and philologists.

As the scientific secretary of the department for 10 years, she was the soul of the team until 2009, maintaining a healthy climate and an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual revenue.

Everyone respected and loved her.

The departure of Galina Ivanovna Slesarchuk is an irreplaceable loss for the department, institute, and science.

She was a great worker, a great scholar, and a wonderful person.

The memory of her is forever in our hearts!


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Russo-Mongolian relations: 1607-1636. Materials on the history of Russian-Mongolian relations. (Collection of documents) / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1959, 352 p. Comp. co-authored with L. M. Gataullina and M. I. Golman.

Archival documents on the history of relations with Dzungaria in the middle of the 17th century / / Voprosy sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi istorii i istochnikovedeniya perioda feodalizma v Rossii [Issues of socio-economic history and source studies of the period of feudalism in Russia], Moscow, 1961, pp. 260-265.

Soviet-Mongolian relations: 1921-1966: (Collection of documents) / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Peoples of Asia, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1966, 360 p. Comp. sovm. with M. I. Golman.

Russko-mongol'skie otnosheniya: (1636-1654) [Russian-Mongolian Relations: (1636-1654)]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1974, 470 p. Comp. co-authored with M. I. Golman.

Soviet-Mongolian relations, vol. 1, Moscow: Mezhdunar. relations, 1975. 589 p. Comp. sovm. with others.

Soviet-Mongolian Relations, vol. 2, ch. 1-2, Moscow: Mezhdunar. relations, 1979. Ch. 1. 612 p.; Ch. 2. 532 p. Comp. sovm. with others.

Academician Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov: on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1984, no. 7, pp. 116-121.

The Mongolian People's Republic. (Spravochnik). Moscow: Nauka, 1986. - Author's section: Physical and geographical essay. pp. 6-21; Healthcare. pp. 425-432; Sport. pp. 433-437.

Russkiye archivnye materialy o khoshoutskikh taiji Ablay i Ochirtu Tsetsen-khan [Russian archival materials on Khoshout taiji Ablay and Ochirtu Tsetsen-khan]. V Mezhdunarodnyi kongress mongol'ovedov (Ulaanbaatar, September 1987), Moscow, 1987, 1. Istoriya, ekonomika, pp. 133-140.

On the trip of the Tobolsk son of Boyar F. E. Mikhalevsky and podyachy G. Sheshukov to the Mongolian uluses / / VI International Congress of Mongol Studies (Ulaanbaatar, August 1992). Moscow, 1992. 1. P. 199-211.

Russo-Mongol relations in the period of Nerchinsk negotiations // Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity. Moscow-Irkutsk, 1995, pp. 44-49.

Comp., introduction. Comments on: Russian-Mongolian relations 1654-1685. Collection of documents / RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1996, 564 p.

Russkiye archivnye dokumenty o belykh kalmykakh-telengutakh v XVII v. [Russian archival documents on the white Kalmyks-Telenguts in the 17th century]. Altaica, Moscow, 1999, 3, pp. 88-99.

Mongol-zovleltiin soel shintleh uhaan, tehnikiin hariyatsa (Mongolian-Soviet scientific, technical and cultural relations). Баримт биччийн эмхотгэл (1921-1960). Collection of documents. Улаанбаатар хот, 2000. 681 с. Comp. sovm. with others.

B. Y. Vladimirtsov's letters to Paul Pellio / / Altaica. Moscow, 2000. 4. pp. 121-143.

Russkiye archivnye materialy o poddanstve dzungarian taiji Senge [Russian archival materials on the citizenship of the Dzungarian taiji Senge]. Altaica, Moscow, 2001, pp. 160-171.

Taiji Senge and his relations with the Russian State / / Russia and Mongolia in the light of the dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations. Materials of the intern. scientific conference Zvenigorod, June 2-5, 2001, Moscow, 2002, pp. 147-151.

Vladimirtsov B. Ya. Works on the history and ethnography of the Mongolian peoples, Moscow: East Lit., 2002, 557 p.

Vladimirtsov B. Ya. Works on the literature of the Mongolian peoples, Moscow: Vostochny lit., 2003, 608 p. Comp. co-authored with A.D. Tsendina.

Russkie arkhivy o Tsetsen-khan Sholoi [Russian Archives about Tsetsen Khan Sholoi]. An International Annual of Mongol Studies. Vol. 13(34). Ulaanbaatar, 2003. С. 259-264.

Vladimirtsov B. Ya. Raboty po mongol'skom yazykoznaniyu [Works on Mongolian linguistics], Moscow: Vostochny lit., 2005, 904 p. Comp. co-authored with A.D. Tsendina.

Epistolarnoe nasledie akademika B. Ya. Vladimirtsova [The epistolary heritage of academician B. Ya. Vladimirtsov].

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GALINA IVANOVNA SLESARCHUK 1926-2012 // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 22.11.2024. URL:Н-ХИШИГТ-МОНГОЛЫН-ХУВЬСГАЛ-1921-МОНГОЛЫН-УНДЭСНИЙ-АРДЧИЛСАН-ХУВЬСГАЛЫН-ТУУХИЙГ-НЭХЭН-СУДЛАХУЙ-2024-11-22 (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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