Libmonster ID: UZ-1372

Улаанбаатар: Бэмби-сан ХХК, 2012. 118 с.*

In recent decades, Mongolia has been intensively studying the history of the country in the first half of the 20th century. As a result, many "white spots" disappear, including in the field of biographies of Mongolian historical figures. One of these studies formed the basis of a peer-reviewed book.

Its author is O. Odbayar, a young graduate and master's student of the Mongolian State University, who studied in detail the materials on a major religious and political figure of Mongolia at the beginning of the XX century - Yeguzer-khutukhta (in Russian works it is also transcribed from Old Mongolian as Yugotsur-khutukhta, Egotsuri-khutukhta, etc.). Khutukhta - since the Qing Empire, the title of the highest lamas in the in Tibetan Buddhism, reincarnating after death for the benefit of beings. One of these lamas, Yeguzer, was reborn as J. Galsandash (or Galsandashi) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He enjoyed great prestige, especially in the east and south of Outer Mongolia and in the adjacent parts of Inner Mongolia, and played an important role in the integration of Mongolian lands during the period of independence.

The book under consideration consists of a preface by the author, a preface by the editor (J. Urangua), three chapters divided into sections, conclusions, personal and geographical indexes, chronicles of the life of Eguzer-hutukhta. The book also contains laudatory poems written in his honor by the poet Sh. Galsanbaatar. The book contains two photographs of Yeguzer-khutukhty, his iconographic image, a photograph of his monastery, and a map of Somon (the lowest administrative-territorial unit of Mongolia). with an indication of places associated with the hutukhta. The book contains the results of the author's own research, archival data, and a summary of previously published information.

Chapter 1. "Outstanding Mongolian statesman and religious figure Khutukhta".

Section 1.1. "A brief history of the development of the Buddhist religion in Mongolia and historical texts about Yeguzer-hutukhta" is devoted mainly to the spread of Buddhism in Mongolia from the time of the Yuan Empire to the establishment of Manchu rule. The author notes that at the beginning of the 20th century, there were 13 khutukhts in Mongolia that had seals-that is, they were recognized as emperors (12 - Qing, 1 - Mongol: after the proclamation of Bogdo-gegen VIII as emperor of independent Mongolia). One of these hutukhts was called " Precious sage-pandita 1, Beneficent Eguzer-darkhan 2-hutukhta Galsandash "(monp: Erdene mergen bandida Achit Eguzer darkhan hutagt Galsandash). The word "Eguzer "(from the Tib." Naljorpa " - "One who has achieved complete dispassion") was also interpreted as"a mystic who transformed the Teaching in his soul into the practice of magical power". Later in the section, the author lists those who wrote about Yeguzer-hutukht Galsandash, and even mentions a novel about him.

Section 1.2. "Khutukhta's origin, place of birth and image". Yeguzer-khutukhta Galsandash was born on the 28th day of the middle summer month of 1869 in Tsetsenkhan aimag of Outer Mongolia, in khoshun 3 Khurts-zasaga of Tserenbazar, in the Zuun-Nukhtiyn Mend-Saikhan locality (now somon Erdenetsagan of Sukha Bator aimag). He was descended from the Khatagin family, which traced its lineage back to Genghis Khan. Galsandash's father was tuslagch (assistant to the appanage prince) taij (nobleman) Jamsrangav, the mother's name was Khuram. Galsandash was their second son. From an early age, others noted his kindness, calmness, passion for books, and various talents. At the age of five, a new rebirth of Eguzer-hutukhty was revealed in it. The enthronement ceremony was held in the monastery of Unu-uglegt (Mong. Oneeglegt hij), where he stayed, with travel breaks, until 1929. He mastered Tibetan, Manchu, Chinese and Russian. The author describes khoshun Khurts-zasag, gives a brief description of the Yeguzer-Hutukhta line of succession. The first four of his rebirths were found in Tibet, the next four

* Odbayar O. Spiritual leader of the Mongols of the Eastern region Yeguzer-hutukhta Zh. Galsandash. Ulaanbaatar: Bambi Publ., 2012, 118 p. (in Russian)

1 In Skt. - "scientist".

2 On mong. at first it meant "blacksmith", then-a princely honorary title, and it was also used in the meaning of "sacred".

3 One of the administrative divisions of pre-reform Mongolia.

page 201

in Mongolia. Therefore, J. Galsandash - Eguzer-hutukhta VIII (but if we count only in Mongolia, then the fourth). Briefly described when and where he went from the monastery. In 1902, he received the rank and official seal of hambo (abbot of the monastery). Along with the seal, the Manchu emperor gave him the southeastern part of Khoshun, Khurts-zasag, with the Arats who lived there, who became his shabinars, religious students who worked for the teacher.

Section 1.3. "Activities of Eguzer-khutukhta VIII as a Minister for restoring Order in the Eastern Region of the Mongolian State that has been erected by Many". The latter means that after the declaration of independence in Mongolia (1911), a new chronology was introduced according to the years of Many Erected (i.e., erected by the great Khan of Bogdo-gegen Dzhebtsundamba-hutukhta VIII). The author describes the awards and positions that Yeguzer-khutukhta received, whom Bogdo-gegen VIII appointed Minister for the establishment of Order in the Eastern Province of Outer Mongolia. According to Tsogt-Ochir, the main areas of his activity there were the struggle for independence from China, contacts with the rulers of the sejms of Inner Mongolia about joining the Outer One, and protection of the Eastern Region from Chinese militarists. From a number of places, he received positive responses to the question about joining. It is also reported that Eguzar-Hutukhta liquidated the German detachment of Captain Papenheim, who was engaged in sabotage on the CER against Russia. Hutukhta wrote to the Mongolian government that in order to strengthen friendship with Russia, it was necessary to monitor German subjects in Mongolia. His relations with figures of the national liberation movement of Mongolia Gombo-Idshin and Bawuzhav are described. For helping the latter, he was arrested by the Chinese, but then released under pressure from the Mongolian government.

Section 1.4. " Lchit mergen-hambo Zh. Galsandash: his activities during the period of people's power". Having come to power in Mongolia, the leadership of the Mongolian People's Party (MNP, then the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party MPRP) immediately sent envoys to Yeguzer-hutukhta, since he had great power in the east and southeast of the country. Soon he arrived in the capital, from where he returned again as minister for restoring order in the Eastern Region; he sent a letter of loyalty to the new authorities. During the unstable time in July 1921, he helped the MNE to mobilize in eastern Mongolia: he provided cattle, tents, etc. After the death of Bogdo-gegen Jebtsundamba-Hutukhta VIII in 1924, the new authorities began to significantly restrict the rights of feudal lords and high lamas. Now Yeguzer-khutukhta remained only the supreme lama of his monastery, which in the 1920s became increasingly influential as a secular center: it organized party and Revolutionary Youth cells, quartered troops, created a school, a bank branch, etc.

Chapter 2. "On the activities of Eguzer-hutukhty Zh. Galsandash".

See section 2.1. " About shabinars and the Yeguzar-hutukhty Monastery (Unu-ulegt Monastery, or Engar-Myangat-hiid)" information about the number of shabinars, livestock, and geographical location of the monastery is provided. It is briefly reported what rebirths of Eguzer-hutukhta were detected in Mongolia. The monastery itself was founded in 1780. It had 4 dugans, 1 lavran, several smaller temples, and 3 suburgans. A short list of buildings is given. The monastery had a good library. For 150 years, it was the cultural and civilizational center of eastern Mongolia. Brief excerpts from historical documents are given. Brief information is given about the higher lamas, including the seven Chabrons (reborn lamas whose first rebirths were recently revealed). Tibetan medicine developed under the monastery. In addition to religious affairs, puppet shows were staged here. The Tsam festival was held. Local residents expressed their gratitude to Yeghuzerkhutukhta and wished him well (see the text). In 1927, the monastery had 1,325 lamas. In 1930, Yeguzer-Hutukhta was accused of participating in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy and shot. But the monastery has not lost its significance. Therefore, in 1936, the case of a "counter-revolutionary uprising" of his lamas was fabricated. 22 people were sentenced. The author has convincingly shown that the case was falsified by the State Internal Security Service of the MNR. In 1937, all the remaining lamas were evicted and their valuables were confiscated by the state. A list of the monastery's property is given. In 1938, the monastery was transferred to the quartering of an auxiliary Soviet detachment and destroyed (the buildings were used for construction materials). After the rehabilitation of Eguzer-khutukhty in 1990, the monastery resumed its activities.

Section 2.2. "Yguzer-khutukhty's views on nature protection". In this area, he developed an active activity: trees were planted on his lands, animals were acclimatized, deer and yaks were bred. A nature reserve was created on one mountain. Many species of mammals and birds were protected.

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Section 2.3. "On the creative activity of Eguzer-hutukhty". The author reports on the books he wrote (in particular, on the veneration of obo, as it was related to nature protection), on the development of crafts, manufactories, and agriculture under his leadership. At his monastery, they were engaged in stone carving, painting, sculpture, carpet weaving, carpentry, book making, blacksmithing, etc.The author assesses Eguzer-hutukhta as a good manager.

Chapter 3. " How Yeguzer-hutukhta Zh. Galsandash was caught in a storm of repression."

Section 3.1. "How Yeguzer-khutukhta was repressed and arrested". The author tells about the activities of the MPRP to restrict religion, ban the identification of new rebirths of Bogdogegen and other hutukhts, and political repression. Yeguzer-hutukhta was charged in "Case 38", or "Eregdendagwa Conspiracy", in 1930. This case is described, the essence of which was that taizhi Eregdendagwa found a letter to the Panchen Lama with a request to destroy the MPRP power with the help of Chinese troops and establish the power of a new rebirth of Bogdo-gegen in the MPRP. The author gives a description of this case with lists of people, a draft, and a final verdict.

Section 3.2. "The conviction of Yeguzer-hutukhta and his request for clemency". The author provides excerpts from the minutes of Yeguzer-Hutukhta's interrogation during the trial, in which he denies all the charges against him. Eight people, including Yeguzer-hutukhta, were sentenced to death by firing squad, while most of the others received different prison terms (up to 10 years). The verdict was not subject to appeal, so there is a petition of Eguzer-hutukhta for clemency, it is attached to the case, but there is no data on its consideration. The day after this petition was written, Yeguzar-khutukhta was shot (at 8 o'clock in the morning). 20 min. on September 30, 1930).

There are some minor flaws in the book. No information is given about the rebirths of Eguzer-hutukhta in Tibet, only it is mentioned that there were four of them. The author suggests that Yeguzar-hutukhta Galsandash had ties with one of the MNE leaders, D. Bodo, even before this party came to power, but does not provide evidence. Further, he reports that in 1923 Ts. Luvsan from the Central Committee of the MVP to create a party cell at the monastery with the participation of 13 local people. It remains unclear who these people were: lamas who joined the party, or someone else? Finally, we should note some confusion in the presentation: there are repetitions, some information is presented insufficiently systematically (this is partly evident from this review, where the content of the book is presented consistently).

Overall, the author has done a good job, and his little book is very useful for those who study the history of Mongolia. It contains a number of important information that is not available in other publications.

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