A. A. SUVOROV Doctor of Philology Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences women in Asia Keywords: charismatic leaders, women's gender role, political dynasties, inheritance of power There are not many families in the world whose lives are most directly and directly connected with the history of their countries - with the exception, of course, of the royal dynasties. In the recent history of Asia, the role of such influential family clans as Nehru-Gandhi, Bhutto, Sukarno, Bandaranaike, Mujibur Rahman, Aquino and some others, who for many years determined the political course of India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Philippines, is unique. The family chronicle of all these political dynasties seems to play out the latest world history in their faces. Rather, history invades the intimate lives of these families, their relationships, forming conflicts and characters, influencing how they created the present and future of their country. In the second half of the 20th century, as a result of systemic postcolonial transformations, women became the" first persons " in a number of Asian states, which partly destroys the gender stereotype of traditional patriarchal society and causes a polarization of political forces in these countries. Undoubtedly, this new phenomenon of world politics had deep historical and cultural roots and, under the influence of the gender factor, led to a change in the composition of the ruling elites and the modernization of traditional ideas about power and society. Women, whether presidents or prime ministers, shared a common family and hereditary component-they were all widows or daughters of the "fathers of the nation", founders of new states, charismatic leaders in the struggle for national independence or democratization. The real merits of the" patriarchs " of political dynasties, multiplied by their charismatic gift and unquestionable authority, evoked universal national love, reaching the point of wors ... Читать далее

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