Libmonster ID: UZ-1341


Kazan: "Fan" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2012. 260 p.

(Biblioteca Tatarica / Series: "Ethnopolitical history of the Tatars")

Currently, historians and archaeologists of Siberia pay considerable attention to the problems of the history of statehood, various aspects of culture, including military affairs, the Siberian Tatars in the late Middle Ages and in the early Modern period. Due to the limited information of written historical sources, the main body of which is Russian Siberian chronicles, the main attention is paid to events related to the campaign to Western Siberia of the Cossack detachment led by Ataman Ermak, the subsequent collapse of the Siberian Khanate and the annexation of Siberian lands and peoples to the Russian state.

In recent years, archaeological and historical-ethnographic works have been published, which are devoted to the purposeful study of the history of the Siberian Tatars and cultural monuments of this Turkic ethnic group, among which considerable attention is paid to the study of the capital city of Isker [Sobolev, 2008, p. 60-81; Tychinskikh, 2010, p. 5; Zykov, 2010,p. 112-121; Adamov, 2010]. 2010, pp. 94-111].

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Among the Tatar states formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, one of the largest was the Siberian Khanate, which lasted for about two centuries. It occupied a vast territory, covering the steppes and forest-steppes of Western Siberia from the Ural Mountains to the Altai and Kuznetsk Alatau. The Ugric and Samoyedic principalities of Western Siberia were vassally dependent on the Siberian khans. On the territory of this state there were urban and rural settlements, crafts and trade developed. Trade routes from Central Asia to Southern and Western Siberia and from Eastern Europe to the Trans-Urals passed through the territory of the Khanate. Throughout their existence, the Siberian rulers maintained diplomatic contacts with the states of Central Asia, the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Volga region.

During a certain period of its existence, the Siberian Khanate became a vassal of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The results of previous studies of historical and archaeological materials indicate that the Siberian Khanate had a certain military-political and economic potential for its development. Therefore, it is difficult to agree with the disparaging assessments of this medieval association on the territory of Siberia as an "ephemeral state" [Kyzlasov, 1996, pp. 34-35]. In recent decades, archaeologists and historians of Novosibirsk, Omsk and other scientific centers of Siberia and the Urals have been actively studying various aspects of the history and culture of the population of the Siberian Khanate. The most significant contribution to the study of Late Medieval archaeological sites related to the period of the existence of the Siberian Khanate on the territory of the Baraba forest-steppe was made by Novosibirsk archaeologists (Molodin, Sobolev, Solov'ev, 1990, pp. 43-77; Sobolev, 2008, pp. 155-169). On the territory of the Middle Irtysh region, significant results in the study of archaeological sites of this era were achieved by archaeologists from Omsk and Yekaterinburg. Currently, the results of research by Omsk scientists are reflected in a new generalizing publication.

The reviewed book by Omsk archaeologists A. V. Matveev and S. F. Tataurov, devoted to the military and political aspects of the history of the Siberian Khanate, provides a detailed assessment of previous historical and archaeological research and summarizes the information available to the authors from written historical sources and archaeological materials on this topic. The book under review contains a rather detailed and detailed sketch of the history of studying late Medieval archaeological sites and some museum collections originating from the territory of the forest-steppe and steppe regions of Western Siberia, which contain weapons items dating back to the time of the Siberian Khanate. The authors came to the conclusion that there are not enough special works on this topic (pp. 30-31). Considering the political situation in Western Siberia that preceded the campaign of a group of Russian Cossacks led by Ermak, they suggest that the Siberian Khanate emerged as a state entity allied to Bukhara and opposed to the Kazakh khans in the middle of the XVI century. It was supposed to "neutralize the possibility of an alliance between Moscow Rus and the Kazakhs" and "distract Moscow from Central Asia", since this region, according to the authors, was to become the next object of Moscow's expansion.

According to this version, Khan Kuchum was the executor of the will of the Bukhara ruler Abdallah (p. 33-44). In this regard, Ermak's campaign seems to A.V. Matveev and S. F. Tataurov "a natural result of the military-political confrontation between the Christian Moscow Kingdom and the Islamic world of the Volga region and Central Asia" (p.46). It is difficult to agree with such statements. It is known that the Stroganov merchants, when equipping Ermak's detachment to Siberia, pursued very limited goals of collecting furs, as the Cossacks themselves repeatedly reminded their ataman during the expedition. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, having learned about the campaign of the Cossacks in Siberia, seriously feared for the eastern outskirts of his possessions. In the following years, the Moscow tsars repeatedly offered Kuchum to return to the throne of the "Siberian Tsar" on condition of paying tribute to them. They were very lenient with many of Kuchum's relatives and family members, and took some of them into Russian service. All this does not correspond to the authors ' assessment of historical events related to Ermak's campaign in Siberia. Only after assessing the prospects for receiving Siberian furs to the treasury, the Moscow tsars took active measures to annex the Siberian region to the Russian state.

At the same time, the assessment formulated by A. V. Matveev and S. F. Tataurov of Khan Kuchum's policy of resettlement of Tatar ethnic groups to the depths of the steppe zone of Western Siberia seems very close to reality (pp. 48-49). It was important for the Siberian Khan to preserve

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he has as many subjects under his rule as possible, because the very existence of his state depends on it. However, the policy of forcible relocation of Siberian Tatars from their former places of residence to the steppe caused serious dissatisfaction with Kuchum among them and stimulated the transition of a part of the Tatar population, including the nobility, to the service of the Russian authorities. It was this policy that decided the fate of the Siberian Khanate, preserving its population and lands as part of the Russian state.

Much attention in the reviewed book is paid to highlighting the proposed boundaries and assessing the ethnic composition of the population of the Siberian Khanate. The authors characterize the ethnoterritorial groups of the Siberian Tatars and attempt to correlate the available archaeological materials with them. The researchers described the Tatar towns known to date, highlighting among them military-administrative centers and defensive outposts. They reconstructed the territorial division and communication routes in the territory of the state of the Siberian Tatars (pp. 126-150).

A significant place in the reviewed work is given to the results of studying the troops, weapons and defensive structures of the Siberian Khanate. Assessing the role of the use of firearms and artillery by the Cossacks in the course of military operations against the troops of Khan Kuchum, the authors, following many predecessors, correctly note that the Siberian Tatars were familiar with their striking qualities. They had several cannons at their disposal, but did not know how to fire them (pp. 153-154).

The authors of the book drew attention to the fact that the Siberian Tatar soldiers during the entire period of confrontation with the Russian Cossacks and military personnel did not try to master firearms. In their opinion, this was due both to the shortcomings of the most hand-held firearms of that time in comparison with the usual bows, and the inability to provide ammunition (pp. 180-182). Despite the large numerical advantage, the troops of the Siberian Tatar commanders acted separately, using the traditional tactics of firing at the enemy in a loose cavalry formation, which was familiar to the Cossacks, so it was ineffective against a well-armed and armored enemy. The involvement of detachments of vassal Taiga peoples in the army also did not give a positive effect. Some of the military successes of the Siberian Tatars were due to their poor knowledge of the terrain and the suddenness of the attack.

The book under review describes the main types of weapons of the Siberian Tatar warriors. The authors describe the finds of weapons from the excavations of archaeological sites of the Late Middle Ages in the Irtysh region and the Barabinsk forest-steppe (pp. 185-197). They also describe the defensive structures of Tatar towns, which have different types of fortification (pp. 207-208, 220). As an appendix, the book contains maps of Western Siberia, drawings from the Remez chronicle, plans of many Tatar settlements and images of weapons from excavations of late Medieval archaeological sites in the Irtysh region and Barab (Figures 3-10, 23-33, 35-49). However, many of the illustrations provided in the appendix have been published several times before.

In assessing the military affairs of the Siberian Tatars, a comparative analysis of the specific and typological composition of the weapons of the Siberian Tatar warriors with the weapons of other Turkic and Mongolian peoples who lived on the territory of the Central Asian historical and cultural region in the late Middle Ages is of great importance, as well as an assessment of the features of their Previous research on this topic made it possible to clarify that the combat capability of the troops of the Siberian Khanate fully corresponded to the level of military development of other Turkic and Mongolian peoples of the Eurasian steppe belt in the late Middle Ages. However, the military forces of the Siberian Ghatars were not ready to face an experienced enemy armed with firearms on equal terms. Crucial to the collapse of the Siberian Khanate was the transition of a part of the Tatar nobility to the side of the Russian authorities, which was facilitated by the short-sighted policy of Khan Kuchum and his entourage [Khudyakov, 2007, pp. 250-253].

In general, the reviewed work is an important step in summarizing the significant results achieved so far in the study of the military history of the Siberian Khanate. It evaluates previous research, highlights certain points of discussion and summarizes some of the results of studying the military affairs of the Siberian Tatars, as well as offers original explanations for the reasons that caused the desire of the Moscow authorities to annex the Siberian lands.

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list of literature

Adamov A. A. Kharakteristika istoriko-kul'turnoi izuchennosti stolitsy Sibirskogo khanstva [Characteristics of the historical and cultural study of the capital of the Siberian Khanate]. Kazan: Institute of History im. III. Marjani, 2010.

Zykov A. P. Gorodishche Isksr-remnants of the city of Siberia / / Isker stolitsa Sibirskogo khanstva. Kazan: Sh. Marjani Institute of History, 2010.

Kyzlasov L. R. Written news about the ancient cities of Siberia. Moscow: Mosk Publishing House. univ., 1992.

Molodin V. I., Sobolev V. I., Solov'ev A. I. Baraba in the Late Middle Ages. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 1990.

Sobolev V. I. Istoriya Sibirskikh khanstv (po arkheologicheskim materialam) [History of Siberian Khanates (based on archaeological materials)]. Problems of culture and society. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 2008, vol. 10.

Tychinskikh Z. A. Isker - pamyatnik istoriko-kul'turnogo nasledeniya sibirskikh tatars: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee [Isker as a monument to the historical and cultural heritage of the Siberian Tatars: past, present, and Future]. Kazan: Institute of History im. III. Marjani, 2010.

Khudyakov Yu. S. Voennoe delo Sibirskogo khanstva v pozdneem Srednevekovye (v aspekte vzaimodeystviya s russkimi) [Military affairs of the Siberian Khanate in the Late Middle Ages (in the aspect of interaction with the Russians)]. Series: History, Philology. 2007. Vol. 6. Issue 3: Archeology and Ethnography.

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Yu. S. KHUDYAKOV, A. B. MATVEEV, S. F. TATAUROV. SIBERIAN KHANATE: MILITARY AND POLITICAL ASPECTS OF HISTORY // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 26.11.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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