Libmonster ID: UZ-1370

Moscow: MGIMO-Universitet Publ., 2013, 316 p.

(MGIMO Science School Series)

In recent decades, the development of the modern Persian language has been quite intensive. These changes are most clearly observed in lexicology. The change in the paradigm of Iran's socio-political development at the end of the 20th century, which resulted in the introduction of Islamic norms in all spheres of society, the strengthening of globalization processes, the development of communication networks, and the active use of innovative technologies, led to the appearance of a large number of neologisms. In addition to the spontaneous introduction of new terms

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The Islamic Republic of Iran is actively working on terminological construction. The Academy of Persian Language and Literature seeks to replace borrowings from European languages with Persian terms, which, although produced on the basis of word-formation models existing in the Persian language, are not always widely used.

The rapid growth of neologisms is especially noticeable in the socio-political vocabulary. The constant appearance of new terms that have not yet found a place in Persian-Russian or Persian-English dictionaries, but are not even included in the explanatory dictionaries of the modern Persian language, changes in the semantics of existing words, and an increase in the number of synonyms significantly complicate understanding the meaning of media materials, official documents, and literature on socio-political issues. This makes it difficult to conduct research and analytical work, conduct diplomatic, economic and cultural contacts with representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The reviewed monograph is an attempt to conduct an in-depth study of the processes of formation of socio-political vocabulary and terminology of the modern Persian language, it analyzes the most productive word-forming models and specifies ways to replenish it.

E. L. Gladkova's special interest in studying socio-political vocabulary is due, on the one hand, to the fact that she has been teaching Persian for many years and is the author of a number of textbooks on socio-political translation.1 On the other hand, socio-political and economic terminology is the most dynamically developing layer of vocabulary, which is constantly updated due to emerging new realities. The author has worked through a large number of sources: materials of the Iranian press, analytical articles in socio-political and economic publications, texts of international documents, diplomatic correspondence, speeches of Iranian politicians. Moreover, the vast majority of the analyzed materials relate to the period of the last decade. The main attention in the monograph is paid to such categories of lexical layer as foreign policy and international terminology, diplomatic and economic terms, reflection in the language of domestic political realities. Lexemes are considered from the point of view of word-formation and semantic aspects, which gives the work not only scientific, but also practical value.

Studying the research of Russian and Iranian authors on the issues of terminological construction, analyzing a large number of sources allowed the author not only to give a general description of the processes of term formation in the modern Persian language and identify the main ways to replenish terminology, but also to identify the most productive models of formation of socio-political and economic terms.

The monograph consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography on this topic in Russian and Persian. The composition of the work is carefully thought out, the material is systematized and presented logically and accessible not only for specialists in philology. Each of the chapters ends with conclusions.

In the first chapter, the author focuses on the analysis of the policy of term formation, which has long been implemented in Iran. It is noted that the socio-political vocabulary is replenished mainly at the expense of internal language resources, since " Iranian scientists are linguists... they disapprove of the direct borrowing of words from European languages and suggest that the vocabulary should be replenished by creating new terms based on Persian word-formation models " (p. 4). This process takes place under the guidance of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, which has created a terminology group that develops new terms, so the proportion of direct borrowings is small. E. L. Gladkova analyzes the basic principles underlying term formation and notes that" when developing new terms, there is a clear desire to avoid descriptive ways of creating neologisms" (p. 43) and use traditional ways typical of the Persian language. At the same time, it is emphasized that, despite the developed criteria and strict selection, some new terms are created artificially, and they remain little used, although they are fixed in the lists of new terms of the Academy of Sciences and dictionaries.

1 Gladkova E. L., Semenova E. V., Mslshina N. V. Uchebnoe posobie po obshchestvenno-politicheskomu perevodu (persiiskiy yazyk) [Textbook on socio-political translation (Persian language)]. Moscow: MGI-MO, 2005. 219 p.; Gladkova E. L., Semenova E. V., Mslshina N. V. Persiiskiy yazyk. Socio-political translation, Moscow: MGIMO, 2010, 447 p.

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The second chapter of the paper is devoted to the analysis of word-formation models such as affixation, semi-affixation, transposition, word composition and lexicalization of phrases. Having demonstrated numerous examples for each of the above-mentioned models, the author identifies the most productive ones, which include affixation and semi-affixation. Within each word-forming model, the most productive word-forming units are distinguished: suffixes, prefixes or semi-prefixes, and verbal semi-suffixes. Of interest is the conclusion of E. L. Gladkova that "one of the reasons for the increase in the productivity of semi-affixation in recent years is the tendency to save language resources" (p. 219). Confirming this conclusion, the author gives a number of examples of replacing phrases with nouns.

The tables of the most productive word-formation models prepared by the author not only help to demonstrate more clearly the process of forming new terms, but also contribute to their better memorization and semantic awareness of other terms constructed using these models.

The author notes that the modern Persian language is characterized by an active interaction of word formation methods and word-formation models. So, in close interaction with each other are the word composition and affixation.

In the third chapter, E. L. Gladkova examines the main trends in the development of socio-political vocabulary, pays great attention to the analysis of style features. Describing the dynamics of the development of various layers of this vocabulary, she notes that the diplomatic vocabulary is the most stable, and it has not undergone significant changes in several decades. To confirm this conclusion, the author gives a number of examples, tracing the terminology in the historical context.

Describing the domestic political terminology, the author concludes that after the period of cardinal changes that occurred immediately after the Islamic Revolution, and the change in the state structure and ideology, it generally remains quite stable. E. L. Gladkova analyzes new political terms related to the consolidation of Islamic ideology, reflected in the country's Constitution. At the same time, the political life of Iran is very dynamic. The emergence of new parties and movements, active election campaigns, during which new slogans appear, constantly introduce more and more new terms into the language. The semantic meaning of political terms that are already fixed in the language is also changing. It seems that this layer of vocabulary requires further careful study in comparison with international terminology, which the author considers to be the most mobile.

Of particular interest to specialists are the author's arguments about changes in the peripheral vocabulary associated in Iran with the coming to power of a new president, the promotion of a new concept of development, etc.The "new" terminology that came into use during the period of President S. M. Khatami's power is considered in more detail. The author's analysis of the language of politics during the period of President Ahmadinejad, made outside the scope of this work, also demonstrates the emergence of new terms related to the emergence of spiritual and religious values in the foreground2.

In a separate section of the paper, E. L. Gladkova discusses ways to replenish the vocabulary of the Persian language. In addition to the detailed creation of new political terms by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, the author, referring to the works of Iranian linguists, identifies other equally significant ways of term formation - borrowing, calculating and expanding the semantics of existing words, and introducing outdated terms.

Raising the issue of loanwords, the author identifies the most common ones and notes that the total number of loanwords from European languages is relatively small and they are mainly characteristic of highly specialized vocabulary. However, as the author notes, borrowings are much more common in oral speech.

Separately, we consider such a way of adding vocabulary as costing, which can be considered as a kind of borrowing. The author gives numerous examples of cripples of phraseological units and word-forming cripples on the example of international vocabulary.

2 Gladkova K. L. Nekotorye aspekty obshchestvenno-politicheskoi leksiki sovremennogo persiskoyu yazyka (po materialam prostranstvii M. Akhmadinejad v UNO) [Some aspects of the socio-political vocabulary of the modern Persian language (based on the materials of M. Akhmadinejad's speeches at the UN)].

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The paper covers the formation of international terms, names of international organizations, and the formation of abbreviations. Some morphological and syntactic features of the socio-political style are considered, which was practically ignored in the works of Russian Iranists. In particular, the author analyzes the peculiarities of the use of the infinitive, phrases of various types and participles in socio-political texts.

The monograph by E. L. Gladkova makes a contribution to Iranian philology as a new theoretical study in the field of lexicology of the modern Persian language. At the same time, it is a practical guide for teachers of the Persian language and students studying it and will be very useful for researchers and practitioners who constantly monitor the internal political and socio-economic situation in Iran, the country's position in the international arena on the basis of studying sources in the Persian language.

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E. V. DUNAEVA, E. L. GLADKOVA. WAYS TO DEVELOP THE SOCIO-POLITICAL VOCABULARY OF THE MODERN PERSIAN LANGUAGE // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 28.11.2024. URL: (date of access: 17.02.2025).

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