The Second Congress of Young Orientalists of the CIS was held in Azerbaijan (Baku) on November 11-14, 2013.
The Congress was organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan, the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Z. M. Buniyatov Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
It was attended by about 100 young scientists from Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The Russian scientific youth was represented by orientalists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Elista, Makhachkala, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, and Vladivostok.
The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Academician A. Alizadeh, welcomed the participants of the congress and expressed confidence that young orientalists will make their contribution to orientalism in general. Head of the Department of Political Analysis and Information Support of the Presidential Administration E. Aslanov stressed the importance of this forum for Azerbaijan, the region and CIS scientific schools. F. Mammadov, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, drew special attention to the role of Azerbaijan as a link between North and South, East and West and called for expanding cooperation between CIS countries. The participants of the congress were greeted by the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Academician Z. M. Buniyatova of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Bakhshalieva, President of the ISAA MSU M. S. Meyer, Director of the Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. F. Popova, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. M. Alpatov, Academician V. A. Tishkov, Deputy Secretary of the OIF of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E. V. Molodyakova, President of the Turkic Academy Sh. I. Ibraev, Director of the Krymsky Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine D. Radishov.
The conference was held in the sections "Historical research", "Historiography and Source Studies", "Philology", "Philosophy". Within the framework of the congress, a round table "Contribution of Azerbaijani science to the world of Oriental studies" was held.
The section "Historical research" was divided into three parts. In total, the section presented 16 reports on a wide range of issues. The moderator of the first part of the section, A. S. Kadyrbayev (Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences), opened its work with the report "As long as the sword is in the hands of the Turks, Islam will not disappear!", which was devoted to the role of the Turkic guards recruited from the enslaved young men of the elite of the Arab caliphates in the Middle Ages.
V. V. Prudnikov (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Bohemond of Tarentum in Nyxara (Asia Minor) in 1100-1103" on the example of the three-year stay in the Turkic captivity of the Norman leader Bohemond of Tarentum considered the relationship of the Normans who participated in the crusades with the Turkic emirs of Asia Minor and the Byzantine rulers.
D. V. Vozchikov (Yekaterinburg, Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin) devoted his report "From the History of Renaissance Orientalism: the religious Picture of India in the report of the Venetian traveler Nicolo Conti" to one of the episodes of more than 20 years of wandering of this traveler who lived in the first half of the XV century.
A. D. Vasiliev's report "Diplomatic contacts between the Ottomans and Sheibanids in the 16th century in the context of the confrontation with the Safavids" revealed some new aspects of these relations.
a complex relationship based on previously unknown documents found by the speaker in Turkish archives.
D. Sh. Tosheva (Tashkent State University) in her report "The role of Makhdumi Lzam Kasani and his followers in the political processes of the XVI-XIX centuries" on the example of this outstanding religious figure considered the participation of Sufi mystical clergy in the political processes that took place in Central Asia during this period.
The second part of the section "Historical research" was chaired by E. V. Molodyakova. It was opened with the report of N. N. Gulboev (Tashkent, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan)" The role of salary in the army of the Khiva Khanate in the XIX century". The issues of forming a permanent salary and its distribution among the soldiers of the Khiva Khanate and the problems associated with this process were considered.
The report of R. Y. Pochekaev (St. Petersburg, Higher School of Economics) " Russian influence on the political and legal development of the Bukhara Emirate (based on the notes of European travelers of the last third of the XIX century)" was devoted to the status of Russian officials in Bukhara and the study of their role in resolving issues of harmonization of Russian imperial and local emir's legislation. According to the speaker, the notes of European travelers play an important role, since most of them are devoid of emotional coloring and are probably less biased.
D. A. Maryasis 'report" History of the economic development of Palestine from the end of the 19th century to 1948" outlined the basic principles of the formation and development of the economic systems of the Jewish and Arab communities, as well as the prerequisites for successful innovative development of the State of Israel.
G. M. Achilova (Tashkent, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan) in her report "Political relations between the Chagatayid and Ilkhanid states (the second half of the XIII-beginning of the XIV century)" spoke about the expansion of the Chagatay ulus at the expense of neighboring post-Mongol states and the decline of the Ilkhanov state at the end of the studied period.
The topic of the report by I. Yu. Zuenko (Vladivostok, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) is "The evolution of the system of imperial administration in traditional China". It traced the dynamics of the development of the country's bureaucratic system as power passed from one imperial dynasty to another.
The chairman of the third part of the section "Historical research" was Zav. Department of History and Economy of the Arab countries of ANAS IV F. Asadov. It opened with a speech by O. V. Tomashevich (MSU) entitled "Education is the foundation of an official's career in Ancient Egypt", which examined the role of education for a successful career as a bureaucrat in the ancient Egyptian kingdoms. D. G. Kukeev (Elista, KIGI RAS) spoke about oirat studies in the PRC and the problems of identifying historical characters. E. V. Pustovoit (Vladivostok, Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Western countries and the policy of self-isolation of the Ryukyu Kingdom in the first half of the XIX century" analyzed the first contacts between Western countries and the Ryukyu. The report of S. A. Pritchin (IB RAS) "The historical process of entering the Caspian Sea into the sphere of Russian interests" was devoted to the analysis of Russia's role in this region.
In his report "On the political and diplomatic activities of the Ambassador of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) to Iran Adil Khan Ziyadkhanli" S. A. Talibli (Baku, IV of ANAS named after Z. M. Buniyatov) considered the role of an outstanding Azerbaijani diplomat of the first half of the XX century in the development of difficult relations between the relatively short-lived ADR and Iran.
K. R. Kemeiger (Astana, Turkic Academy) in his report "Historical information about the peoples of the East in the works of Kazakh enlighteners of the Alash pleiade "described a new approach that representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia of the early XX century chose to preserve their own national identity. The report showed how their example affected the development of the Kazakh enlightenment.
The section "Historiography and Source studies" presented 10 reports. Her work was divided into two parts. The first part was chaired by O. V. Tomashevich, Deputy Head of the Department of Ancient World History at the Moscow State University Faculty of History.
In his report "Historiographical aspects of the religious situation in Caucasian Albania", Z. V. Kananchev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) traced the process of historiography formation - a topic that is still evaluated ambiguously and causes an extremely emotional reaction of researchers.
D. M. Timokhin (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "On the history of the formation of the Atabeg state of Kerman from Arab-Persian sources" drew the attention of colleagues to the problem of the formation of local dynasties on the territory of Iran during the Mongol invasion and the coverage of this process in the Arab-Persian sources of that time.
M. A. Musaev (Makhachkala, Institute of Historical Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "The state and prospects of studying Dagestani Arabic - language historical works of the XIX-early XX centuries" summarized the experience of studying and publishing texts, which presents broad prospects for further scientific research.
In the report of G. V. Lukyanov (Moscow, Higher School of Economics) " Analysis of foreign historiography of Libya's foreign policy (1969-2011)", an attempt is made to systematize the body of research literature on the foreign policy of this state during the period of M. Gaddafi's power, its classification and periodization.
A. S. Oskina in the report "Distinctive features of Izaei Nikki's diary" by Nun Abutsu (12217-1283): plot, composition, style " examined this medieval work from the point of view of continuity and innovation in the popular genre of Japanese literature nikki.
The second part of the section was headed by D. D. Vasiliev, Head of the Department. Department of Oriental History of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
I. V. Zaitsev (MSU) in his report "Azerbaijani manuscripts in Moscow" spoke about the collections of Azerbaijani historical manuscripts that exist in Moscow archives, libraries and private collections.
A. A. Shimanskaya (Moscow, State Museum of the Peoples of the East) in her report "Studying the monument of Tibetan historiography "Debter marpo" Kungi Dorje (preliminary data)" described the content of "Debter Marpo" as a monument of traditional Tibetan historiography. "Detter Marpo" has not previously been translated into European languages. The author found that the historiographer and one of the authors of the Buddhist canon, Kungi Dorje, used Tibetan, Chinese and Mongolian manuscripts in his work. This increased the information content of his work, which contains materials on the history of Tibet and surrounding states and dynasties, biographies of Buddhist teachers, information about Buddhist schools and the spread of Buddhism in Tibet.
V. A. Rudneva (Kiev, Ukraine) University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy) in the report "Etching Utagawa Kuniyoshi" Sanctuary of the soul of the Lord of the mountain, Densiti Kurobei. July "from the series" Sights of Edo, in each of the 12 months "(July, 1852)", stored in the Museum of Art. Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko in Kiev etched by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. The speaker clarified the plot of the painting, the censor seals, the date and signature of the artist and publisher.
A. P. Kuznetsov (IB RAS) in the report " Collection of Japanese woodcuts, handwritten books and maps from the collection of I. A. Goshkevich (XIX century) as a source on the history of Russian-Japanese relations" described the collection from the collection of the first Russian Consul in Japan I. A. Goshkevich and emphasized its importance for the study of Russian-Japanese relations.
S. V. Nasirova (Baku, Fuzuli Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS) in her report "Baku manuscripts "Akhbar al-Majnun wa asharuhu" Abu Bekra al-Walibi" identified five manuscripts of the medieval scholar al-Walibi, who collected the divan of the Ghazals of Majnun al-Amiri. A special feature of this collection is that stories and poems about Majnun are grouped according to the principle of alternating poems and prose. Since al-Walibi did not specify the names of the works, the manuscripts were kept in different catalogues under different names. These manuscripts are also valuable because commentators have left notes in their margins that compare copies of the text.
The Philology section covered linguistic problems in almost all eastern regions, from Turkey to Japan. Most of the reports were devoted to various aspects of Turkic and Iranian philology, poetry, epigraphy, drama-issues close to the subject of Azerbaijani cultural heritage. At the same time, a number of reports, whose topics related to the Far Eastern language area, brought a peculiar stream to the general flow of discussions, presented alternative theoretical approaches to general linguistic issues.
On the first day, the morning session of the section was chaired by Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS. The evening session was led by Mehdi Kazimov, Head of the Department of Iranian Philology at Baku State University.
The main topic of the reports is the Turkic and Turkish literature as a rich source for studying the interpenetration of cultures. L. I. Sultanova (Ufa, Bashkir State Pedagogical University). She studied pagan motifs in the light of the dialogue of the Turkic peoples in literature, in particular in the literary works of modern Bashkir and Kazakh writers.
N. B. Mustafayeva (Baku, Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fizuli of ANAS) in her report "On the history of tahmis written on the poems of Muhammad Fizuli by Uzbek poets" addressed the history of mutual influence of Turkic literatures. Tahmis is a special five-line imitative genre of Eastern literature, where the first three lines belong to the author of the poem, and the last two are taken from the ghazals of poets who are objects of imitation. The speaker studied the tahmis of such Uzbek poets as Zakir, Nishati, Vafai, Rahim Khorezmi. In her opinion, the ideas, motives and stylistic features of Fuzuli's works had a significant influence on the tahmis of Turkish and Uzbek poets of the XVI-XVIII centuries.
Report "Caucasian-Albanian epigraphy" by R. Lolua (Tbilisi, Institute of Linguistics named after Arn. Chikobava Academy of Sciences of Georgia) is devoted to the analysis of Albanian inscriptions and graffiti found in the Mingechaur region of Azerbaijan in the 40s-50s of the XX century and the reconstruction of letters of the Albanian alphabet based on them. E. I. Larionova's report "Turkish collections of fairy tales in the dialogue of Middle Eastern and European literatures" considered the synthesis of the original and international in Middle Eastern and European literatures, and also made an attempt to identify the channels of interpenetration and mutual enrichment of the two cultures. Ottoman Turkey: sources and formation " showed how some genres of Turkish literature of the XVII-XIX centuries were born, primarily under the influence of Europeanization. For example, the emergence of" women's "literature, the novel, the transformation of the traditional narrative genre"hikayat". The drama of the 19th century was based on the reinterpretation of traditional folklore plots and other literary monuments.
The report of T. A. Metchikova (IB RAS) "Author's strategy in Farid al-Din' Attar's Tazkirat al-Awliya " is a new original attempt to analyze the author's strategy of 'Attar. The TA method. The main task of the book is to establish the principles of selecting sources, determine the role of the author-narrator, and correlate the author's idea set out in the introduction with the main text of the book.
L. M. Huseynova (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) in her report "Lbu Mansur al-Sa'alibi on the criteria of new poetry (based on the anthology "Yatimat ad-dahr") analyzed the author's approach to the study of the work of medieval poets, while resorting to a comparison of contemporary poets and their predecessors from the point of view of poetic creativity. skill level.
E. V. Gusarova (St. Petersburg, IVR RAS) made a presentation "Abyssinia in the works of classical Arabic lexicographers". She noted that the name of Abyssinia and its inhabitants in Arabic is derived from the root habisha. The meaning of the root, in her opinion, was very widely interpreted by Arab geographers and poets.
The problems of modern Persian linguistics were discussed in the speech of G. V. Verdieva (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) "On the principles of term selection in the modern Persian language". She spoke about the activities of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature in Iran on the formation of neologisms and the introduction of new technical and scientific terms into the Persian language, the construction of new vocabulary to replace foreign borrowings.
Discussions continued during the discussion of the second day's reports. Chairman of the morning session Shakir Ibrayev, President of the International Turkic Academy, noted the originality of the approaches developed by young scientists in relation to linguistic issues that have already become classical and have only been identified in the course of recent research. The evening session of the section was conducted by Galina Miskinene, Associate Professor of Vilnius University.
The subjects of the reports were diverse, and the content of many of the presented studies was at the junction of linguistics with other disciplines. For example, A. Mammadova (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) in her report "Coverage of socio-political topics in the works of a public figure of the XX century Amin ar-Reyhani" touched upon the issues of social justice, dialogue between Eastern philosophy and Western culture, and V. I. Abdullayeva (RSUH) made a report "Medieval Azerbaijani poets and their reasoning about the human psyche". Yu. A. Kovalchuk (Kiev, Kiev National University) In her report "Europeans in Japan and Korea: Images in Documentary and Fiction Prose of the XVII-XX centuries", Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv considered the issue of cross-cultural interaction between Europeans and the local population in Japan and Korea, presenting vivid literary and cinematic illustrations.
S. F. Lahuti (RSUH) in the report "Principles of parameterization of the corpus of messages in Shahnameh", devoted to epistolary communication, proposed a unique method of analysis
cases of historical messages. In addition, she compiled a corpus of epistles in the original and Russian translation by M. D. Darchiev (Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute of Humanit. and social networks. V. I. Abayev Research Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) in a report on the typology of the settlement locus in epic texts based on the material of the Ossetian and Azerbaijani epics considered ideas about the organization of space on the example of the epics "Narty" and " Chenlibel "by L. G. Aliyev (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies In the report "Arab Drama", she spoke about the formation and development of drama in the Arab world.
The audience was very interested in the report of M. D. Kishieva (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) "Names of games in the Diwan Khagani", which revealed the subtleties of using the names of chess attributes for metaphorical representation of various aspects of social relationships. Using the names of games, the poet conveyed the historical flavor of the era, used precise and subtle metaphors, choosing the right word usage when describing chess pieces, and used a play of words and phrases to describe games and their rules. In addition to games such as chess, backgammon, and others, Hagani also reports the names of children's games.
Valuable biographical studies of prominent Arab poets were presented by G. S. Hamidli (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) in the report "Some information about Khatib Tabrizi and his linguistic works" and S. A. Ibragimov (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) in the report " The theme of homesickness in the works of the famous poet of Arabic Makhjar literature Rashid Selim al-Khuri (ash-Shair al-Karawi)". K. A. Kozha (IB RAS) in the report "At the origins of the tradition of critical linguistic analysis: "The phonetic system of the Chinese language" by D. Calleri in the reading of I. Bichurin (based on handwritten materials of the mid-XIX century)" highlighted the origins of the formation of two different traditions of linguistic description, trying to identify the main contradictions and interrelations of the studied phenomena.
In general, the presentations at the philological section testified to the multifaceted and fruitful work of young Orientalists: the reports contained the results of field research, archival research, statistical reviews, and testing of new analytical techniques. The young scientists demonstrated a high degree of theoretical training and broad creative potential to continue their research. The reports that, in the opinion of the expert jury, most corresponded to the form and principles of classical Oriental studies were especially noted by the organizing committee of the congress, and their authors were awarded memorable prizes.
The section" Philosophy and History of Science " was led by Janis Eshots (University of Latvia) and the Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of Science. Department of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Tahir Allahyarov.
The following reports were presented: A. A. Lukasheva (Moscow, Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences), " Truth-Lies "(hakk-battle) as a fundamental categorical opposition to the system of philosophical views of Mahmoud Shabistari", in which the author reported on Mahmoud Shabistari's attempt to model a general system of the universe, combining the main approaches to solving fundamental problems.
M. B. Demchenko (Moscow, St. John the Theologian Russian Orthodox University) "The Legacy of Guru Nanak and Baba Srichand in the context of Hindu-Muslim relations in Punjab in the XVI-XVIII centuries", which examines the interaction of Sikhism and the Udasin Panth Hindu school and Sufism in Northern India.
L. F. Melikova (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) studied the problem of reformism in the context of the Islamic Renaissance on the example of the ideas and works of Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali Ahmad al-Sakka (1917-1996). E. S. Lepekhova (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in her report " On attempts to introduce elements of the Chinese Buddhist system in Japanese monasteries in the XII century." considered the journey of Japanese Buddhist monks to China and attempts to introduce elements of Chinese monastic Buddhism as a result of the training of a group of Japanese monks in the Chan Buddhist monasteries of Song China. K. Gasimov (Baku, Center for Strategic Research. In his report entitled "The Controversy surrounding Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri's treatise 'Criticism of the Arab Mind '(naqd al - 'akl al -' Arabi)", he described the controversy of leading Muslim theologians regarding the four-volume work of Muhammad ' Abid al-Jabiri, which proclaimed that without understanding its past, the Arab-Muslim world is not able to understand its own history. A. E. Terekhov (St. Petersburg, IVR RAS) in his report "Remythologization of images of perfect-wise rulers as a phenomenon of the political ideology of China in the first century AD" showed,
that the deification of political figures was considered in the Chinese tradition the highest embodiment of intellectual, moral and spiritual perfection.
A. Ismailova (Baku, Institute of Oriental Studies) in her report "Herald of the Muslim civilization in Andalusia" examined the life and work of the famous Arab publicist and writer Jiri Zeidan (1861-1914).
K. M. Vozdigan (St. Petersburg, Kunstkamera) in her report "Functional transformation of modern tribal art in India: from rituals to museum spaces in Europe" spoke about the visual traditions of small peoples of India and the participation of artists of tribal origin in European art exhibitions.
R. S. Mammadov (Moscow, Higher School of Economics) in his report "Sufism as a socio-political regulator of life in the eastern regions of the Arab-Muslim world in the XIII-XV centuries." noted the role of Sufism in the socio-political life of the eastern states of the Arab-Muslim world in the X-XV centuries. sheikhs and their tariqas with the authorities and popular masses of eastern states and determine the place of Sufism in the ideology of popular movements of the XIII-XV centuries.
N. I. Steblin-Kamensky (St. Petersburg)GU) in his report "Current trends in Ethiopian anthroponymy" considered the system of personal names as one of the parts of culture on the example of Ethiopia and revealed the reasons for changes in the anthroponymy of its various peoples.
L. M. Ravandi-Fadai (IB RAS) in her report "Confessional problems of modern Iran" described the ethno-confessional composition of the population of Iran and the problems faced by numerous ethnic groups in its territory.
In her report "The Concept of History in modern Islamic Philosophy" S. A. Ragozina analyzed the understanding of history from the point of view of Muslim authors and their ideas about the logic of the historical process using historical narratives.
A. Y. Borisenko (Novosibirsk, NSU) spoke about the study of ancient and traditional cultures of the peoples of East Turkestan in the 19th and early 20th centuries by Swedish, German, English and French historians, ethnographers, geographers and archaeologists.
The Congress was held at a high scientific level and became an important stage in the development of Oriental studies in the CIS.
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