September 22-24, 2014 in Zvenigorod with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, grant N 14 - 01 - 14016 The IX Congress of Russian Orientalists was held in the form of a coordination meeting. It was organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Society of Orientalists of Russia, and the Scientific Council for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The congress was attended by more than 50 scientists from leading centers of Oriental studies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Elista, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Vladivostok, Simferopol, as well as from Kazakhstan. The main theme of the congress is "Prospects for the activity of the Society of Orientalists of Russia in the context of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
On September 22, the congress was opened by Professor M. S. Meyer, one of the founders of the Society of Oriental Studies of Russia (IADR), President of the ISAA of Moscow State University, who gave the floor for a report on the Society's activities over a two - year period to the President of the IADR in 2013-2014, Professor of the Privozhsky (Kazan) Federal University L. N. Latypov.
The congress received a greeting from the head of the Republic of Kalmykia A. M. Orlov, which was read out by the director of the Kalmyk Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. G. Ochirova. N. N. Dyakov (East Faculty of St. Petersburg.GU) read out a greeting to the congress from the Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. A. M. Vasiliev, Director of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, announced greetings to colleagues from the Institute of African Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and detailed information on the progress of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The program of the Congress of Russian Orientalists was presented by the corresponding member of the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. RAS V. V. Naumkina "State and prospects of Russian Oriental studies". Noting the traditionally high level of Russian Oriental studies, the speaker stressed that it is necessary to attract new personnel, provide full access to sources and information, including in digital form, for conducting competitive research. The reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences has raised new challenges for the Institute, namely the issues of personnel policy, the transition to state tasks and the contract system (now the institutes already have short - term contracts-one-year, two-year and three-year). It is important for academic institutions to understand how this transition will be implemented, because the main problems lie in the change of generations and attracting people with knowledge of Eastern languages.
The Institute of Oriental Studies is the coordinating research and organizing center of Russian Orientalist organizations, which was confirmed by the IX Congress of Russian Orientalists. Coordination of work is carried out by holding a congress of Orientalists every two years. In the intervals between congresses, the Institute's Scientific Council on Problems of Oriental Studies, which has done a great deal of work on the preparation of the IX Congress of Russian Orientalists, provides assistance in its work. The Scientific Council assisted in organizing and holding the First and Second Congresses of Young Orientalists of the CIS, held in October 2012 in Zvenigorod and in November 2013 in Baku.
The Institute works in two main areas - classical Oriental studies and modernity, up to 140 monographs are published per year, it is ranked 14th in the Russian Research Center of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and second in the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences. The Institute pays a lot of attention to the practical implementation of its scientific developments. Several dozen information and analytical notes were prepared for State authorities on national and international security issues. In 2018, the 200th anniversary of the Russian Far East will be held.-
keeping records. It is necessary to prepare for this important event today. In 2016, the Xth Congress of Russian Orientalists is expected to be held in Ufa, and in 2018, the jubilee year, in St. Petersburg. The Institute of Oriental Studies plans to publish the history of Oriental Studies in three volumes.
During the discussion of the report, Acting Director of the ISAA of Moscow State University I. I. Abylgaziev noted that orientalists have a great future: "The main thing is not to miss the moment. Oriental studies is very relevant, 705 people applied for 90 places in the ISAA this year." We need to popularize science, use TV channels, in particular "History " and"Culture".
A. M. Vasiliev, Director of the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, delivered a speech on "Modern research in the field of African Studies". Over the 60-year period, more than 1,060 books have been published, of which 900 have made a significant contribution to Russian culture. The staff of the Institute of Africa is engaged in research of historical, socio-political, economic and ethno-cultural problems of the states of the African continent. The main focus is on modern history, international and Russian-African relations, religion, economics, and there is almost no classical African studies. Scientific activity is carried out in accordance with the priority areas of fundamental research. The Institute is the main organization for the activities of the Scientific Council on Africa under the Department of Global Problems and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to A. M. Vasiliev, in the next 40-50 years, the world's population will decrease, and the new labor force will be 60-70% from Africa, and it is the continent's population that will become the main source of labor in the world in the future. African countries, like Russia, are countries of underutilized resources. In the context of reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences, there will be no one to deal with the problems of the African continent in 10 years.
A. M. Vasiliev stressed that in the period of the new Cold War, it is pointless to evaluate the works of scientists by the number of citations in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus. "It should be borne in mind that all articles critical of Russia are reflected in Scopus. All articles praising Russia-no."
M. H. Abuseitova (Kazakhstan) made a report "On the issue of scientific and organizational cooperation of Eurasian Orientalists", in which she focused on the issues of cooperation between Orientalists of Russia and Kazakhstan and called for more active involvement of scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In recent years, Kazakhstan has been integrating science and educational institutions. M. H. Abuseitova considers it appropriate to help Russian colleagues in training Kazakh orientalists to become co-supervisors of undergraduates in Oriental studies. Russian Oriental studies, she noted, is one of the strongest in the world, and the main thing is not to lose classical Oriental studies in the current conditions, and this trend is already being observed. The need for further fruitful cooperation implies the implementation of joint scientific projects. Similar research projects are being implemented with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. China and India are ready to cooperate with Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is necessary to create a permanent platform for implementing joint projects with Central Asian countries. The issue of organizing an Assembly of Eurasian Orientalists, the idea of which was put forward by the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has long been discussed. It is now, in the period of reforms not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, that the time has come for its implementation. M. H. Abuseitova proposed to hold the Third Congress of Young Orientalists of the CIS in Astana.
F. G. Khisamitdinova in her report "Oriental Studies in the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences" described the work of humanitarian institutes in the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are two institutes within the UNC RAS: the Institute of History, Language and Literature and the R. Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Research. The Institute's archaeologists are excavating mounds, sites, and burial grounds in the Southern Urals. A unique map of archaeological sites was created, and the world-famous collection of Sarmatian finds made of gold and silver was exhibited in museums around the world. Over the past 15 years, the Institute has created the largest anthropological laboratory in the region, and joint research is being conducted with Iran and Kazakhstan. Ethnological research is actively conducted, and an Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Bashkortostan has been published. Assessing the activities of the Institute of Nuclear Research, F. G. Khisamitdinova highlighted the repository of manuscripts and printed books (about 7.5 thousand) in Arabic, Farsi, and Old Turkic languages. Permanent forwarding service
the Institute's work contributes to the collection of manuscripts and printed books. Currently, the foundation's materials are being digitized with the support of grants. The Institute has created a dialectological, lexical and toponymic database of the Bashkir language, a unique fund of phono and photographic materials.
In the report of A. I. Kobzev (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Russian Oriental Studies as a state science", the main attention was paid to the factual errors of the 10-volume history of China. This publication is displayed on the Internet and appears in the RSCI system. http://www., supported by the RGNF (N 12 - 31 - 09011). Traffic to this site is 1 thousand people per day. According to the speaker's suggestion, the Union of Orientalists should have its own website, significantly supplement the register of Russian Orientalists compiled by the decision of the VIII Congress, and increase the scientific status of Oriental studies as a science.
In the main part of the report, A. I. Kobzev formulated the following provisions. First, Russian Oriental studies is genetically and spiritually a state science, since it was created by diplomats, intelligence officers, and representatives of the clergy who carried out a certain state order. There has always been a subordination of Oriental studies organizations to state structures. Secondly, Oriental studies has become an independent discipline due to its labor intensity - the need to master Eastern languages and cultures. The traditional fields of Oriental studies are philology, history, political economy, and philosophy. ISAA MSU is trying to combine Oriental studies with computer science. Now there is a question of abolishing Oriental studies as a special discipline. The synthetic nature of Oriental studies becomes its weakness. Third, the concept of "East" is not defined. According to the divisions of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it covers the Caucasus and Crimea in the modern world. A. I. Kobzev suggests that the subject of Oriental studies should be considered traditionalist relations, which explicitly or implicitly exist everywhere and can manifest themselves in a variety of societies, including the most "civilized" ones. Fourth, the reform of Oriental studies has both positive and negative aspects. According to A. I. Kobzev, it is advisable to create an Academy of Oriental Studies on the basis of all Oriental research institutes and universities with its own budget, terminals around the world, reporting directly to the president or government of the Russian Federation.
M. S. Meyer (ISAA MSU) in his report "Training of Orientalists in the context of university reforms" paid special attention to the training of orientalists in all countries and regions of Asia and Africa. The main innovation introduced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation concerns postgraduate studies. At the suggestion of the Ministry of Education and Science, postgraduate studies were turned into the third stage of higher education. It is proposed to devote the first year of postgraduate study to training, i.e. to turn it into the third year of master's degree, which significantly undermines the institute's capabilities in the field of education and training of research personnel. This will lead to a decrease in the degree of independence of postgraduate studies. Unfortunately, Wikipedia is becoming the main source of student knowledge, which leads to a decline in the level of education and breaks the traditional Russian school of education. The latest innovation of the MSU ISAA is the creation of the Department of Information Technologies, which caused mixed opinions and discussions. But the question arises: at what rates should teachers be invited? It is clear that the creation of the department (or center) is caused by an urgent need, the dictates of time. The next innovation in the ISAA is the creation of the Department of Political Science and Law of the studied countries.
R. M. Valeev (KFU) in his report "University education in Kazan: fates, heritage and prospects (XIX - early XXI centuries)" noted the importance and significance of Oriental studies education at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. In 2008, the Institute of Oriental Studies was transformed into the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations. In 2013, the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies was established on its basis. The Institute has four departments out of ten: Oriental and African Languages, Oriental and Islamic Studies, Tatar studies and Turkology, China and the Far East. About 500 students are enrolled, 130 of them on a budget basis (27%), and the rest on a contract basis. This year, the specialty ends, leaving bachelor's and master's degrees. Geography of students mainly residents of Tatarstan and nearby regions, far abroad - 1% of students, from CIS countries-5%. In recent years, the number of international students has been increasing - from 1 to 10%. The Universiade and the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan gave a powerful impetus to the training of linguists-translators not only from Western languages, but also from Eastern ones.
A. A. Khamatova (Vladivostok) in her report "On the problems of training Orientalists in the context of higher education reform" noted that the training of Orientalists in the Far East began in 1899 at the first higher educational institution in the region established in Vladivostok -
The Eastern Institute. For 50 years, FEFU has developed its own directions and features of training orientalists: the number of countries of study is limited compared to the Oriental centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg. These are China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Thailand, and Indonesia. Within the framework of the FEFU School of Regional and International Studies, 9 schools have been created. The Academic Council of the School developed a development program, identified priority areas of activity. Today, the School has 105 students in the specialty "Oriental and African Studies": 105 students in the bachelor's degree program, 5 students in the master's program, and 5 students in the specialty "Foreign regional studies".: There are 54 undergraduate students, 15 graduate students, and 10 students majoring in Translation and Translation Studies. Last year, 180 people were released. At the same time, a Center for Business Partnership with the Asia - Pacific Countries was created on the basis of the School, the purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of integration interaction between the territories of the Far East and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. This is another platform for implementing scientific and educational plans of both teachers and students. Many problems of the modern training of orientalists, from the point of view of A. A. Khamatova, depend on the status of teaching staff: in almost all Oriental studies centers, the problem of rejuvenation and renewal of personnel is acute, but it rests on solving such issues as increasing the salary of Oriental teachers and reducing the academic load.
G. N. Valiakhmetova and V. A. Kuzmin (UrFU) made a report "Oriental studies education at the Ural Federal University: main directions and prospects". The university consists of 10 institutes. The Faculty of Oriental Studies is part of the Social and Humanitarian Institute. My major is Oriental and African studies, with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese as the main languages studied, and additional languages are Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew. The Department of Oriental Studies with 20 teachers headed by V. A. Kuzmin has been operating since 2001. Every year there is a high competition, the main load falls on extra-budgetary places. Currently, 240 students study in the bachelor's degree program (10 of them on the budget), and 30 students study in the master's program (11 of them on the budget). The range of application of graduates is the widest, the department trains specialists for foreign countries, the system of internships is developed. The department publishes the journal "Ural Oriental Studies" (every two years).
A.D. Vasiliev's report "Results of two congresses of young Orientalists of the CIS and immediate plans" describes the past congresses of young Orientalists (October 2012 in Zvenigorod and November 2013 in Baku). The first congress brought together about 100 participants from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Russia. By the beginning of the congress, a number of thematic collections of young scientists were published, and after the congress-a collection of reports and reports posted on the website of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The congress in Baku was attended by more than 100 young scientists from the above-mentioned countries, as well as from the Baltic States, Georgia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The congress was co-organized by the Center for Strategic Studies of Azerbaijan in Baku. The collection of reports and reports of the second congress with a volume of about 700 pages was published this year and will soon be posted on the website of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Negotiations are currently underway to hold the event in 2015. Third Congress of Young Orientalists of the CIS in Astana (Kazakhstan).
A.V. Akimov (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Marketing approach to the works of Orientalists" described the main approaches to the research of Orientalists. One of them is traditional, when research is conducted and a paper (article, monograph) is written. The second is marketing, when the question arises - to whom the work is addressed and what it is intended for. Recently, the countries of the East themselves began to publish materials about themselves in English. The Internet has made many data available, both textual and visual. Today, the main tasks of orientalists are expertise, collective and personal relations in the countries of the East, general humanitarian research, writing textbooks and popular science publications. There are also forms for presenting the results of Orientalists ' research. These include group examinations, regularly updated monographs on economics based on the latest statistics and new trends, electronic publications, both one-time and regular, photo and video materials, and electronic translations.
In the report of the corresponding member. N. N. Kradina (IAE FEB RAS) "Problems and prospects of studying the nomadic world in the context of the reorganization of Russian science" attention was paid to nomadic studies. About 30 to 40 scientific expeditions operate annually in Mongolia, and the share of Russian expeditions has decreased in recent years compared to Western countries. Nevertheless, a lot has been done. Archaeological maps of the Kerulen and Tola River valleys were compiled, and the ancient settlements of Chintolgoi-balgas, Emgantiin-hare and Hare-denj were excavated.
the material culture and political organization of the Khitan Empire. Classical written sources were introduced and translated into Russian. The results of archaeological research are enormous: the discovery by L. P. Derevyanko and his colleagues of a new branch of evolution, new burials in Noin-Ul and in Pazyryk by N. V. Polosmak. Studies of urbanisation in the nomadic world, etc., integrate natural science methods of study into the humanities. The place of nomads in ancient international networks, or "ancient globalizations", and post-Soviet transformations of nomadism are determined. The speaker gave an example of the burial of a wounded soldier discovered in Mongolia, which geneticists identified as Italian.
The speaker positively noted the collection of articles of the Russian-Hungarian symposium on the history of nomadic civilizations (held in Zvenigorod in 2013). According to N. N. Kradin, it is necessary to intensify the publications of Russian researchers in English. The opening of a master's degree program at scientific institutes is overdue, since the human resources potential is concentrated in academic institutions. The speaker analyzed the results of competitions of the Russian Science Foundation for research grants: 60% - grants from institutes, 20% from Moscow State University, and 20% from other institutes in the country. According to statistics, $ 140 billion is allocated to science in the United States, and only $ 1.6 billion in Russia. N. N. Kradin formulated three possible ways of developing academic science in Russia. The first is "excellent", in which, in the light of the current geopolitical situation, there is a rejection of the Academy reform and a return to pre-reform conditions. The second is "bad", in which the humanities will be destroyed, formally dissolving into universities, where the level of teaching load completely excludes the possibility of scientific activity. The third option is "moderate", in which the institutions will remain, but in an enlarged form. The Society of Oriental Studies of Russia needs to create its own website and resume the work of the Council on Oriental Studies, whose main task should be to analyze and predict, and conduct fundamental research. Finally, the average age of scientists in academic institutions has reached a critical level.
In the report of Yu. S. Khudyakov (Novosibirsk) "Actual problems of studying the history of military affairs of ancient and medieval nomadic peoples of Southern Siberia and Central Asia", the historiography of the issue was considered. In recent years, the study of the history of military affairs of the Oirats, Buryats, Kazakhs, Khalkha-Mongols, and Kyrgyz people has deepened and good results have been achieved.
D. D. Vasiliev and E. E. Kormysheva (IB RAS) in their presentation "Problems of continuing expedition research in the context of the RAS reform" noted that it is becoming increasingly difficult to organize funding for expeditions every year. The Department of Oriental History of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences participates in four multi-year expeditions. Two archaeological expeditions are regularly conducted in Giza (Egypt) under the auspices of UNESCO and in Maroe (a joint Russian-Italian expedition led by E. E. Kormysheva). During the 2013 field season, the expedition included geophysicists from the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who scanned the surfaces with great accuracy. This expedition was threatened with failure due to lack of funding, and its leader had to post a request for help on the Internet to enthusiasts - lovers of Ancient Egypt. The results of the work were the discovery of previously unknown burial complexes of the eastern Giza necropolis, the discovery of frescoes from the middle of the 3rd millennium BC, the study of royal tombs, copying, restoration and stamping of the obtained materials.
The Epigraphic Expedition of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences continued its work in Southern Siberia (Tuva, Khakassia, Altai) under the leadership of D. D. Vasiliev. Epigraphic monuments of the Turkic runic script were investigated, and five new monuments with ancient Turkic inscriptions were discovered during the last field season alone. New finds are constantly published in the special yearbook "Epigraphy of the East". The summary results of the expedition are now being published in a three-volume edition in Kazakhstan, the first volume was published last year. According to D. D. Vasiliev, the lack of even minimal funding will ultimately lead to the occupation of the traditional branch of Russian Oriental studies, the study of Eastern epigraphy as a historical source, by foreign researchers from China and Turkey. This danger in relation to Eastern epigraphy was noted earlier in the report of A. M. Vasiliev.
In the report of D. V. Mosyakov (IB RAS) "The activity of the IB RAS Center for Southeast Asia in the context of reforms", studies aimed at studying the history, economy, politics, ecology, and culture of the Southeast and South-Eastern countries are highlighted. The main attention of the department's staff is paid to the socio-cultural factor that determines the level and quality of development of a particular country in the region. According to D. V. Mosyakov, it is extremely important to hold an annual meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
monitoring the situation in the region. For many years, the center has hosted annual conferences (since 1997), the largest in Russia in terms of the scale of issues discussed. Much attention is paid to the religious situation, domestic and foreign policy in the region, which makes it possible to prepare qualified analytical notes and references to state authorities. However, the personnel problem is acute.
The report of A. I. Aibabin and V. N. Zinkov (Crimean Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies) described the Byzantine monuments of Crimea, which are being studied by orientalists in the Crimean Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The report of R. A. Nabiev (Kazan) "Scientific and organizational resources of the NIL and the project" Culture, religion and societies "in the study of Islamic-Christian relations in the framework of the mission of Oriental societies" analyzes the results of the research project "Culture, Religions and societies" operating in the Republic of Tatarstan. The project is aimed at theoretical and methodological understanding of the development of inter-confessional and state-confessional relations in the republic and development of recommendations for managerial and pedagogical activities. The main focus of the project is to study the history and current state of state-confessional and ethno-confessional relations, spiritual culture and religious life of the Volga-Ural region. The most important feature of the project implementation is its practical application. The results of the project are presented in the issues of 22 books that made up the series "Culture, Religion, Society". Many publications of the project were carried out at the request of Islamic, Orthodox and other spiritual centers. V. I. Yurtaev (RUDN University) described the RUDN University's experience in teaching Oriental studies.
The report of N. M. Akchurina-Muftieva (KIPU, Simferopol) is devoted to the current trends of Crimean Tatar decorative art in Crimea. The Faculty of Crimean Tatar and Turkic Philology of the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University was opened in 1975 in Simferopol. The main task was to compile textbooks for Crimean Tatar schools. At the same time, the Faculty of Decorative Arts was opened, where Karaite, Crimean Tatar and Krymchak art are studied. The main direction of the faculty is the restoration of embroidery techniques of the Crimean Tatars, who were deported during the Great Patriotic War. Annual expeditions to collect materials in places of compact residence of Crimean Tatars allowed opening the Crimean Tatar Museum of Art. In Crimea, there are several ethnographic centers - in Bakhchisarai, Sudak, where visitors are introduced to the customs and traditions of the Crimean Tatars.
In her report "Studying India at the Center for Indian Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences", T. L. Shaumyan highlighted the main directions and achievements of the center, which was established in 1987. Now indology is more in demand than in the past. In a relatively short period of time, E. Y. Vanina published books, a collection of articles " Death in Maharashtra "1," History of Women in India", "On Pilgrimage", "On Public Consciousness in India", "Leo Tolstoy and India", etc. Much attention is paid to the study of religious and social aspects of Indian society. The center explores the topics of "India and the SCO", "India and BRICS", and "India and the United States". A database on indology was created, which included 120 specialists from the CIS countries. However, the center does not have specialists for Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries in the region. Close ties have been established with Tula, Tomsk, Penza and Kazan Universities. The Embassy of India in Russia provides a lot of financial assistance.
Z. M. Chaliapina (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the main research areas of the Department of Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 2010 to 2014.
A. O. Zakharov (IB RAS) reviewed the problems and prospects of the journal " Vostok. Afro-Asian Societies: history and Modernity", proposing to change the current structure of the journal, organize thematic issues and discussions on key issues of Oriental studies, publish articles and reviews in English. The speaker formulated the conditions for the implementation of the proposals - increasing the funding of the journal, solving the personnel issue and close cooperation of Russian Oriental studies institutions. During the discussion of the report of N. N. Kra-
1 See: Alaev L. B. Smert zamysla (Death in Maharashtra. Imagination, perception, and embodiment. Hands. I. P. Glushkov, Moscow: Natalis, 2012. 816 p., ill.) / / Vostok (Oriens). 2013. N 1.
dean suggested increasing the share of reviews of specific historiographical topics. He and A. I. Kobzev supported the idea of expanding peer review on the journal's pages.
Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts I. F. Popova (St. Petersburg) spoke about the history and current state of the Institute. Currently, the English version of the magazine "Written Monuments of the East" is in print and a virtual Asian museum is being created. The Institute is actively preparing for the 200th anniversary of the Asian Museum and the Russian Academic Oriental Studies.
A. K. Aliquerov (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences), speaking about Orientalist approaches to certain aspects of the methodology of historical science, called for a multidimensional and multi-factor analysis of historical events and processes.
I. Kh. Minyazhetdinov (IB RAS) made a report "Postgraduate studies of scientific organizations in the context of the Bologna process". The Bologna Process is the convergence of European education systems. Russia joined it in 2003. The Academy of Sciences supports the Bologna process. Higher education consists of three levels: bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies. Postgraduate studies do not involve defending a dissertation. There is a debate about whether Russia should switch to a single-level system of qualification of researchers-the degree of "doctor of philosophy "(PhD) or keep the traditional two - level system-the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences. Postgraduate studies, becoming the third stage of higher education, involves training in accordance with educational standards.
Graduate school transformations face a number of challenges. Scientific organizations should create educational divisions and recruit a staff of teachers in foreign languages, philosophy, and general disciplines. Since there are few graduate students, the maintenance of teachers is unprofitable. The Research Institute has no opportunities to conduct practical training for teaching staff. The existing sanitary standards for educational institutions cannot be met by most research institutes, because their buildings were designed for completely different functions.
Now the research institute will not necessarily have a canteen and a medical office, and there is no need to allocate rates for the teaching staff. Researchers were granted the right to conduct educational programs. Problems of teaching foreign languages and philosophy can be solved through network contracts with relevant organizations.
In graduate school, the amount of time spent on educational programs has increased, but the time frame for preparing a dissertation has remained the same. This leads to a decrease in the level of dissertations. The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has organized a scientific and educational project "History of Oriental Studies", which includes a course of lectures, a school-conference for graduate students and the preparation of a collection of articles.
A.V. Sarabyev (IV RAS) expressed his opinion on the need for scientific schools themselves to train specialists to replace them and spoke about the publishing activities of the IV RAS and its cooperation with the State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University. He said that not only the books of the Institute's staff are published, but also the works of other authors.
I. G. Galyautdinov (Corresponding member) AN of the Republic of Bashkortostan) spoke about the Ufa edition of "Problems of Oriental Studies". The journal has been published since 1995, and its editorial Board includes well-known orientalists of the Russian Federation. The journal is published quarterly and has been registered with the Federal Service since 2011 and the International database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory of the American publisher Bowker. At the last three congresses, a resolution was adopted to give the journal a Vakov status. A proposal is made to re-register this proposal at the IX Congress (supported by the participants).
L. N. Latypov spoke about the work of the Kazan School of Oriental Studies. Registers of orientalists in Russia and the CIS are compiled. At Kazan Federal University, the Institute of International Relations and Oriental Studies was transformed into the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies. For three years, the number of articles by KFU employees indexed in the Scopus database has grown many times over: 2012 - 5, 2013 - 41, 2014 - 89. The Institute's work is funded by grants. 3 million rubles were received from the RGNF, 6 million rubles for state orders, and 9 million rubles from the Vozrozhdenie Foundation. Under the" Islamic Project", KFU received 59 million rubles.
Kazan School offers virtual programs, including a Virtual Ethnographic Museum, a Virtual Archaeological Museum (under development), and the Archaeological Heritage of Eurasia (extremely relevant). KFU organizes scientific and educational centers - the main path of science development in the XXI century. KFU trains international orientalists.
Discussing the preparations for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V. V. Naumkin formulated two main options: a state event and a scientific conference.
At the final meeting on September 24, at the suggestion of V. V. Naumkin and the Director of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the UNC RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor F. G. Khisamitdinova was elected President of the Society of Russian Orientalists for 2014-2016.
The successful holding of the congress was ensured by the well-coordinated work of the members of the organizing committee, in particular O. M. Kournikova, D. M. Timokhin, T. A. Anikeeva.
The next X Congress of Russian Orientalists will be held in 2016.
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