Libmonster ID: UZ-1518
Author(s) of the publication: R. T. SHAMSUTDINOV

M. Mysl'. 1984, 463 p.

Monograph of the head of the Sector of History of the October Revolution and Civil War of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kh. Sh. Inoyatova is devoted to an important and relevant topic-protecting the revolutionary gains of the masses of Central Asia from the encroachments of foreign interventionists and internal counterrevolution. In recent years, attention to this problem has increased, as evidenced by the appearance of a number of generalizing works that consider it comprehensively and cover the entire period of the struggle against anti-Soviet forces. 1

H. Sh. Inoyatov has long been engaged in the history of the establishment of Soviet power in Russia-

1 See: Polyakov Yu. A., Chugunov A. I. The end of basmachestvo, Moscow, 1976; Zevelev A. I., Polyakov Yu. A., Chugunov A. I. Basmachestvo: vozrozhdenie, sushchnost', krah. Moscow, 1981; Khudaiberdyev O. Fighting friendship born in October, Moscow, 1984; Basmachestvo, socio-political essence, Tashkent, 1984.

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Central Asia, its defense against the enemies of the revolution during the civil war, and criticism of bourgeois falsifiers of the history of the Central Asian peoples .2 His new research is multi-faceted. It gives a broad picture of the civil war unfolding in the region, shows the organizing and mobilizing role of the Communist Party in rallying the working masses to defend the gains of the revolution, traces the characteristic features of military operations on various fronts, their originality and peculiarities.

Having considered the achievements of historical science on this issue, summarizing the already accumulated factual material, the author cites many new facts, materials extracted from the central, republican, regional party and state archives, periodicals of that time, especially in the languages of the peoples of Central Asia.

Covering the history of the formation of the Aktyubinsk, Transcaspian!, Ferghana, and North Semirechensk fronts, the defeat of the Basmachian forces in the Amu Darya division, and secret anti-Soviet hotbeds of counterrevolution in the initial period of the civil war, the author reveals more fully than in previously published books the role of foreign imperialism, especially English imperialism, in fomenting civil war, Basmachism, and anti-Soviet demonstrations against the Soviet Army. authorities in Central Asia.

The struggle of the masses of the people in defense of the gains of the socialist revolution in Turkestan, the popular revolutions in Khiva and Bukhara is presented by the author in close connection with party, Soviet, and military construction, the implementation of Lenin's national policy, the implementation of the tasks of the "war communism" policy, the new economic policy, and the training of national cadres. One of the strengths of the book is the identification of the relationship that existed between the anti-Soviet forces of Central Asia and the all-Russian counter-revolution, showing that all the fronts of the civil war in the region were links in a single counter-revolutionary chain created by international imperialism in alliance with internal counter-revolution. The author considers the struggle of the working masses of Central Asia in close connection with the general struggle against the external and internal enemies of the Soviet government in the whole country.

In the book, much space is devoted to materials that reveal the great importance of assistance to the Turkestan, Khorezm and Bukhara republics from the Soviet government, V. I. Lenin, Russian and other peoples. The Communist Party, the Soviet Government, Lenin, the authorized bodies of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR-the Turkcomission, the Turkburo of the Central Committee of the RCP( b), and then the Central Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) - made great efforts to strengthen the political and economic situation of the Turkestan, Khorezm, and Bukhara republics, and provided the peoples of Central Asia with economic assistance in the elimination of internal and external counterrevolution. The author analyzes the activities of the Turkcomission in organizing victory on the fronts of the civil war, especially its military activities for the defense of Turkestan.

The work of the Communist Party of Turkestan (KPT) in carrying out Lenin's national policy is characterized in the book in such areas as organizational and ideological strengthening of the KPT, strengthening of Soviet statehood, creation and consolidation of the military-political alliance of the working class and peasantry, the struggle for the elimination of Basmachism in the Ferghana Valley in 1921-1923, the consequences of economic devastation, the transition to nep and the significance of this turn in the policy of the Soviet state.

H. Sh. Inoyatov reveals the place and role of the Basmachists in the general system of counter-revolution, emphasizes that the exploiting classes were the main base of the Basmachists, created gangs, supplied them with weapons, food, clothing, money, and fodder, considering their struggle against the power of the Soviets "national liberation". Basmachism was supported by the Muslim clergy, the Russian kulaks, and the White Guards. Imperialist circles, especially the British Empire-

2 Inoyatov H. Sh. October Revolution in Uzbekistan. Moscow, 1958; his own. Answer to the falsifiers of the history of Soviet Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Tashkent, 1962; his own. Lenin's National Policy in Action (A response to the ideologists of anti-communism who distort the historical experience of building socialism in the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan). Tashkent, 1973; it is the same. Brief historiography of the Civil War in Central Asia. Tashkent, 1974; his own. Against the falsification of the victory of Soviet power in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Tashkent, 1976; same name. Victory of Soviet Power in Turkestan, Moscow, 1978.

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The development of Basmachism was promoted by counter-revolutionary organizations such as " Shuro-i-Islam "and"Ulema". The same role was played by the right SRS, Mensheviks, and Dashnaks.

The author shows the peculiarities of the fight against Basmachism in the Ferghana Valley, the contribution of police detachments, CHON, and party squads to its defeat. Much attention is paid in the book to the participation of the working masses of indigenous nationalities in the struggle for Soviet power, which is one of the advantages of the book. It also covers Soviet construction, the improvement of which contributed to the successful conduct of the fight against Basmachism. Inoyatov traces the process of strengthening the Soviet system, the formation and development of national statehood within the framework of the TASSR, BNSR and KHNSR, the first steps of revolutionary-democratic and socialist transformations in these republics, the forms and methods of involving the indigenous population in the Soviets. The book also contains data on revolutionary committees. It ends with coverage of the history of the national-state division of Central Asia, the formation of national republics and regions, and the elimination of Basmach gangs.

The various factual materials and generalized data presented by the author refute the writings of bourgeois falsifiers who seek to distort the history of the heroic defense of the Great October conquests by the peoples of Central Asia.

It is a pity that the author did not try to deepen the coverage of some issues of the history of Central Asia in the first years of Soviet power, on which historians have not yet developed a single point of view. Thus, there is no consensus on the issue of periodization of the history of the civil war in Turkestan. Inoyatov is one of those researchers who believe that the civil war and foreign intervention here began in the summer of 1918 and ended at the end of 1920, and that in 1921-1923 the remnants of Basmachestvo were eliminated, that in these years in the struggle against the remnants of Basmachestvo, political and economic issues are brought to the fore events 3 . This statement, which he made earlier, is repeated in the book under review (p. 17). Disagreement with this point of view was expressed in the press 4 . Therefore, the author had an opportunity to fully justify his position and bring new arguments. Three stages in the development of the revolutionary committees of Turkestan could be described in more detail if the author took into account some of the works of his predecessors dealing with these issues .5 It should be borne in mind that in the Khorezm and Bukhara republics, the system of revolutionary committees was used more widely and several times, and their organization had its own characteristics. Meanwhile, there is no new information about these revolutionary committees in the book, especially about their role in the fight against Basmachism, the specifics of their organization and activities.

Speaking about the liquidation of the Semirechensk front, the author writes that in August - September 1919, the enemy "managed to capture Jalal-Abad and Osh, besiege Andijan, and overthrow Soviet power in all the southern regions of the Semirechensk region" (p. 186). It is known, however, that the events that took place in Jalal - Abad, Osh, and Andijan were part of the Ferghana front, not the Semirechensk front.

It is difficult to agree with the author's statement that "in the second half of 1920, uyezd committees (parties) were established in Kizil-Kiya, Sulukta, Jalal-Abad, Bazar-Kurgan, five uyezd committees in Przhevalsky uyezd, two in Osh, and volost committees in Belovodsk, Tokmak, and Karasui uyezds and other volosts" (pp. 245-246). First, Kizil-Kiya, Sulukta, Jalal-Abad, and Bazar-Kurgan were never counties or county centers, and no county party committees were established there .6 Second, the party's volost committees in Kizil-Kiye and Sulukta were established as early as July 1918, the Karasui district committee in October 1919, and the Jalal - Abad district committee in February 1920.7 In the middle of 1920 Kizil was transformed into district committees-

3 history of the civil war in Uzbekistan. T. P. Tashkent. 1970, p. 21.

4 See Zevelev A. I., Polyakov Yu. A., Chugunov A. I. Uk. soch., pp. 207-208.

5 Shamsutdinov R. T. Revolyutsionnye komitety Sovetskogo Turkestan (1918-1923 gg.) [Revolutionary Committees of Soviet Turkestan (1918 - 1923)]. Kand. diss. M., 1970. pp. 4-10); Bugay N. F. Organy zashchity pobedaniy Oktyabrya. Problemy izucheniya [Problems of studying], Moscow, 1982, p. 132.

6 Uyezd-city party organizations of Kyrgyzstan (1918-1924). Collected papers. and m-lov. Frunze. 1968, pp. 3-16.

7 Party Archive of the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, f. 60, ol. 1, 631, l. 23.

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Kiya and Sulukta Party Committees 8 . Third, there were no five party committees in Przewalski uyezd alone, and no two in Osh Uyezd. It is another matter that in 1919-1920 the uyezd - city committees of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had county musburos and national sections.

The author writes: "In 1922-1923, according to the will of the workers, the mountainous regions with the overwhelming Kyrgyz population were separated into autonomous regions within the TASSR" (p. 387). The question of creating an autonomous region was indeed raised, but it was not positively resolved, the author claims that "the Turkmen districts of the KHNSR formed an independent region and merged with the Turkmens of the TASSR" (ibid.). In fact, in 1921 the Transcaspian region of the TASSR was transformed into a Turkmen region, in September 1923 the Turkmen districts of the BNSR were separated into an independent region, and in May 1924 an autonomous Turkmen region was organized as part of the KHSSR, thus three Turkmen regions were formed as part of the three Central Asian republics .9 Consequently, the Turkmen regions of the KHSSR and the TASSR were not united into one autonomous region at that time.

There are some inaccuracies, incorrect spelling of names, errors in dates, names, etc. Thus, P. A. Kobozev did not arrive in Tashkent at the beginning of 1918 (p. 104), but at the beginning of 1919, the operation against the gangs in the Pamir-Alai was not carried out in May 1919 (p. 242), and in May-June 1920, not the XII All-Russian Congress of Soviets (p. 296), but the XII All-Turkestan Congress of Soviets, not the XI Congress of the Communist Party (p.305), but the VI Congress of the Communist Party. SredazEKOSO was created not in March 1922 (p. 384), but in March 1923. Fazylbek Kasymbayev (more precisely, Kasymbekov) was not among the teachers of Kyrgyz schools in Osh (p. 313), he was approved as a teacher of Uzbek schools in Osh, but was shot in February 1919 by the Khol-Khoja gang.

Not Kushayev (p. 40), but Kuliyev, not Sadulla (p. 44, 283), but Sappho, not the Village of Dordok (p. 73), but Dardak, not Emir Akimkhan (p. 345), but Alimkhan, not Oldashev (p. 114), but Yuldashev, not Abdukarim (p. 289) and Abdulaziz, not Shakurov (p. 283), but Shakirov, not Aminov (p. 289), but Alimov, not Mavlyanniyaz (p. 377), but Palvanniyaz, not Safarov (p. 385) , but Safaev, not May 24, 1919, but May 24, 1920. Y. Ibragimov addressed the working population of the Ferghana Valley (p. 219). There are other inaccuracies and editorial errors. So, sometimes references are made to archival sources, although they are introduced by other authors or published in collections of documents (p. 36, 111, 113, 115, 346, 354, 364 etc.).

In general, the study of H. Sh. Inoyatova gives a broad picture of the heroic struggle of the peoples of Central Asia against counter-revolutionary forces in the first years of Soviet power.

8 See Growth and regulation of the composition of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan (1918-1962). and m-lov. Frunze. 1963, pp. 9-15.

9 See, for example, Tureunov H. National policy of the Communist Party in Turkestan (1917-1924). Tashkent, 1971, pp. 231-232.

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