Libmonster ID: UZ-1328

The IV annual Conference on Kurdish Studies "Lazarev Readings" was held on May 27, 2013. It was attended not only by employees of the Center for the Study of the Near and Middle East, but also by specialists from other scientific and educational centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as foreign scientists. Applications for participation in the conference were submitted by Kurdish scholars from the University of Mardin, Turkey, with which the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences signed a cooperation agreement, Mashhad University (Iran) and the oldest Jagiellonian University in the Polish city of Krakow.

The conference was opened by V. Ya. Belokrenitsky, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Director of the Institute of Islamic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Head of the CIS BSV, who supported the continuation of the tradition of holding conferences on Kurdish studies dedicated to the memory of the famous historian and Kurdish scholar M. S. Lazarev. His work in the archives allowed him to open up as a historian and introduce a lot of interesting and previously unknown factual material to a wide range of the scientific community. In the last works of this scholar, published after his death, and especially in his unfinished monograph, consisting of three essays ("Nationalism in the Middle East", "The Kurdish region" and "Categories of Kurdish History"), you can find many subtle and interesting thoughts that have not lost their relevance and significance today in the theoretical aspect. The reports address such important issues as nationalism (nationalism of the liberation movement, nationalism in history, nationalism in the modern geographical space). His works combine meticulous elaboration of details with theoretical developments. M. S.'s extensive knowledge and experience allowed him to Lazarev will act as a responsible editor of a number of significant works not only on Kurdish studies, but also on general problems of Oriental studies. His contribution to science cannot be overestimated, it is very significant. V. Ya. Belokrenitsky called on scientists to continue his work with their works.

M. A. Sapronova (MGIMO University)The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) made a report "The issue of ensuring the national identity of the Kurdish population in the context of Russian legislation on national and cultural autonomy". The Russian Federation is a multinational State with 170 nations and nationalities. Therefore, the expert believes that the issue of national and state policy remains relevant for our country. The Basic Law of the Russian Federation states that the source of sovereignty and the bearer of power of the Russian Federation is precisely its multinational people. The Constitution guarantees equal rights and freedoms to all citizens of the country, regardless of nationality, gender, etc. An important issue is the situation of various ethnic and religious minorities of the Russian Federation in connection with the impact of international political processes, including those currently taking place in the Arab East, on this problem.

The Kurdish issue occupies one of the main places in the forefront of the Middle East region and plays a significant role not only in the system of regional, but also international security. The Kurdish problem is multidimensional in its essence. It has brought together contradictions at the interethnic, local, regional and international levels, which creates huge obstacles to attempts to resolve it. For Russia, Kurdistan region remains an extremely important region in economic and political terms, as a significant part of the region is located in the Kurdistan Region.

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Part of Russia's southern borders is close to Kurdistan. Therefore, the Russian leadership cannot remain indifferent to the Kurdish issue. The current situation in Kurdistan is very different from the past: the formation of the Kurdistan region of Iraq on the territory of a new federal Iraq after the adoption of its constitution in 2005; the escalation of violence that continues in modern Syria; political tensions in Turkey, etc.

According to M. A. Sapronova, the history of Russian-Kurdish relations dates back to ancient times and has various aspects. Many historians believe that the appearance of Kurds on the territory of the Russian Empire can be attributed to the beginning of the XIX century. But the Kurds of Transcaucasia lived there already from the XIII-XIV centuries and even earlier. The main reason for the emergence of the Kurdish community in the Russian Empire can be considered primarily military-political and ethno-confessional factors. In the 19th century, the Kurds voluntarily became subjects of the Russian Empire, which is confirmed by a number of facts, for example, the annexation of lands to Russia under various agreements. The policy of the tsarist government was aimed only at managing the territories that became part of the Russian Empire, and only from the middle of the XX century did the vector of Russian policy begin to change towards the recognition of national minorities. The main task that the government faced in connection with the annexation of territories with non-Russian populations to the Russian Empire was to ensure its administration there. However, the specific methods and forms of this course involved taking into account historical traditions. Its change was proposed by Senator Ye. I. Mechnikov, who in 1830 conducted an audit in this region. He noted that management methods should be "absolutely Russian", and a sharp transition from one form to another is very dangerous. It is necessary to adapt local customs to Russian legislation.

Further, M. A. Sapronova analyzed in detail the main stages of legal support of Russian national minorities, starting from the 1920s, especially highlighting the role of the Kurdish autonomy established in 1923 on the territory of Azerbaijan, known in the literature as"Red Kurdistan". It united four areas of compact residence of Kurds. Kurdish self-government was carried out there, a local newspaper was published in the Kurdish language, a national theater worked, 65 schools functioned, etc. During these years, the translation of the Kurdish alphabet into Cyrillic alphabet was undertaken, Kurdish literature was developed, and the Yerevan Pedagogical Technical School for Kurds was opened. However, after J. V. Stalin's speech at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b), according to the speaker, reforms in the national and cultural sphere began, which led to the restriction of the process of autonomization.

In 1930, the Kurdish autonomy also ceased to exist. Kurds were subjected to repression in the following years, and were denied the right to return to their homes. During the Soviet period, the Soviet Kurds enjoyed the rights of all peoples whose national and cultural development was under the control of the federal center. However, the Kurdish public raised the issue of national and cultural autonomy. In 1990, a commission was set up to work out a mechanism for restoring national and cultural autonomy by constitutional means. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union postponed the resolution of this issue. It became possible to return to it only two years later, when the legislative bodies of the new Russia were created. As a result, the law on national and cultural autonomy was developed and adopted, which formed the legal basis for the creation of Kurdish national and cultural autonomy in Russia. According to M. A. Sapronova, its importance cannot be overestimated, since the legal field provides great opportunities for the realization of national identity. Today, Russia has established and successfully operates national and cultural autonomy at the local and federal levels.

I. Bohenska (Poland) in her report "On some sources of ethical values in Kurdish culture" analyzed the basics of the emergence and development of Kurdish ethics. As a specialist in Kurdish literature in the Kurmanji dialect, she received a grant to study Kurdish issues and leads a group of young scientists who want to deal with this problem. The topic of ethnic values is very interesting and relevant today, but it is still poorly studied in Polish and foreign historiography. Based on the works of the German philosopher M. Scheler, I. Bochenska believes that ethical values are significant not only because of their normative nature, but also because of their importance in everyday life.

There are a number of aspects related to the perception of ethical values by Kurds: This is primarily the religious diversity of Kurdistan, its geographical features (mountainous). The expert noted the loss of many religious traditions due to the fact that Kurds of different faiths were forced to leave their ethnic homeland. However in the Kurdish so-

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The society has preserved important features that influence modern Kurdish culture. On the one hand, the mountainous terrain contributed to the separation of Kurds and the emergence of various ethical norms related to religious specifics, and on the other hand, Kurds communicated with each other, and this communication was different, but it showed the ability of Kurds to borrow (signs, symbols, norms, etc.). This can be seen by reading, for example, Kurdish fairy tales.

An important place in the system of ethical values of Kurds is occupied by the concept of love, which is emphasized by other Sufi traditions characteristic of this area. This is especially noticeable when analyzing their sacred texts, especially Yazidi ones. In them, the principle of love is noted as the main one in God's construction of the world. But there are other interpretations of this concept, for example, love as a mystery that cannot be understood and explained. And deep faith is needed to explain the mystery of love, notes I. Bohenska. The same can be seen in the works of the famous Kurdish poet of the XVII century A. Hani, Kurdish fairy tales, which were an important factor in the moral education of Kurds, as well as in modern Kurdish culture. I. Bohenska presented photos taken two years ago during her stay in Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as a presentation illustrating the concept of love in fragments of L. Hani's works translated by M. Rudenko.

Famous Kurdish scholar Z. A. Yusupova (St. Petersburg) spoke about the history of creating Kurdish dictionaries in her report "Towards the history of studying Kurdish lexicography: creating and publishing dictionaries". Kurdish lexicography, as well as the grammar of the Kurdish language in general, has gone through a long and complex path of development, which is due to the variety of dialect forms of the language and, as a result, the lack of its unified literary form. Today, the Kurdish language exists in two dialect groups - northern and southern, based respectively on its two literary forms - Kurmanji (northern Kurmanji) and Sorani (southern Kurmanji). Therefore, when describing the existing dictionaries available to the speaker, they were divided into two groups: North-Kurdish and South-Kurdish.

Since the medieval period, according to Z. A. Yusupova, lexicography has achieved significant results: dozens of different dictionaries and phrasebooks have been created, reflecting different layers of the Kurdish language vocabulary. More developed were the Northern Kurdish dictionaries, which have a long tradition of compilation and are represented mainly by translated dictionaries (in Arabic and Latin graphics). South-Kurdish dictionaries, which include not only translated, but also explanatory, dialect and terminological dictionaries, with rare exceptions, are limited to fixing and translating (interpreting) words without developing dictionary entries and any grammatical litters. Although they have a wide range of multi-dialect vocabulary, they are not always systematized. They do not have a clear development of dictionary entries, uniform spelling in writing complex words and phrases, etc. At the same time, these dictionaries contain the richest lexical fund of the Kurdish language, which has yet to be explored.

V. V. Makarenko (Moscow) presented a very difficult report for an untrained listener: "The Kurdish component in the ethnic dominant of the Akkoyunlu and Karakoyunlu States". He considers the territory of these states as an area of compact residence of Kurds, who played an important role in the formation of the dominant ethnic group in these Turkmen states. The speaker tried to argue his conclusions with very controversial ethno-linguistic provisions, which caused many questions among the audience.

B. D. Khalatyap (St. Petersburg) devoted a report to the rule of the Kurdish emirs of the Marvanid dynasty, in which she described the coming of this dynasty to power in Kurdistan with the center of Diarbakir at the end of the X century. She elaborated on the rise of the authoritative Kurdish emir, known as Bad-e al-Kurdi, who became the first ruler from the Marwanid dynasty. He managed to significantly expand his holdings. The expert analyzed his attempts to capture Mosul through negotiations with the Khandemids, although he had well-armed formations at his disposal, mainly from the Banjnam tribe. As a result, he managed to capture this city, but he paid with his own life. After al-Kurdi's death, his eldest nephew Abu Ali Hasan Marwan became his successor, who later gathered an army and avenged the death of his uncle. He managed to carry out several military campaigns in Syria and other areas of the region and win them back from the Byzantines. In the end, he was the victim of a conspiracy led by the son of his vizier. He was succeeded by his brother Abu Ali al-Said, who owned a large part of Diarbakir, with the exception of the fiefdom of his brother's murderer, who did not submit to him. However, within the ruling elite, there were feuds and enmity that led to his death.

Then Abu Nasr Ahmad Marwan, better known as Nasr-e Dawle, became the ruler of Diarbakir. Under his rule, the Marvanid dynasty achieved prosperity and power.

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The emir controlled the routes to Syria, Eastern Anatolia, and Iraq, and was skilled in diplomacy, recognizing the Abbasid caliph and establishing favorable relations with the Fatimids and the Byzantine emperor. In general, under his rule, the Emirate of Diarbakir achieved commercial and cultural prosperity. Only once did his possessions come under attack from the Seljukid rulers, to whom the Sultan granted these lands. However, Abu Nasr Dawleh defeated the enemy camp during the night. His reign was successful, but none of his successors achieved his inherent success in the economic and cultural development of the Emirate of Diarbakir. B. D. Khalatyan considered various versions of the problem of succession to the power of Abu Nasr Dawla in the literature and showed an outstanding knowledge of the sources and literature available on this problem.

A series of speeches on the current state of the Kurdish issue, regional relations, and the situation of certain areas of the Kurds ' countries of residence in West Asia was opened by G. I. Starchenkov (Institute of Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Kurds in the Middle East turmoil", in which he presented a picture of acute political tension in the region. The rapidly changing geopolitical situation has, in his opinion, a great impact on the state of the Kurdish issue in Turkey, Syria, Iran, as well as Iraqi Kurdistan, which is a subject of Iraq. It was noted that the solution of the Kurdish issue is on the agenda of world powers. Russia's attention to this problem, which has political weight in the Middle East, was emphasized. In this difficult situation, the expert believes that regional powers will hinder the development of trends in ethnic Kurdistan that can lead to the creation of a Kurdish independent state. They will use the Kurdish factor to further their own interests. US attention to the Kurdish issue has recently waned, although for Washington, ethnic Kurdistan is of great strategic importance.

The international aspect of the Kurdish issue was covered in the reports of A. G. Areshev "The Kurdish factor and its impact on the Caucasus region "and S. M. Ivanov (both from the Institute of Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)"Russia's Position on the Kurdish problem". A. G. Areshev noted that in the conditions of weakening traditional state institutions, increasing national consciousness, strengthening religious identity and attention from external forces that encourage a variety of information and other cross-border flows, the current situation in West Asia can lead to unpredictable consequences. So, in particular, Washington predicts the formation of new borders of the Middle East by 2030 through the creation of an independent Kurdistan. The Kurdish factor can have both direct and indirect effects on the Caucasus region. With the beginning of the relocation of Turkish Kurdish armed groups (PKK) to the Qandil Mountains, the risk of possible destabilization of the situation in some parts of ethnic Kurdistan remains. At the same time, regional powers with Kurdish areas are entering into complex relations with each other. Turkey is strengthening its political and economic ties with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. R. T. Erdogan's initiative may be aimed at creating a certain "turkosphere" with the participation of the Kurds of Turkey, Iraq and Iran, which will oppose the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus axis. The implementation of such a plan can lead to a radical redistribution of borders in the entire Middle East, shake up the situation in Iranian Kurdistan and a number of other areas, which will lead to destabilization of the situation, including in the South Caucasus.

Historically, Kurdistan has a long tradition of relations with the Caucasus, and therefore it is not surprising that some authors try to embed the Kurdish story in the Azerbaijani and Armenian context. In Azerbaijan, Kurdish issues are used by the opposition, which points to the Kurdish origin of a particular government official and tends to give the reasons for socio-economic discontent a tinge of ethnic rivalry. However, Kurds do not live compactly anywhere in Azerbaijan, with the exception of a few villages and a number of other regions (for example, in Nagorno-Karabakh and Baku). Kurds are widely represented in the governing bodies of Azerbaijan.

A new trend is that a possible split in the PKK due to the withdrawal of its formations from Turkey may lead to the deployment of some of its detachments in the South Caucasus, and in particular in the areas adjacent to Nagorno-Karabakh. Although today this story seems secondary to other factors affecting the situation in the South Caucasus, the Kurdish factor must be taken into account on the eve of the upcoming elections in Azerbaijan, which will have a complex and controversial nature. It can have an impact on interstate relations, including with Russia.

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A. G. Areshev avenged the existence of the Kurdish autonomy in the 1920s between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, known as "Red Kurdistan". This area is of great geostrategic importance, and now it is part of the" security belt " created by Armenian armed groups along the perimeter of the borders of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. These territories are part of the process of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which is being conducted under the auspices of the Minsk Group. In the opinion of the Armenian side, they cannot be subject to bargaining, since the security of the entire Armenian people largely depends on this. Azerbaijan is a unitary state, and according to the Azerbaijani scenario, it is unrealistic to talk about the restoration of any form of Kurdish autonomy, since this requires changes in the constitution, which no one in Azerbaijan will agree to now. The creation of a form of Kurdish autonomy in Turkish Kurdistan is fraught with not only new opportunities, but also dangers for Armenia and the South Caucasus states as a whole. A. G. Areshev also noted that there is a discussion about Kurdish-Armenian relations in the public circles of the interested states. The opening of the Turkish-Armenian border will lead to complex and contradictory relations. The expert stressed that Russia is aware of the growing role of Kurdistan for its regional policy, including in the Caucasus region and for Western Asia as a whole, which contributes to the political actualization of Kurdish studies.

Sergei Ivanov believes that at this stage Russia is trying to restore its positions in Iraq and its Kurdistan region and take a more active position on the Kurdish problem. According to Russian scientists, the Kurdish problem is playing an increasingly important role in the process of international and regional security. It is becoming clear that in terms of its international importance, complexity and complexity, it is not inferior to the Palestinian one and others. If a new armed conflict is unleashed in the region using the Kurdish factor, a new round of violence and bloodshed is not excluded, and its results can be disastrous. Everything depends on the ability of the leadership of the countries of residence of Kurds to resolve the Kurdish issue within their countries, taking into account the national characteristics of the multi-million Kurdish ethnic group on a fair basis. Russia is trying to pursue a balanced and balanced policy towards the Kurdish issue in close cooperation with the official authorities of the states concerned and the international community, while at the same time not allowing itself to be drawn into any anti-Kurdish actions. At the same time, the Russian leadership also takes into account the existing rather high level of political, trade, economic and other relations with our traditional regional partners-Iran, Turkey and Syria, the continuing prospects for the full restoration of Russian - Iraqi relations, as well as the steadily developing cooperation with Arab countries and Israel.

Analysis of the current balance of internal and external forces and interests in Iraq and the Kurdistan region allows the Russian Federation to build long-term mutually beneficial relations with all countries in the region. Within the framework of international law and local legislation, Russia's ties and contacts with existing legal Kurdish organizations and the authorities of the Kurdish Autonomous Region (KAR) are being intensified, the allocation of scholarships for training Kurdish youth in Russian universities is being considered, and trade, economic, cultural and other ties between KAR and Russian state and local authorities are being expanded in close contact with the Iraqi central authorities. private organizations. The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has signed cooperation agreements with the Universities of Erbil and Dohuk. Political ties are growing: in 2007, the Consulate General of the Russian Federation was opened in Erbil and successfully operates. Economic cooperation is carried out by Gazpromneft and other companies.

L. M. Ravandi-Fadai (Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences) reviewed gender issues in Iranian Kurdistan. She noted that the situation of Kurdish women remains quite complex and difficult, which is due to the difficult socio-economic situation in Iranian Kurdistan and in the country and Muslim customs. Violation of the Code of Honor (performing the duties of a mother, sister, observing the honor of the family) often leads to severe punishments for women and even the death penalty, which finds a legal basis in the Criminal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Suicide attempts in Western Azerbaijan were linked to this. The expert spoke about the functioning of the international organization of the Kurdish Organization for Human Rights (Kurdish Human Rights) in Iran, which contributes to improving the social conditions of Kurdish women, in particular, promotes the dissemination of information in magazines about the situation of Kurdish women.

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In the report "The role and place of the Kurdistan Workers 'Party in the political culture of Turkey", which aroused the interest of those present, K. V. Vertyaev (IB RAS) noted positive trends in the policy of the Turkish leadership, which can lead to a change in the situation of Turkish Kurds. This was facilitated by negotiations between the authorities and the leader of the PKK A. Ocalan. It was emphasized that by now all the conditions have matured to translate the struggle of the Kurdish people for their rights into a political channel. During the armed confrontation of the PKK in the Turkish army, a total of 40 thousand people were killed. In addition, in Turkey, Kurds were killed as a result of so-called unsolved cases. And the Turks themselves admit that the number of victims as a result of the conflict is 62,800 people. Agreements were reached on the withdrawal of PKK fighters to the Qandil Mountains in the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan. But the truce was ambiguously perceived by both sides. The Kurdish elite, in particular, took it with bewilderment.

The process of resolving the Kurdish issue in Turkey, according to the speaker, is connected with many factors, including the state of relations between the Kurdish elites and the Turkish leadership, on the one hand, and various groups within the PKK, on the other. According to Vertyaev, Ocalan's rapprochement with the Turkish leadership is determined by the principle of "a common homeland for Kurds and Turks" based on religious unity, i.e. Sunni Islam. In the current conditions, Ocalan and his supporters see the goal in the political struggle for some form of national and cultural autonomy of the Kurdish southeast of the country within Turkey. For obvious reasons, Kurdish nationalism is very painfully perceived among the non-Kurdish population of Turkey - both among the elites and among ordinary Turks.

The speaker elaborated on the analysis of the formation of political views of A. Ocalan. At the same time, it was emphasized that Turkey does not yet have a clear idea of what Kurdish autonomy should be. Among the reasons are the Turkish government's fears of secession of Turkish Kurdistan under the influence of the processes of autonomy taking place in Syrian Kurdistan, and the phenomenon of the existence of a semi-independent Kurdistan region in Iraq. At the same time, the prospects of uniting the Kurdish areas of Turkey, Iraq and Syria under the guarantees of the Turkish authorities are considered by them as one of the acceptable scenarios for resolving the Kurdish issue, the expert believes.

O. I. Zhigalina's speech "Some features of the political process in Iraqi Kurdistan" concluded the conference. It was noted that today a new style of relations is being formed within the Iraqi state, which leads to the creation of a new cultural identity. The study of these problems is undertaken on the basis of theoretical developments undertaken by Russian ethnologists and historians.

Analyzing the features of the political process in Iraqi Kurdistan in various aspects, O. I. Zhigalina noted the possibility of increasing political tension in this Kurdish area in connection with the upcoming presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections scheduled for September 2013. Debates are already underway between the ruling coalition (KDP and PUK) and the opposition on various domestic political issues and important international issues. The differences between Erbil and Baghdad relate to the issue of signing oil contracts based on the interest of Iraqi Kurds in economic independence from Baghdad. They do not refuse to build their relations with Baghdad on a unifying basis and on the loyalty of citizens to the Iraqi federal state.

The expert noted that the development of political processes in Iraqi Kurdistan is connected with the situation in the neighboring Kurdish areas of Turkey and Syria. M. Barzani, President of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, maintains close contacts with organizations of Turkish and Syrian Kurds. In the complex and explosive situation that is developing in this part of West Asia, the Kurds of ethnic Kurdistan seem to express their common opinion in order not to be drawn into a regional conflict. They are of the opinion that a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue is possible, in particular in Syria, and they positively perceive the initiative of the government of R. T. Erdogan to resolve the Kurdish issue in Turkey by peaceful means. At the same time, this process was ambiguously perceived both by a part of the Turkish Kurdish political elite and by some political circles in Turkey and Iran, who see the possible formation of Kurdish autonomy in Turkish Kurdistan as a threat to the national security of Iran and a number of other countries.

In her closing remarks, O. I. Zhigalina thanked the conference participants for their interesting and informative reports, which are expected to be published in the third issue of the collection "Lazarev Readings". Problems of Kurdish Studies: History and Modernity".

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