Kyiv. Наукова думка. 1983. 280 p.
Defining the tasks of social scientists in modern conditions, K. U. Chernenko in his report at the June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU emphasized:: "The main direction of development of social sciences should be the problem of mature socialism. We are talking about starting from the truths we have already learned, moving forward, expanding our theoretical horizon, and deepening our understanding of the most important laws of the country's economic, socio-political, and spiritual progress. " 1 In this regard, a large
1st Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, June 14-15, 1983. Stenogr. otch. M. 1983, p. 11.
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A peer-reviewed monograph prepared by the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR2 is of interest .
The book gives a vivid picture of the life of Soviet Ukraine in the conditions of developed socialism, but the significance of this research goes beyond regional topics. The most important, pivotal problems - the development of the CPSU concept of developed socialism, the strengthening of the leading role of the party in Soviet society, the improvement of the Soviet way of life, the growth of material and spiritual well - being, the development of national relations in modern conditions, etc. - are considered on the basis of rich all-Union material with the use of many facts from the life of other union republics. This allowed the authors not only to clearly show the features of developed socialism, its fundamental features and criteria, but also to comprehensively characterize the economy, socio-political life, and spiritual development of the Ukrainian SSR in cooperation with the fraternal republics of the Soviet Union at the present stage, and to analyze the general patterns and features of their manifestation in Ukraine. Chronologically, the book covers the period from the mid-1960s-early 1970s to 1980, but the author's team managed to take into account the most important events and documents related to the first half of the eleventh five-year plan.
A cross-cutting theme that runs through the monograph is the role of the Marxist-Leninist party in the conditions of developed socialism. The authors widely show its organizational and ideological-educational work. The numerous examples given by them show that, having become the vanguard of the entire Soviet people, embodying the fundamental interests of all social strata of Soviet societies, the Communist Party does not lose its class essence, but remains the party of the working class, which in terms of its economic position, ideology, psychology and morals was and remains the most consistent expression of international solidarity and brotherhood all working people. The CPSU is doing everything necessary to constantly increase the ideological maturity, social activity, general culture and professional skills of the multinational Soviet working class, and its role in solving the key problems of our time.
The Party attaches great importance to ideological, political and educational activities. A program for improving this complex work was put forward by the June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Based on concrete facts, the monograph reveals the ideological activity of the party, aimed at educating all Soviet people with communist ideologies, at forming their active life position, which contributes to the increasingly conscious participation of each worker in the life of society and the state.
Consideration of the multifaceted organizational, political, ideological and educational work of the CPSU, its combat unit - the Communist Party of Ukraine, and local organizations of the republic allowed the authors to analyze in more depth the process of steadily increasing the creative activity of workers, ways and methods of solving the main problems of improving developed socialism by the party and the Soviet people, and show the achievements of the workers of Ukraine in implementing the historical decisions of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU.
The book emphasizes the dialectical connection between the party's efforts to develop the labor activity of the working class and all Soviet people and the steady improvement of their well-being. "To live better, we must work better" 3 - these words of K. U. Chernenko could serve as a general epigraph to the sections of the monograph devoted to the development of the economy and improving the living standards of workers. The activities of the party and the state aimed at ensuring the further growth of the welfare and culture of the Soviet people are examined in historical dynamics. The authors emphasize that this most important problem is constantly in the center of VNI-
2 Authors: A.V. Likholat, A.D. Skaba, N. G. Ishchenko, Yu. A. Kurnosov, S. V. Kulchitsky, P. P. Panchenko, L. D. Vitruk, A. A. Kondratsky, I. M. Makoveychuk, N. R. Plyushch, Yu. V. Sivolob, R. A. Khudyak, L. A. Shevchenko, N. P. Baranovskaya, A.M. Veselova, and N. A. Dobrovolskaya. Editorial Board: A.V. Likholat (editor-in-chief), N. G. Ishchenko (Deputy editor-in-chief), A.M. Veselova (editor-in-chief), S. V. Kulchitsky, Yu. A. Kurnosov, I. M. Makoveychuk, P. P. Panchenko, A.D. Skaba, L. A. Shevchenko.
3 Chernenko K. U. The people and the party are united. Speech at a meeting with voters of the Kuibyshev electoral district of Moscow on March 2, 1984, Moscow, 1984, p. 9.
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mania of the CPSU and the Soviet government. This made it possible, for example, to carry out a broad program of raising the national welfare in the 70s. The resources of the country's national income devoted to consumption and non-productive construction increased by 62% in 1980 compared to 1970, to 354 billion rubles (p. 190). The book shows how the program for improving the welfare of Soviet people is implemented in the eleventh five-year plan, and how the shortcomings in its implementation revealed by the XXVI Congress and the November (1982) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU are eliminated.
The monograph also examines the processes of further development and improvement of the political system of the USSR. First of all, it shows the deepening of socialist democracy, which opens up wide opportunities for the growth of social self-activity of workers in the industrial and socio - political spheres. The article highlights the provisions of the Constitution of the USSR of 1977 and the constitutions of the Union republics, in particular the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR of 1978, for the development of the political system and the entire life of the Soviet state.
Developed socialism is characterized by the convergence of all classes and social groups of Soviet society, the tendency to establish its social homogeneity, the leveling of social differences in territorial terms, the flourishing and convergence of nations and nationalities. These positive developments allowed the XXVI Congress of the CPSU to draw an important theoretical and practical conclusion that "the formation of the classless structure of society in the main and main will take place within the historical framework of mature socialism." 4 The book shows how, under the purposeful influence of the social policy of the party and the state, measures are being implemented that contribute to the gradual and consistent elimination of significant differences between the city and the countryside, between physical and mental workers, to improving the living conditions of the population in all republics and regions of the country, to the development and rapprochement of nations and nationalities, and to strengthening the ideological and political unity of the Soviet people. The most important outcome of the economic and social policy of the CPSU and the Soviet State is the formation of a new historical community of people - the Soviet people. The authors consider the factors contributing to its further development.
A significant place in the book is devoted to the laws of the formation of the socialist way of life. Its characteristic features and peculiarities, measures to strengthen its material and spiritual foundations, and to form a new person are comprehensively highlighted.
Thus, the monograph based on the data of the Ukrainian SSR with the involvement of all-Union materials reflects the actual problems of a developed socialist society as an organically integrated social system, established on the collectivist principles inherent in socialism.
Not all of the questions raised by the authors are covered with sufficient depth. Thus, more space should be devoted to the Food Program of the USSR and the factors influencing its successful implementation. The authors make extensive use of the provisions formulated at the XXVI Party Congress, subsequent Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee, and resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee. This made it possible to update the content of the book as much as possible, and increased its theoretical level. At the same time, a number of sections of the monograph are overloaded with quotations, sometimes lengthy, and the specific historical material collected by the authors sometimes only illustrates the cited theoretical positions, and does not develop or deepen them.
The Party attaches great importance to the development of the spiritual life of society and the communist education of Soviet people. Methodological aspects of this problem deserve special research. Many processes and phenomena covered in the monograph do not end during the period under review, but continue, gain strength, and develop today, so it is not entirely legitimate to evaluate them in the past tense, limited to the chronological framework of the book.
The monograph will undoubtedly occupy an important place in the historiography of developed socialism as one of the first generalizing works devoted to the stage of its improvement and written by historians in a problem-analytical plan.
4 Materials of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, Moscow, 1981, p. 53.
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