Libmonster ID: UZ-1509
Author(s) of the publication: M. S. ZINICH

The study of the history of Soviet science and its relations with everyday practice is becoming increasingly important, and the scope of research in this area is constantly growing, because science in our time is imperiously invading life, becoming more and more clearly the direct productive force of society.

The period of the Great Patriotic War is an important stage in the development of Soviet science, characterized by the strengthening of its creative cooperation with production, the subordination of scientific achievements to the defense of the socialist Fatherland. V. I. Lenin's words during the Civil War were confirmed: "No dark force can stand before the union of representatives of science, the proletariat, and technology." 1 Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the activities of scientists during the war years were aimed at creating new weapons and improving military equipment, providing assistance to the national economy, and searching for energy and raw materials.

Some progress has been made in the development of the theme "The Union of Science and Labor in 1941-1945" by Soviet scientists, as evidenced by the appearance of the first special study2 and the growing intensity in covering certain aspects of the problem. Using a wealth of factual material, T. N. Petrova highlighted the contribution of scientists to the development of industry in Western Siberia, identified various organizational forms of mobilizing science for the needs of the front, analyzed the activities of scientists ' committees created for the first time in the country, contacts between people of science, engineering and technical intelligentsia and workers-innovators, and described the party leadership in science. The author's conclusions and statements are scientifically reasoned. T. N. Petrova's work also provides an overview of Soviet historical literature published before 1965, which reveals the connection between science and production during the years of severe trials. Literature reviews are also available for selected areas and aspects of topic 3 . Since the mid-60s, a new stage in the development of the problem began: in addition to the above-mentioned monographic work, a significant number of articles and reports appeared in "Scientific Notes", "Proceedings" of universities and institutes, and materials of scientific conferences. As a rule, the main topics covered were: the restructuring of the activities of academic and university institutions, the many-sided experience of the Communist Party in revealing the creative forces of the intelligentsia and involving them in solving the most important problems of life; the connection of scientific and industrial teams on the example of individual republics, territories and regions.

1 V. I. Lenin. PSS. Vol. 40, p. 189.

2 T. N. Petrov. Activities of party organizations in Western Siberia aimed at strengthening the creative cooperation between science and production during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Tomsk, 1968.

3 V. M. Petrovets. Scientific research in Kyrgyzstan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Frunze. 1969; A. V. Bakunin. The latest literature on the industrial development of the Soviet Urals. Voprosy istorii, 1976, No. 1; G. P. Polozov. Party leadership of the intelligentsia during the Great Patriotic War (Historiographical review). Voprosy istorii CPSU, 1976, No. 9, et al.

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In this review, an attempt is made to characterize the Soviet historical literature on this issue, published over the past 10-12 years, and the author sets out to consider the degree of study of the topic in the following areas:: connection with the production of "academic", "university" and "branch" science; the work of the party to mobilize scientific intelligentsia for the service of the front and rear; the activities of scientists from various regions of the country.

Major works on the development of Soviet science4 have convincingly shown that the principle of unity of theory and practice has found its expression primarily in the service of science to the interests of the people. The authors agree that "an important characteristic feature of the development of science in our country after the October Revolution is the desire to better connect science with practice"5 and that "the Second World War showed the increased role of science in the development of the economy, in the improvement of military equipment" 6 . Some aspects of the problem under consideration were covered in generalizing works on the Great Patriotic War and on the history of the CPSU, 7 monographs and collective works of leading experts on the history of the Soviet home front .8
Fundamental research on the history of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, based on a rich source base, gives an assessment of the problem as a whole. In volumes 2 and 5 of the six-volume History of the Great Patriotic War, special paragraphs are devoted to the contribution of Soviet science to providing for the needs of the front and rear; in the remaining volumes, material on these issues is presented in chapters on the activities of the rear. The authors reveal new organizational forms of mobilizing science to fulfill its tasks (committees, teams of scientists, commissions of the USSR Academy of Sciences, concentration of scientific forces on the development of problems that are vital for the country), and give examples showing a sharp increase in the technical level of production due to the use of scientific achievements and their rapid implementation. The 5th volume of this work gives a high assessment of the activities of scientists: "Never before have the life and work of scientists been so closely intertwined with industrial enterprises, collective farms, the army and navy... Soviet science, in a broad sense, was one of the decisive factors in the development of the Soviet Union and its brilliant military victory. " 9 However, this publication does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of the party and the State in the development and implementation of science and technology policy. It is also very sparingly mentioned about the participation of scientific engineering and technical societies in the development of the military economy, about the movement of innovators and inventors who contributed to strengthening contacts between scientific and industrial teams. However, in the works covering the entire period of the war and considering a wide range of problems, it was probably not possible to study each of them specifically.

In the X volume "The history of the USSR from ancient times to the present day" and the 4th-7th volumes " History of the Second World War. 1939-1945 " questions of development of science of the osv-

4 A. A. Zvorykin. Nauka, proizvodstvo, trud. M. 1965; "V. I. Lenin on science and higher education". M. 1967; P. A. Rachkov. The role of science in the Construction of Communism, Moscow, 1969; "Lenin and Modern Science". Books 1-2. Moscow, 1970; "Nauka Soyuza SSR", Moscow, 1972, et al.

5 "Lenin and Modern Science". Book 2, p. 10.

6 "Science of the USSR", p. 23.

7 " History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941-1945". Tt. 2-6. Moscow, 1961-1965; " The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 -1945". Brief history, Moscow 1970; "History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union", Vol. 5, book 1. Moscow 1970; "History of the USSR from ancient times to our days", Vol. X. Moscow 1973; " History of the Second World War. 1939-1945". Tt. 4-7. M. 1975-1976; " The Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945". Moscow, 1976.

8 " The History of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War and in the Post-war period (1941-1965)", Moscow, 1967; "Essays on the History of Leningrad", vol. 5. L. 1967; G. A. Dokuchaev. Siberian rear in the Great Patriotic War. Novosibirsk, 1968; M. Kozybaev. Kazakhstan is the front's arsenal. Alma-Ata. 1970; A.V. Mitrofanova. The working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1971; Yu. A. Prikhodko. Restoration of the industry. 1942-1950. Moscow, 1973; G. G. Morekhina. The Great Battle for Metal, Moscow, 1974; "The Soviet Rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 1-2. Moscow, 1974; I. I. Kuznetsov. Eastern Siberia during the Great Patriotic War. Irkutsk. 1974, et al.

9 " History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941-1945". Vol. 5. pp. 408-409.

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Although they are concise, they are more detailed, and they contain new generalized information on all areas of the country's scientific life. In historical and party works, and first of all in the 1st book of the 5th volume of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (section "Science to the Front"), the issues of party influence on the scientific intelligentsia are also considered in a concrete historical plan. The book states :" In order to strengthen the party's leadership in the organization of scientific work, the Central Committee of the Party established the Science Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b). Party organizations were instructed to actively involve scientists in the organization of military production. " 10 The historical and party works contain interesting data on the struggle of party organizations for the fastest introduction of scientific achievements into production, on the strengthening of the creative activity of the intelligentsia. The estimates given in basic research provide a certain orientation in the further development of the questions posed.

Specialists in the history of the Soviet home front did not specifically consider the issues of cooperation between science and production, but their attention was primarily drawn to such subjects as the increase in creative activity of workers, manifested in various forms, the help of academic and industry institutions in solving urgent and important technical problems, the participation of scientists in the revival of industry destroyed by the enemy. Historicism in covering events and facts, skilful use of specific material allowed the authors to show the main directions of scientific and technological progress during the war years, to note technical successes in industry, which were the result of the rapid introduction of scientific achievements. Unfortunately, the creative contacts of research and production teams in 1943-1945 are much less analyzed than during the period of perestroika of the entire life of the country in a military way.

In the historiography of recent years, a prominent place belongs to research on the activities of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the academies of Sciences of the Union republics. The connection between "academic" science and production is also considered in general works on the history of academic institutions during the Soviet period11, and especially in works reflecting their activities during the Great Patriotic War12 . As for the general works written in the form of a short essay, it was impossible to present the whole set of facts that characterize the work of the academy units to strengthen contacts with labor collectives and military organizations. But these essays are interesting for setting the problem, revealing the characteristic features in the development of science during the war years: expanding spheres of influence, collective problem solving, complexity, and rapid implementation of scientific achievements in life. G. D. Komkov, B. V. Levshiv and L. K. Semyonov showed three main areas of activity of the leading scientific center of the country (development of problems of defense importance, scientific assistance to industry, mobilization of raw materials of the country) and forms of scientific and technical support for the development of defense-related issues.-

10 "History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union", vol. 5, book 1, p. 448.

11 "Історія Академії наук Української СРСР". Book 1-2. Kiev, 1967; " Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A brief outline of history and activity", Moscow, 1968; V. F. Kuprevich. Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR. Essay on history and activities. Minsk. 1968; G. D. Komkov, B. V. Levshin, and L. K. Semenov. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A brief historical sketch, Moscow, 1974, et al.

12 B. V. Levshin. Academy of Sciences of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1966. The contribution of Soviet science to achieving victory over the enemy. "The world-historic victory of the Soviet people. 1941-1945". Moscow, 1971; his. A significant contribution to the victory. The role of Soviet science in the material and technical support of the country's defense. "История СССР", 1975, N 1; І. І. Ладивір. Діяльшсть учених Академії наук УРСР у роки Великої Вітчизняної війни. "Український історичний журнал", 1968, N 3; его же. Вклад учених АН УРСР у зміцнення економіки і розвиток культури братніх республік у роки Великої Вітчизняної війни. "Вісник" АН УРСР, 1970, N 5; его же. Вклад учених АН УРСР у перемогу над фашистською Німеччиною. Kiev, 1970; A.V. Koltsov. Branches and bases of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Great Patriotic War. "Questions of the history of natural science and technology", 1975. issue 2 (51); Ya. M. Kolotyrkin. Karpov Institute of Physics and Chemistry during the war. Ibid.; V. M. Tuchkevich, V. Ya. Frenkel. A. F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology during the war. Ibid.; A. Khalilov, B. Trepetin. Azerbaijan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Great Patriotic War. Baku. 1975, et al.

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facilities of the USSR Academy of Sciences of Industry: conducting research on the tasks of factories, consulting, expertise and conclusions on experimental works of enterprises.

B. V. Levshin's book on the activities of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the war period reveals the role of creative work of scientists in the field of natural and technical sciences, which largely contributed to technological progress and the successful development of the economy. The author recreates the general picture of the development of science as a whole and individual areas of knowledge. The war hastened the experimental testing of new ideas, shortened the time frame for their practical application. The monograph shows the restructuring of academic cells, typical features in the organization of scientific forces, the specifics of the tasks facing the headquarters of Soviet science at different stages of the war: the concentration of the main forces of the academy on the creation and improvement of military equipment, the mobilization of natural resources, the restoration of the national economy of the USSR in the liberated territory, etc. The author especially notes that in order to strengthen the connection between science and production, a number of prominent scientists were promoted to responsible state posts: Academician I. P. Bardin became Deputy People's Commissar of Ferrous Metallurgy, Academician A. I. Berg - Deputy People's Commissar of Electrical Industry, Academician B. E. Vedeneev - Deputy People's Commissar of Power Plants. Unfortunately, the book does not fully reflect the party and state leadership in the development of science, in particular in the implementation of the close connection of " big " science with life.

The activity of the staff of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1941-1945 is considered in a special study by I. I. Ladyvir. He showed the merits of scientists of the republic in creating new types of weapons, in developing the natural resources of Bashkiria, where the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was evacuated, in restoring the national economy of Ukraine after its liberation. The story of mutual assistance and close creative collaboration of scientists from different republics in solving complex problems also received coverage. However, the author is less specific about what was done along state and party lines to organize and effectively use scientific achievements in practice.

Works on the history of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and republican academies, made taking into account the latest achievements of historiography, show how scientific creativity on a national scale was put at the service of the front and rear. The authors highly appreciate everything that has been achieved in this regard.

The country's higher education institutions also contributed to the expansion of cooperation between science and production (in 1940 there were 817 of them). Training specialists, carrying out research work for the needs of the army and the national economy-these are the main tasks that the higher school solved during the war, and it coped with these tasks with honor. During the war, 302 thousand people received higher education 13 . The fact that more than 500 employees of the higher school were awarded State Prizes during the war years shows the relevance and scope of the research carried out .14 This aspect was covered in the works on the higher school of the military period15 . In books covering the history of Wu-

13 "The Land of Soviets for 50 years". Collection of Statistical Materials, Moscow, 1967, p. 279.

14 N. I. Kondakova. Higher school during the Great Patriotic War. "Bulletin of the higher school", 1970, N 5, p. 7.

15 R. Ya. Goldman, E. L. Saskovets. Timiryazevskaya akademiya v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny [Timiryazevskaya Academy during the Great Patriotic War]. Moscow, 1965; A. G. Naumova. Perm Higher School during the war. "Scientific notes" of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, 1965, collection 26; G. Reuka. Contribution of scientists of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute to the development of communication between science and industry in Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific works" of the Tashkent University, 1967, issue 293; 3, I. Siraev. Higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of Bashkiria during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific notes" of Bashkir University. Ufa, 1967, vol. 26. Series of Social Sciences, vol. 5; T. Tairov. From the history of higher educational institutions of Tajikistan during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of the Dushanbe Pedagogical Institute, 1969, vol. 64; L. L. Kornilov. Universities and research institutions of Western Siberia by the end of the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific works" of the Omsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, 1969, vol. 106; M. R. Kruglyan-

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zov 16 shows the restructuring of their scientific activities (an increase in the volume of industrial research, the creation of new faculties and specialties that bring the work of higher education closer to military needs, the work of scientists at enterprises as chief engineers, consultants, etc.). M. R. Kruglyansky's monograph stands out for its thorough coverage of the topic.

The books devoted to the activities of the evacuated educational institutions speak about the great help of prominent scientists from Moscow, Leningrad, and Ukraine to local knowledge workers in studying the productive forces and resources of the eastern regions of the country, raising funds for the needs of the front, and the importance of this assistance for strengthening the friendship of the peoples of the USSR. All works, but to varying degrees, reflect the leading role of the party in the training of specialists, in determining the direction of research searches for university scientists, but a generalizing work on the activities of university party organizations to mobilize communists and groups of scientists in wartime has not yet been created, and the participation of employees of higher educational institutions in the " public the issue of scientific creativity of young scientists, postgraduates, and students of higher educational institutions needs to be developed in more detail "(all-Union, regional, and branch engineering societies) .17 In general historical literature, the topic of youth in science in 1941-1945, its contribution to scientific and technological progress, is poorly covered.

The connection between "industry" science and production is poorly studied, although historians who cover the problems of the home front also touch on these issues. Thus, N. P. Lipatov [18] on the example of such a branch of the national economy as construction, showed the scope of research institutions of this profile. As the author emphasizes, during the war years, "direct contacts were established between the leadership and staff of the industrial and construction commissariats, design and research organizations with construction sites... Design institutes are the same... as necessary, they deployed their departments or teams directly on construction sites under the same roof as the builders. " 19 The knowledge and experience of the scientific and technical intelligentsia were used both in organizing production and in conducting scientific and educational propaganda. The scientific and educational activities of the intelligentsia during the war years are also reflected in the works of N. P. Lipa-

skiy. Higher School of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1970; N. I. Kondakova. Edict. op., V. G. Manchinsky. Leningrad Polytechnics to the front and rear. "Bulletin of the higher school", 1970, N 5; 3. V. Semochkina. Universities of the Chelyabinsk region during the Great Patriotic War. "On the path of building communism". Chelyabinsk. 1970; V. M. Goryacheva. Party leadership of higher education during the Great Patriotic War (Based on materials from Western Siberia). "Scientific works" of the Novosibirsk Pedagogical Institute, 1972, vol. 73; 3. I. Guznenko. Activities of Ural universities in providing assistance to the home front and the front during the Great Patriotic War. "Activities of party organizations of the Urals in the implementation of the Cultural Revolution". Sverdlovsk. 1972; G. A. Kradinov a. Vtuz and technical schools of Western Siberia in 1941-1945 "Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War". Kyzyl. 1973; G. A. Ivanova. Secondary special and higher school of Bashkiria during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific works" of the Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute, 1974, vol. 143, no. IV; V. V. Drynochkin. Higher educational institutions of the capital in evacuation (late 1941-1943). "History of the USSR", 1975. N 1; "Moscow University in the Great Patriotic War". 1975; " In the name of the Fatherland. Kazan University during the Great Patriotic War". Kazan. 1975, et al.

16 "50 years of the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute named after V. I. Lenin", Moscow, 1968; "Donetsk Polytechnic University". A brief historical sketch. Donetsk, 1969; " History of Leningrad University. 1819 - 1969. Essays", L. 1969; " Ural Polytechnic Institute named after S. M. Kirov. 1920 - 1970". Sverdlovsk. 1970; "Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University named after V. I. Lenin". Minsk. 1971; " Gorky Polytechnic University. Essays on the history of the Institute". Bitter. 1971; "Belarusian Polytechnic Institute". Minsk. 1974, et al.

17 "Historiography of the Komsomol". Scientific Reports, Part 3, Moscow, 1976, pp. 82-85.

18 N. P. Lipatov. Ferrous metallurgy of the Urals during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Essays on the history of construction. Moscow, 1960; his. Innovation on wartime construction sites. "Builders to the front", Moscow, 1968.

19 N. P. Lipatov. Innovation on wartime construction sites, p. 41.

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това. These stories were also covered in articles and memoirs of former Commissars of 20 .

The press has already noted the need to show the activities of research centers of economic People's commissariats, to clarify the role that the People's commissariats played in it as the headquarters of the industry .21 The work of scientific departments of departments, research institutes, design and engineering organizations, which directly ensured the integration of science with production, significantly contributed to the success of scientific and technological progress in wartime. Many industry research institutions have gained a significant reputation. Many original designs and more advanced technological processes were created by the Experimental Research Institute of Metal-Cutting Machines, the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology, and the All-Union Research Institute of Railway Transport. Specialists of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute devoted a lot of effort to the development of Soviet aviation. The works of these branch research centers in 1941-1945 were awarded State prizes. It was during the Great Patriotic War that the tendencies of active creativity laid down in the idea of scientific and industrial associations were born.

Scientific and practical interest in this regard is the article by A. S. Fedorov22, who drew attention to poorly developed plots. He emphasizes that " the close connection between science and production, which was established during the Patriotic War, led to the emergence of new forms of science's influence on industry, to the creation of scientific and industrial associations that have received widespread development today, in the era of the modern scientific and technological revolution. The prototypes of these organizations emerged during the war years" (p. 9). The propositions put forward by the authors are well-reasoned.

Historians are increasingly faced with the task of highlighting the issues of party leadership of the scientific intelligentsia, in particular the activities of party organizations aimed at strengthening the creative union of scientific and industrial collectives. As a positive fact, we should note the appearance of a number of articles on this topic 23 . Historiographically, most of these publications have already been analyzed .24
20 P. N. Goremykin. On the production of weapons and ammunition. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2; P. 3. Ginzburg. Narkomstroy during the war. Ibid.; A. I. Shakhurin. Aviation industry during the Great Patriotic War. Voprosy Istorii, 1975, NN 3-4, et al.

21 See T. G. Arkhipov. The history of the Soviet state apparatus during the Great Patriotic War in the latest literature. Voprosy Istorii, 1976, No. 5, pp. 152, 156-157.

22 A. S. Fedorov. Science and technology during the Great Patriotic War. "Questions of the history of natural science and technology", 1975, issue 2 (51).

23 V. Sannikov Street. Concern of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan for strengthening the creative union of science and production during the Great Patriotic War. "Questions of the history of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan". Issue 4. Frunze. 1967; I. F. Plotnikov. Party organizations of the Urals led the struggle of the engineering and technical intelligentsia for assistance to the front during the Great Patriotic War. "From the history of Ural and Siberian party organizations". Issue 3. Sverdlovsk. 1969; L. Mammadova. Leadership of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan in the activities of research institutions during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific works" of Tashkent University, 1970, issue 365; 3. I. Guznenko. Leadership of the Ural party organizations in the research activities of universities during the war years. "From the history of party organizations in the Urals". Issue No. 2. Sverdlovsk. 1973; G. A. Reuka. Party leadership in the struggle for technological progress in the industry of Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific works" of Tashkent University, 1973, issue 442; P. G. Agaryshev. Party leadership of the work of scientists on the development of the fuel and energy industry of the Urals during the Great Patriotic War. "Collection of scientific works" of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, 1973, N 126; "The Communist Party and Technological Progress". Sverdlovsk. 1974, et al.

24 See " CPSU-inspirer and organizer of the victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War (Historiographical sketch)", Moscow, 1973; G. P. Polozov. Edict op.

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In recent years, new research has emerged on the contribution of the Soviet intelligentsia to the victory over Nazi Germany25 , and on the activities of scientists from various regions of the country26 . The researchers analyzed such aspects of the topic as the manifestation of creative activity of knowledge workers in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Urals and other regions, the connection with the production of "academic" and "university" science, the role of local party bodies in establishing contacts between people of science and labor, etc. The questions raised are not covered with the same completeness by different authors. Local scientists, for example, could pay more attention to how the principle of State organization of science was implemented in national republics. The effectiveness of such an organization made it possible to solve both national problems and problems of developing the economy of national republics. A number of interesting observations and conclusions can be found in the articles by G. A. Reuka and I. F. Plotnikov. The activities of the engineering and technical intelligentsia of the war years and public forces united in scientific and educational societies are extremely sparsely covered in the literature, so the attempts of these authors to reveal issues that have not been sufficiently studied deserve attention. Important information about the organization of scientific research during the Great Patriotic War is also contained in the article by Academician V. A. Kotelnikov 27 .

The period from the second half of the 60s to the present day is characterized by a significant expansion of the source base, an increase in the scientific level of research, and the appearance of generalizing works. However, a number of publications do not differ in the depth of disclosure of the topic and contain little new material compared to previous works. This, in particular, applies to the articles of R. A. Karimov and L. Mammadova.

Noting some success in studying various aspects of the creative collaboration between science and production in 1941-1945, it should be emphasized that this topic is the most important one in the history of the Soviet Union.

25 I. F. Plotnikov. Labor feat of the intelligentsia. "Feat of the labor Urals". Sverdlovsk. 1965; V. I. Efimov. The activity of the intelligentsia of Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. "Proceedings of the 24th Scientific conference of the teaching staff of the A. Navoi Samarkand University", 1967; G. A. Reuka. Scientific Engineering and Technical Societies of Uzbekistan (UzNITO) in the struggle for the technical progress of industry during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Proceedings" of the Tashkent University, 1966, issue 305; his. Industrial intelligentsia in the struggle for the technical progress of industry in Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific works" of graduate students of Tashkent University, 1968, issue 319; L. V. Chekh. Intelligentsia of Soviet Turkmenistan at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR, series of Social Sciences, 1968, N 1; "The Soviet intelligentsia (History of formation and growth. 1917-1965). Moscow, 1968; R. V. Volkov, E. S. Rakhmatullin. Contribution of the scientific, technical and industrial intelligentsia of Tatarstan to the defeat of fascism during the Great Patriotic War. "Proceedings" of the Kazan Aviation Institute, 1970, issue 100; A.M. Badaev. Soviet intelligentsia of Dagestan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Collection" of scientific reports of the Dagestan University. Makhachkala. 1970, vol. 1; A. Bagirzade. The intelligentsia of Azerbaijan during the Great Patriotic War. Baku. 1970; R. Nurkulova. The role of the intelligentsia in the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan (1941-1945)." Social Sciences in Uzbekistan", 1972, N 1; V. M. Savelyev, V. P. Savvin. Soviet Intelligentsia in the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1974, et al.

26 N. Edygenov. Contribution of scientists of the republic to the mobilization of resources of Kazakhstan for the defeat of nazi Germany. Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Social Sciences, 1965, issue 4; G. I. Olekhnovich, Z. I. Beluga. Labor exploits of scientists and cultural figures of Belarus in the Soviet rear during the first period of the Great Patriotic War. "Questions of history and archeology". Minsk, 1966; V. V. Gushchina. Scientists of the Novosibirsk region during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Works" of Novosibirsk University, historical series, 1967, No. 1; R. A. Karimov. Development of science in Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. "Some questions of theory and practice of socialist and communist construction". Tashkent, 1969; V. M. Petrovets. Edict op.; V. S. Syrkin, L. V. Khramkov. Science and public education in the Kuibyshev region during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of the Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute, 1971, vol. 93; L. V. Khramkov. Scientists of the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Volga region". Saratov. 1973, issue 2, et al.

27 V. A. Kotelnikov. Soviet science in the service of the front in the Great Patriotic War. "New and recent history", 1975, N 4.

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it is far from exhausted yet. The documentary wealth of archives, available literature, and memoir materials allow us to raise the question of creating a generalizing work on this problem. Such aspects as the contribution of branch research centers to the process of integrating science with production, the activities of the "public sector of science", and issues of scientific and technical propaganda deserve in-depth research. The issues of state and party leadership of science in wartime need to be elaborated in detail. Of great importance for further study of this topic is the publication of documents in general on scientific and organizational activities in the country28 . It is also necessary to publish bibliographic works reflecting the state of literature on the collaboration of science and production during the war years. Systematic and centralized publication of thematic bibliographies can be of great help to researchers 29 .

28 For more information, see "Archeographic yearbook for 1974", Moscow, 1975, pp. 280-283.

The first step towards solving this problem is the index of literature " Activities of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1917-1972 "(Moscow, 1974), which contains the section "Connection of science with production".

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6 days ago · From Golem Anzhanov
Тема для прапорщиков. Изучение социально-психологических особенностей военнослужащих и практика их
Catalog: История 
7 days ago · From Golem Anzhanov
О культуре и контркультуре
9 days ago · From Golem Anzhanov
Catalog: История 
16 days ago · From Azamat Usmanov
16 days ago · From Azamat Usmanov
18 days ago · From Azamat Usmanov
19 days ago · From Azamat Usmanov

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