Libmonster ID: UZ-1510

Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1975. 520 pp. Circulation 6800, Price 2 rubles. 58 kopecks.

Continuing and developing the Marxist-Leninist theory, generalizing the historical experience of creating developed socialism, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has raised the theoretical problem of the Soviet people as a new historical community of people of fundamental importance. There was a need to study this problem in many aspects - historical, philosophical, ethnographic, and the first works devoted to this topic appeared. The reviewed book 1 differs significantly from the previous works in that its authors have taken a synthetic, comprehensive approach to the problem.

They considered the topic in historical terms: they revealed the history of the formation, strengthening and development of the Soviet people in the closest, organic connection with the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the country from October 1917 to the present day. The book is not just a summary of the socio - political and cultural progress of Soviet society, but also shows the process with all its contradictions and difficulties. This approach, a consistent presentation of how a new historical community of people was born in connection with the revolutionary and socialist transformations, how new relations between classes, nations and nationalities of the USSR were formed, is the main advantage of the book. The idea runs through the entire monograph that the new historical community of people is not only interethnic, but above all socio-class, not a mechanical sum of friendly classes and peoples inhabiting the USSR, but a new stage of international unity of people of labor of different nationalities living in a socialist social and state system that does not know the exploitation of man by man and national oppression, people united by a common goal, a common ideology.

The focus of the research required highlighting the origins of friendly relations between the peoples of multinational Russia in pre-revolutionary times, and in the prehistory of the formation of a new community, the authors correctly focused on the traditions of international class solidarity of workers in the struggle against social and national oppression. The triumphal march of the Soviet government showed that the working masses of the oppressed peoples were drawn to an alliance with the Russian proletariat, led by the Bolshevik Party, which carried high the banner of proletarian internationalism, and rose up against "their" nationalist "dams." Consistent implementation of the Communist-

1 Editorial Board: corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR M. P. Kim, V. P. Sherstobitov (editors-in-chief), V. M. Kuritsyn; corresponding members. Academy of Sciences of the USSR Yu. A. Polyakov, S. V. Harmandaryan, Yu. P. Sharapov. Authors ' team: Yu. V. Harutyunyan, V. Ya. Grosul, M. S. Dzhunusov, V. S. Dolgov, L. M. Drobizheva, E. A. Zaitseva, M. I. Isaev, corresponding members. M. P. Kim, A. D. Kolesnik, V. M. Kuritsyn, G. I. Litvinova, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Academy of Sciences of the USSR G. I. Lomidze, A.V. Nikonov, V. E. Poletaev, V. D. Samsonov, S. L. Senyavsky, V. B. Telpukhovsky, G. E. Trapeznikov, S. V. Harmandaryan, Yu. P. Sharapov, V. P. Sherstobitov, E. E. Shklyar, [L. I. Yakovlev].

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The right of nations to self-determination, even to secession, did not lead to the disintegration of a multinational country into small states, but created conditions for the birth and growth of the unification movement of free peoples, which led to the formation of the USSR. This was the main objective tendency of the historical process in the national question after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which directly and directly affected the fundamental changes in national relations and thereby the formation of a new historical community of people.

The monograph shows the significance of the emergence of the socialist way of life in the national economy, which in the transition period is multi-layered? and the undivided establishment of socialist property in its two forms - state and cooperative-collective-farm-to establish new relations between classes and nations, to create and strengthen the economic foundations of a new community of people. The experience of building socialism in the USSR and forming the Soviet people as a new historical community of people confirmed the correctness of Karl Marx's position: "In order for the peoples to really unite, they must have common interests. In order for their interests to be common, the existing property relations must be destroyed..."2 . The elimination of private ownership of the means of production and its replacement by socialist ownership have created precisely such common interests, and the current processes of further convergence of the two forms of socialist ownership, as shown in the book, further consolidate and strengthen the socio-political unity of nations and nationalities A Soviet country in a new community of people.

The authors pay great attention to fundamental qualitative changes in the social structure of Soviet society in general, and the nations and nationalities of the USSR in particular. Using concrete historical material, they were able to emphasize the fundamental importance of such social factors as the transformation of the working class from the oppressed to the dominant one, the rate of its quantitative growth, and the improvement of educational and professional levels for the formation and development of a new community. The generalizations based on the totality of facts about the ever-increasing role of the working class, its labor and political activity, its high consciousness, discipline and organization in all spheres of life in a developed socialist society, including in the sphere of national relations, are convincing. Equally convincing are the capacious characteristics contained in the monograph of the colossal changes in the position of the peasantry - from the ocean of small individual farms that cannot get out of poverty and are exploited by the kulaks and bais, to the modern collective farm peasantry, whose living conditions, the nature of work, welfare and education are increasingly approaching the level of the working class. The uniformity of the social structure of all the nations and nationalities of the U.S.S.R. and the ever - increasing social homogeneity in a developed socialist society, the ever - closer cooperation of friendly classes-such is the social basis for the solidity of the new community of people-one cannot but agree with this statement of the book.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of January 31, 1977 "On the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution" notes that "during the years of Soviet power, the level of economic development of all Soviet republics has leveled off. In this connection, the information presented in the monograph on the growing economic ties of the Soviet republics and their cooperation in the unified national economic complex of the USSR is of serious interest. Especially valuable is such information and the conclusions that follow from it about the present stage of building the material and technical base of communist society, when all-state and all-union principles are increasingly being improved and expanded in a unified technical policy, in combining the achievements of the scientific and technical revolution with the advantages of socialism, in the management system and in organizing a steep rise in the national economy in the interests of the entire Soviet Union. people.

In the sections devoted to the spiritual unity of the Soviet people, the convergence of national in form and socialist in content cultures of the nations and nationalities of the USSR, the reasons that led to the triumph of Marxist-Leninist ideology, the ideas of Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism in the minds of Soviet people, the unity of their ideals, moral and moral principles are convincingly revealed.-

2 K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch. Vol. 4. p. 371.

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tsipov of the socialist hostel. The authors managed to identify the main channels of mutual enrichment of cultures in all their diversity, and not leveling, loss of national identity, as Sovietologists claim, and tell about how outstanding achievements of national cultures became the property of the entire Soviet people.

The book makes a serious attempt to consider the socio-psychological aspects of the formation and development of a new historical community of people. However, obviously, this is a subject that requires further research with the broader participation of sociologists, philosophers, ethnographers and specialists in other fields of humanitarian knowledge, because the spectrum of spiritual values and the prevailing consciousness of belonging to the Soviet people among people of different nations and nationalities of the USSR, so vividly attested during the Great Patriotic War and today is daily manifested in all It is not easy to characterize them only from the point of view of a historian and with the help of historical documentation, to measure them with statistical data.

The authors thoroughly consider the question of the influence of nation-state building in the USSR based on the principles of Lenin's national policy on the formation of a new community of people. The importance of careful consideration by the State of the national needs, needs, and aspirations of the nations and nationalities of the U.S.S.R. and the role of the Soviet Socialist State in eliminating their actual inequality are rightly noted. It should be noted that the monograph clearly describes the awareness of the Russian working class and the Russian people of their international duty, the unprecedented scale of state-organized selfless assistance to the peoples oppressed in the past, which not only eliminated the colonial legacy and previously existing inequality, but also determined the pace of socio-cultural progress of the peoples of the national suburbs, their consolidation into transition to socialism, bypassing capitalism, in the shortest historical time. The author's generalizations, confirmed by reliable facts, reveal the consolidation of the state-political unity of the nations and nationalities of the USSR in a mature socialist society with the development of the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat into a national state and the further development of Soviet democracy, the interdependence of the processes of development of the all-Union and national Soviet statehood with the leading role of the union state, and the strengthening of the international nature of the Soviets.

The problem-chronological principle underlying the characteristics of the process of formation and development of the Soviet people as a new community of people, as well as the division of the book into two major sections - the transition to socialism and the period of establishment of a developed socialist society - are fully justified. However, in the structure of the monograph, in the system of presentation, there is a certain miscalculation, in a number of chapters due to this structure there are repetitions. Thus, the issues of industrial development and cultural construction are considered both in the general sections and in the section on eliminating the actual inequality of the peoples of the former suburbs of Russia. The same can be said about the problems of radical changes in the social structure.

The history of the struggle of V. I. Lenin and the Communist Party against the ideology of great - power chauvinism, local nationalism, as well as national deviationism, which was allied with Trotskyism and other types of opposition movements, deserves more attention and specific analysis, as well as the question of eradicating the social roots of nationalist ideology.

Obviously, in the future, when further studying and generalizing the process of forming a new community of people, it is necessary to make more extensive use of the results of ethnographic research in recent years. We are talking about using both material and generalizations of ethnographers about the fundamental changes in the material culture, everyday life, traditions and traditional social institutions of the nations and nationalities of the USSR, about their developing ethno-cultural contacts and, thus, the internationalization of these aspects of public life. When assessing the processes of formation of socialist nations from nationalities with the prevailing pre-capitalist structure, it would be advisable to note the moment of overcoming tribal relics. The question of the gradual but steady reduction of the sphere of influence of religion in the minds and lives of people deserved more attention, because, as is known, in the not so distant past, the religious factor limited and restrained rapprochement

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nations. Finally, the use of comparative ethnographic material would make it possible to show in more depth the dramatic increase in the material well-being of the working masses of all nations and nationalities and, accordingly, the change in their socio-cultural needs, which undoubtedly affected ethno-cultural guidelines.

The monograph, as mentioned above, is based on the analysis of rich statistical material that generalizes, rather than illustrative. However, in some cases, the use of statistical data does not always meet the goal. Thus, the indicators of the course of mass collectivization in 1928-1940, the availability of schools, the number of people with higher and secondary education per 1 thousand people (p. 83, 188-189) and some others are given for the republics. However, all of them, as a rule, were already multinational at that time, and therefore these figures cannot be attributed entirely to their indigenous population.

Clearly insufficient space in the monograph is devoted to the analysis of demographic factors, the role of population migration in a socialist society and its qualitative difference from capitalist-type migrations, and significant shifts in population mobility. Meanwhile, all these are phenomena that actively influenced the rapprochement of peoples in the process of forming a new historical community of people.

I would like to see in the book a critical analysis of modern bourgeois literature on the subject. As is well known, it is by no means neutral on this issue and even tries to deny the very fact of the formation of a new community of people in the USSR, as well as the possibility of harmonious, friendly relations between classes and social groups, nations and nationalities in the USSR in general. Criticism of bourgeois historiography is also appropriate because it categorically denies the international significance of the Soviet experience of creating a new community of people. And the answer to this in the monograph would be very useful.

At the XXV Congress of the CPSU, serious achievements of historical, philosophical and economic sciences in the study of social and political problems were noted. The book under review is precisely in line with the main trends in the development of historical science at the present stage, which were determined by the Congress.

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR R. H. Aminova, Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR G. F. Dahshleiger

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R. H. AMINOVA, G. F. DAHSCHLEIGER, THE SOVIET PEOPLE ARE A NEW HISTORICAL COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 20.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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