On February 16-17, 2015, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the international scientific conference "The Turkic-Mongolian World in the Past and Present", dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Russian Turkologist, professor of a number of Russian and foreign universities, who made a significant contribution to the study of the history and culture of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, Sergey Grigoryevich Klyashtorny (1928-2014)..
The conference was organized by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference was held with the participation of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Scientists from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were present. The Russian Federation was also represented by scientists from Tatarstan and Buryatia.
The conference discussed topical issues of the history, literature, and language of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, which were part of S. G. Klyashtorny's research. Part of the reports was devoted to the creative path and scientific activities of Sergey Grigoryevich. The main objective of the conference is to present to the scientific community the latest results of a multi-faceted study of the life of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, to show the possibilities of modern research methods and approaches to the consideration of current problems of our time.
I. F. Popova, Director of the Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences, delivered a welcoming speech at the plenary session. Presentations were made by colleagues of S. G. Klyashtorny from St. Petersburg State University. Head of the Department of Central Asia and the Caucasus of the Eastern Faculty T. N. Sultanov shared his memories in the message"Once upon a time there was a Turkologist: in memory of S. G. Klyashtorny (1928-2014)". Professor of the Faculty of History D. G. Savinov spoke about his" colleague and friend " S. G. Klyashtorny.
The speakers considered a number of interesting hypotheses of S. G. Klyashtorny, gave a description of his latest works "History of Central Asia and monuments of runic writing" and "Runic monuments of the Uyghur Khaganate and history of the Eurasian steppes", which crown many years of creativity and sum up the scientific activity of the scientist. A special contribution belongs to the scientist in the revival of military Oriental studies, as well as in the study of statehood and law of the Turkic peoples of Eurasia - the topics of the reports of the representative of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Turkey A. A. Kolesnikov and associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics R. Y. Pochekaev.
D. A. Nosov (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) reported on the contribution of S. G. Klyashtorny to the study of the interaction of folklore and literature, I. K. Zagidullin (Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani, Kazan) on the role of I. K. Zagidullin in the development of the concept of the seven-volume "History of the Tatars since Ancient Times", and F. M. Asadov (Institute of History of the KhazarsBuniyatov Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences), on the solution of the Oguro/Oguz problem by D. I. Saraev (Kazan State University of Culture and Arts). The report of D. D. Vasiliev and VV was devoted to the study of the ancient Turkic cultural heritage. Tishina (oba-IV RAS); problems of social history of the Turkic Khaganate of the VI-VIII centuries - A.V. Vitola (IVR RAS). The first part of the conference resulted in discussion of the report "Russia and the Muslim World"by MSU ISAA President M. S. Meyer.
There were two sections at the conference.
At the section " Linguistics. Source studies " most of the reports dealt with the problems of research of runic monuments, the solution of which S. G. Klyashtorny devoted his main works. These are the reports of Simona Rashman (Center for Cataloging Manuscripts, Göttingen, Germany) "Ancient Uyghurs between East and West"; I. V. Kormushin (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Yenisei Sufferings: on disagreements in reading and interpreting Yenisei runic texts"; V. G. Guzev (St. Petersburg.GU) "On the question of structural units of Turkish syntax"; A. A. Burykina (Institute of Linguistics. research, St. Petersburg) "Altai theory in the light of comparative historical linguistics, areal linguistics and related humanities"; N. N. Telitsina (St. Petersburg.GU) "Stages of formation of the Turkic script in the ancient Turkic period"; N. V. Yampolskaya (IVR RAS) "Experience of application of functionalist theories in the analysis of Mongolian Buddhist translations of the XVII century"; N. S. Yampolskaya (IVR RAS) "Experience of application of functionalist theories in the analysis of Mongolian Buddhist translations of the XVII century". Yakhontova (IVR RAS) "Texts of dictionaries of" poetic expressions "in the collection of IVR RAS"; N. B. Badmatsyrenova (Buryat State University). un-t) "Temporal order and forms of the indicative mood in the Mongolian language". Speakers focused on the challenges faced by researchers of runic monuments studying the problem of the origin of Turkic languages and changing views on this problem from the end of the XIX century to the present.
On the section " History. Historiography " reports were made by: T. D. Skrynnikova (Institute of Oriental Studies, Almaty) "Umai deity in Turkic mythology"; A. K. Kamalov (Institute of Oriental Studies, Almaty) "On the question of the ethnic names" Otuz-Tatars " and "tokuz-Tatars" of ancient Turkic runic texts"; A. Mokeev (Kyrgyz-Turkish University, Bishkek) "On the origin and significance of the political titulature of the Yenisei and Altai Kyrgyz ajo and idi"; B. K. Abytov (Osh State University of Law. in-t) "Orkhon-Yenisei writings - the most important sources on the history of the Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples"; T. A. Pan (IVR RAS) "Capitals of the Manchu state of Qing"; Yu. I. Elikhina (State Hermitage) "Collection of V. L. Kotvich from the Khara-Balgasun settlement, kept in the State Hermitage"; Yu. I. Drobyshev (Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Karakorum and Khorgo Volcano". The reports in this area cover a wide range of issues: from the study of the Turkic statehood and identifying details of the transformation and transfer of power rights of the dynasty of Turkic rulers to new rulers, to the capitals of the Manchurian state and the hypothesis of the location of the capital of the Mongol Empire, Karakorum.
At the meeting devoted to the political interaction of peoples at different stages of their historical development, N. Bazylkhan (R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies) in his report "Nomad Empires in Eurasia (VII-XIV centuries): Turkic-Mongolian ethno-linguistic and ethno-cultural factors" spoke about the Turkic-Mongolian ethnic groups and their linguistic,cultural and cultural characteristics. R. M. Begeulov (Karachay-Cherkess State University) analyzed the background and causes of the Kalmyk-Nogai conflict in the North Caucasus in 1643-1644. S. A. Vasyutin (Kemerovo State University) in his report " Sociology of Ibn Khaldun's Power and Interpretation of Political processes in the nomadic empires of Central Asia, on the example of the Early Middle Ages" made an attempt to apply Ibn Khaldun's theory to the early Medieval nomadic empires of Central Asia based on the analysis of Turkic and Uyghur runic texts. Timokhin (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) in his report "On the reasons for the beginning of the Mongol-Khorezmian war (1219-1221) according to Arab - Persian sources", based on information from Arab-Persian sources about the Mongol invasion of the territory of the state of the Khorezmshahs-Anushtsginids, analyzed the possible causes of the Mongol-Khorezmian war.
Joint report of the Director of the Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, prof. Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of KFU (Kazan) R. M. Valeyev, Deputy Head of the Department of History and Oriental Studies. Director of the same Institute R. V. Shaidullin and B. L. Khamidullin (Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia) "Scientific and educational traditions of studying the Turkic-Mongolian world in Kazan (XIX-early XX century)" was devoted to the origins of the formation and development of scientific and educational traditions of studying the Turkic-Mongolian world in the history of Kazan Oriental studies.
V. V. Trepavlov (Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Turkological studies of the beginning of the XXI century and "Turkological collection" spoke about the resumption in 2001 of the publication of "Turkological collection", initiated by the revival of which was S. G. Klyashtorny. Noting the change in the subject matter of the collection's articles in favor of studying the history and culture of the Turkic peoples, the speaker expressed a wish to continue publishing the collection as one of the most important periodicals in Russian Oriental studies.
The final speech of the conference was a joint report-presentation by I. V. Kulganek (IVR RAS) and S. L. Shevelchinskoi, a photographer of the IVR RAS, "Mongolia and Mongols in the photo lens of S. G. Klyashtorny, an archaeologist, historian, and ethnographer".-
unique unpublished photographs of S. G. Klyashtorny, kindly provided by the widow of the scientist A. V. Klyashtorny, taken by him at different times and on numerous expeditions in Mongolia, are shown.
As a result of the conference, a resolution was adopted, according to which it is planned to make the conference in memory of S. G. Klyashtorny a regular one and publish the materials of the current conference in the collection "The Turkic-Mongolian world in the past and present".
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