Anniversary is usually a summing up of results. But it is difficult to say this about Nina Mikhailovna Mammadova. It does not stop at what has been achieved, but continues its scientific, pedagogical and social activities. Nina Mikhailovna is full of plans and new ideas in her scientific work on the economy, history and international politics of modern Iran. It seems that she can surprise the scientific community with her work more than once
Nina Mikhailovna Mamedova was born on October 25, 1938. She graduated from high school with a silver medal and even then became interested in the East. She read a lot about the life of Eastern countries, was fascinated by descriptions of Eastern life, architecture, materials of archaeological research. She wanted to enter the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, but circumstances turned out so that she entered the Institute of National Economy (now the Plekhanov Academy), which trained economists of various profiles.
During her studies, Nina Mikhailovna met her future husband, a student from Iran who was studying at VGIK. So the East entered her personal life, and this further strengthened Nina Mikhailovna's interest in the life of Eastern countries. Her husband Yagub Madadi (after taking Soviet citizenship, Yacub Mammadov) was an active member of the TUDEH youth section of the Communist Party of Iran. In 1949, during the period of the Shah's reaction, he fled from Iran to the USSR. He introduced Nina Mikhailovna to the family of Saleh Mammadovich Aliyev, a well-known Russian Iranian scholar. The family of S. M. Aliev supported Nina Mikhailovna in a difficult time for her after the sudden death of her husband in 1961. Saleh Mammadovich approved her interest in choosing the topic of her dissertation and introduced her to many Iranian Orientalists. These years were not easy for Nina Mikhailovna, but despite the difficulties, she did not complain and actively studied and worked. These traits-the ability to pull herself together, passion for work - will be manifested in all her future activities.
While studying at the graduate school of the Plekhanov Institute, Nina Mikhailovna did not change her interests by choosing the topic of her dissertation "The Cooperative Movement in Iran", which had not been studied in the Russian scientific literature before. Writing a dissertation on Iranian subjects significantly expanded Nina Mikhailovna's opportunities in studying the East and especially Iran. At the Institute of Oriental Studies, Persian publications imported from Iran became available to her, and she began to study the Persian language. Nina Mikhailovna's constant interest in the East, her desire to study complex problems of Oriental studies, and her undisputed love of Iran did not go unnoticed. In 1969, after one of the successful speeches at the scientific conference of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the head of the Conjuncture sector A. Z. Arabajyan, a well-known Soviet scientist, invited her to work in the sector. I must say that A. Z. Arabajyan had a great influence on the development of Nina Mikhailovna as an Iranian scholar, and she considers him her teacher.
In 1971, N. M. Mammadova successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1973, she published her first monograph, Cooperation in Iran. In 1973, the collective monograph "Developing Asia" was published, and in 1975 the handbook "Modern Iran"was published. All sections in these works on the Iranian economy, cooperation, trade, and finance are written by N. M. Mammadova. The problems of the cooperative movement are at the intersection of social and economic research, so among Nina Mikhailovna's research interests were the issues of training scientific personnel, concentration of production and capital in Iran, forms of entrepreneurship, etc.
In practice, the study of various economic problems began only in the USSR. During these years, the search for methodological and thematic areas of economic science took place. The focus of attention of Iranian economists, and Nina Mikhailovna in particular, was on the following issues:,
related to overcoming Iran's economic backwardness, breaking the colonial structure, and rebuilding the country's economic and political development. These issues are covered in her monographs and articles.
A characteristic feature of Nina Mikhailovna Mamsdova's scientific activity is her interest in new poorly researched issues of Iran's economic development. She was interested in the formation of the Iranian bourgeoisie, its relations with state power, the emergence and development of new trends in the Iranian economy, and the influence of foreign capital on these processes. The result of this work was the monograph "Concentration of Production and Capital in Iran" (1982).
After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, great importance was attached to the Iranian direction, conferences on Iran were held, special collections were published, forecasts of socio-political and economic development of Iran were compiled. In N. M. Mammadova's monograph "Urban Entrepreneurship in Iran" (1988), a certain place is given to the social situation of various segments of the Iranian population, which is especially important for analyzing the causes of the Islamic revolution. The paper is the first attempt to characterize the Islamic regime, its state-building, socio-political and economic state of modern Iran. In 1989, a large collective monograph of the Institute's Iranists "The Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979" was published. Reasons and lessons". This is a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the Iranian revolution, which has not lost its relevance and scientific value to this day. All socio-economic sections of the monograph are written by N. M. Mammadova.
Perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet Union, on the one hand, freed scientific thought from its ideological foundations, and on the other, greatly shaken the financial situation of not only scientists, but also scientific institutions. N. M. Mammadova worked for a long time and with great interest on a monograph devoted to the study of the role of the state in the economic development of Iran, from ancient times to the present, which could be her doctoral dissertation. The work was discussed and approved, but the institute did not have the money to publish it. Coe was published in a very abbreviated form at the Institute of the Middle East (modern period). This is the monograph "Iran in the XX century. The role of the state in economic development". Some of the sections related to Iran's past were used in writing articles for collections produced by the Iranian sector. In the joint monograph of N. M. Mammadova and N. Y. Ulchenko "Features of the economic development of modern Muslim states (on the example of Turkey and Iran" (2006), the section on Iran is written by N. M. Mammadova.
N. M. Mammadova is the author of numerous articles in various journals, almanacs, collections, sections in monographs on socio-economic and foreign policy problems of modern Iran and the Middle East. She often gives interviews in the media, participates in scientific discussions on international issues held in television studios, and performs on Iranian radio. Some of Mammadova's works have been translated into Persian, English and other foreign languages. Nina Mikhailovna is a highly qualified Iranian scientist, a specialist of a broad scientific profile. Her name and works are known not only in our country, but also abroad, especially in Iran, where her scientific and organizational activities are valued and respected. Nina Mikhailovna has repeatedly participated in scientific conferences and made presentations in Iran, Egypt, Bahrain, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
Along with her scientific activities, N. M. Mammadova conducts a great pedagogical work on the training and education of young Orientalists. Since the late 1980s, she has been teaching special courses on the economics of Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan at MGIMO, and is one of the authors of such textbooks published by MGIMO as " World Economy "(Moscow, 2007) and "Economics of Neighboring Countries" (Moscow, 2011), in which she owns most of the sections (on the economy of the Central Asian and Transcaucasian countries). Its students participate in scientific conferences held in the Iran sector of the Institute of Oriental Studies. They successfully defend their bachelor's and master's theses. At the Higher School of Economics, Nina Mikhailovna teaches a course on the Islamic legal financial system, is the author of articles in the publications of the Center for Public Law Studies.
Several dissertations were defended under the scientific supervision of N. M. Mammadova. In 1997, M. Mokhtari, an Iranian post-graduate student, successfully defended his thesis, and in 2013, M. Mahdiyan, an employee of the Iranian Embassy in Russia, as well as a number of other specialists on Iran, defended his dissertation. Her post-graduate students A.V. Fedoseenkova (IB RAS) and N. R. Masumova (MGIMO) successfully defended their dissertations.
Since 1997, N. M. Mammadova has been the Head of the Iran Sector of the Middle East Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies. She has done a lot to organize the scientific work of the sector. Despite its small size, the sector is a center for studying modern Iran and other problems of Iranian studies. Iranian scholars are grouped around him not only in Moscow, but also in many other cities of Russia. Mammadova does a great job in organizing and holding annual all-Russian and international conferences on topical issues of Iran's political, economic and cultural development. The conferences are attended by scientists from various Russian and foreign centers, mainly from Iran. Conference materials are published in collections edited by N. M. Mammadova. Under her editorship, 17 collections have already been published. Nina Mikhailovna managed to establish good relations with the Iranian Embassy in Moscow and the cultural representation of Iran. Representatives of Iranian academic and political circles are frequent visitors to the sector. They not only take part in conferences and joint scientific collections, but also help solve problems related to the arrangement of the Iranian cabinet, providing it with the necessary literature. The successful work of the Iranian sector is undoubtedly due to N. M. Mammadova. Her friendliness, openness and attention to employees contribute to the work of the sector.
N. M. Mammadova is a versatile person, she is interested in literature and art. It is often found at exhibitions and theaters. Nina Mikhailovna is a wonderful mother and wife, in her second marriage she has two sons. We all witnessed how she fought for the health of her seriously ill eldest son. And I won! Now he is a successful entrepreneur. The second son graduated from the graduate school of MIIT. The husband helps Nina Mikhailovna in many ways and does everything so that she can safely do her work.
Hard work, self-discipline and efficiency combined with responsibility for her work allowed Nina Mikhailovna to win the love and respect of the staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies and achieve success in scientific and pedagogical activities.
Employees of the Iranian branch thank N. M. Mammadova for her fruitful work and wish her good health and new scientific achievements.
Cooperativnoe dvizhenie v sovremennom Irane [Cooperative movement in modern Iran].
Cooperation in Iran, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1973, 144 p.
Place of developing Asian countries in the system of world capitalist economy / / Developing Asia, Moscow, 1973, pp. 57-74.
Sovremennyi Iranii [Modern Iran], Moscow, 1975, Auth. section: Cooperation, pp. 329-334; Kino, pp. 436-441; Trade, pp. 292-296.
K voprosu o podgotovke kadrov v sovremennom Irane [On the issue of personnel training in modern Iran]. History. Historiography. Literature, Moscow, 1976, pp. 27-41.
Concentration of production and capital in Iran in the 60s and 70s / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1982, 174 p.
Gorodskoe predprinimatelstvo v Irane [Urban Entrepreneurship in Iran]. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Nauka, 1988.207 p.
The Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979, Moscow, 1988. Auth. section: Economic activity of the government ]. Bazargan, pp. 187-200; Socio-economic course of the Islamic regime (1980-1988), pp. 346-366.
Osobennosti razvitiya kapitalizma v Irane (vnutrennye faktory) [Features of the development of capitalism in Iran (internal factors)]. Osobennosti razvitiya kapitalizma v stranakh Mne i Srednego Vostoka (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey), Moscow, 1989, pp. 126-134.
Gossektor i gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie v Irane [Public Sector and State regulation in Iran]. Gossobstvennost', goskapitalizm, privatizatsiya: urokk istorii i sovremennost ' [State property, State capitalism, privatization: a lesson in History and modernity], Moscow, 1991, pp. 142-150.
Osobennosti razvitiya kapitalizma v Irane (vnutrennye faktory) [Features of the development of capitalism in Iran (internal factors)]. Moscow-Kaluga, 1992, pp. 96-101.
Problemy i perspektivy ekonomicheskikh svyazi Rossii i Irana v usloviyakh geopoliticheskoi situatsii v Tsentral'noi Azii [Problems and Prospects of Economic relations between Russia and Iran in the Geopolitical Situation in Central Asia]: Integration and Conflicts, Moscow, 1995, pp. 153-162.
Iran's 1990s Reforms: From Touhidy to a Market Economy // Ekonomicheskaya istoriya: reformy i reformatory [Economic History: Reforms and Reformers], Moscow, 1995, pp. 141-154.
Iran in the XX century: the role of the state in economic development / Institute for the Study of Israel and the Middle East, Moscow, 1997, 144 p.
Some factors of regional integration as an economic basis for the security of the countries of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. 1997. Issue 3, pp. 107-114.
Problemy i perspektivy ekonomicheskikh otnoshenii Rossii i Irana [Problems and prospects of economic relations between Russia and Iran]. 1997. Issue 4, pp. 27-33.
Problems of modernization and liberalization of the economic system of Iran // Features of modernization in the Muslim East. M., 1997. P. 114-124.
Economics dictates the political course / / Asia and Africa today. 1997. No. 4. pp. 39-43.
Ekonomicheskaya politika Irana i perspektivy izmeneniya ekonomicheskogo kursa [Iran's Economic policy and prospects for changing the Economic Course]. 1997. Issue 4, pp. 34-39.
Stay in power of Mohammad Khatami as a reflection of the evolution of the Islamic regime / / Iran: evolution of the Islamic government, Moscow, 1998, pp. 9-20.
Economic development of Iran in the 90s - achievements and problems / / Islamic Republic of Iran in the 90s (economy, politics, culture), Moscow, 1998, pp. 8-14. Ed. 164 p.
Iranskii opyt razvitiya v usloviyakh islamskogo pravleniya i ego znachenii dlya Rossii [The Iranian experience of development in the context of Islamic Rule and its Significance for Russia]. 1999. Issue 7. pp. 267-273.
Islamic foundations as a form of entrepreneurial activity // Economic history (entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs). Moscow, 1999, pp. 173-187.
Experience of Islamic governance / / Asia and Africa today. 1999. No. 2. pp. 4-11.
Opyt sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Irana v usloviyakh islamskogo pravleniya [The experience of socio-economic development of Iran in the context of Islamic governance]. 213 p.
Rynochnyj fundamentalizm v fundamentalistskom Irane [Market Fundamentalism in fundamentalist Iran]. 1999. Issue 7, pp. 274-282.
Iran is an economic partner of Russia / / World Economy and International Relations. 2000. No. 9. pp. 92-96.
Novy etap politicheskoi zhizni Irana (Parliamentskie vybory khod i rezul'taty) [A new stage of Iran's political life (Parliamentary Elections course and Results)]. 2000. Issue 9, pp. 123-132.
Economic potential of Iran as a factor of economic cooperation with Russia / / Middle East and Modernity. 2000. Issue 9, pp. 360-367.
Iran: from monarchy to Republic. Muslim countries at the borders of the CIS: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey - current state, History and Prospects, Moscow, 2001, pp. 46-60.
Iran: The Evolution of the Islamic Regime // Year of the Planet: Politics. Economy. Business. Cans. Obrazovanie [Education], Moscow, 2001, issue 10, pp. 445-450.
Islam i politika [Islamic Economy and Globalization], Moscow, 2001, pp. 358-371.
Islamic State: correlation of state and ideological priorities / / Iran: Islam and Power, Moscow, 2001, pp. 14-22.
Iranistics in Russia and Iranists. Moscow, 2001. - Author: On some problems of modern Iranian studies. pp. 37-43; Research of socio-political problems of Iran and Iranian society. pp. 53-60; Iranistics in Russia and the role of Armenians in its development. pp. 103-108.
Islamic State: correlation of state and ideological priorities / / Iran: Islam and Power, Moscow, 2001, pp. 14-22. Ed. 280 s.
Tendencies of democratization in the internal political life of the Islamic Republic of Iran / / Iran: Islam and Power, Moscow, 2001, pp. 52-63.
Iran and the CIS countries / / Vostok (Oriens). 2002. No. 5. pp. 152-157.
Iran: "thaw with frosts" / / Asia and Africa today. 2002. No. 4. pp. 25-29.
Political situation in Iran in 2001 (Before and after the presidential elections). M " 2002. Issue. 13. pp. 68-81.
Features of the political and economic situation in Iran, its impact on the development of relations with the states of Central Asia and the Caucasus // Central Asia and the Caucasus. Lulca. 2003. No. 2. pp. 72-83.
Russia and Iran: Current state and prospects of cooperation // East (Oriens). 2003. No. 6. pp. 150-155.
Ekonomicheskie svyazi Irana i stran CIS [Economic relations between Iran and the CIS countries]. 205 p.
Possible trends in economic policy changes after the parliamentary elections / / Iran after the parliamentary elections, Moscow, 2004, pp. 19-28.
25 let IRI kak opyt islamskogo pravleniya v sovremennom mire [25 Years of the Islamic Republic of Iran as an experience of Islamic governance in the modern world].
Islam and social development at the beginning of the XXI century Author's section: Economic development and social development at the beginning of the XXI century.
"islamic savings". The experience of Turkey and Iran. pp. 25-41 (co-authored with N. Y. Ulchenko); Islam and the development of Iran at the beginning of the XX century. pp. 42-51.
Features of the economic development of modern Muslim states (on the example of Turkey and Iran). Moscow, 2006. 287 p. (co-authored with N. Y. Ulchenko).
Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization / / Shanghai Cooperation Organization: interaction for Development, Moscow, 2006, pp. 195-209.
Iran after the presidential election / / Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan: time of elections and changes. Moscow, 2006. pp. 70-81.
Islamic Economy and Finance: Iran's experience / / Administrative and Financial Law. 2006. Moscow: ANO TSPPI Publ., 2006, pp. 120-140.
Political parties of Iran / / Publ. - pravov. research. 2006. Moscow: ANO TSPPI Publ., 2006, pp. 179-205.
Role and status of women in Iran // Vostok (Oricns). 2006. No. 3. pp. 166-169.
The role of women in the socio-economic development of the Islamic Republic of Iran / / The role and status of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Moscow, 2006. pp. 19-24. Ed. 204 p. (co-authored with Imanipur metro station).
State and prospects of development of economic relations between Russia and Iran // Iran Today. 2006. No. 1. pp. 9-11.
Globalization, Islamic Economy and Justice (the Iranian experience) / / Globalization and Justice, Moscow, 2007, pp. 273-285.
Iranskaya modeli modernizatsii [The Iranian model of Modernization]. Irano-SlavikaIgapo-Slavica. 2007. No. 1/2, pp. 13-16.
Power in Iran: strengthening the position of pragmatists / / North-South-Russia 2007. Moscow, 2008. pp. 151-155.
The internal situation in Iran / / Working materials. Mosk. The Carnegie Center. Round table discussion. November 28, 2007, Moscow, 2008, no. 1, pp. 27-34.
Around the Iranian nuclear program // North-South Russia 2007. Moscow, 2008. pp. 155-160.
Iran / / Istoriya Vostoka [History of the East], Vol. 6, Moscow, 2008, Pp. 371-409.
Iran and Islamic countries / / Irano-Slavica=lrano-Slavica. 2008. No. 1. pp. 63-65.
Iran and Islamic Countries / / Orient (Oriens). 2008. No. 4. pp. 150-157.
The Iranian Diaspora in Russia / / Iran Today. 2008. No. 1. P. 36-39.
The Iranian economy and globalization // Iran today. 2008. No. 1. pp. 2-6.
Iranskii faktor v strategicheskoi situatsii regiona [The Iranian Factor in the strategic Situation of the region]. 2008. No. 2. pp. 7-11.
Ministries and departments in Iran / / Ministries and Departments. Textbook, Moscow: Norma Publ., 2008, pp. 234-244.
Problemy bezopasnosti: SHOS i Iranii [Security Issues: the SCO and Iran], in Shanshaiskaya organizatsiya sotrudnichestva: k novykh rubezham razvitiya, Moscow, 2008, pp. 329-350.
Sravnitel'nyj analiz ekonomicheskogo potentsiala islamskikh stran i Irana [Comparative analysis of the economic potential of Islamic countries and Iran]. 2008. Issue 37, pp. 160-174.
Iran. Istoriya, ekonomika, kul'tura: Pamyati SM. Aliev [History, Economy, Culture: In Memory of SM. Aliev], Moscow: IV RAS, 2009, author's note: Establishment and development of Soviet-Iranian relations (1917-1391), pp. 157-170; Centers for political decision-making in Iran and the main results of the Islamic regime's activities, pp. 141-1-56.
Iran Today: Domestic Politics and its role in International Life // Svobodnaya mysl ' [Free Thought], Moscow, 2009, no. 1, pp. 55-68.
The Iranian economy and problems of its dependence on the export of energy resources. Energiya: ekonomika, tekhnika, ekologiya, Moscow, 2009. No. 12. pp. 13-19.
Government of Iran / / Government in foreign countries. Uchebnoe posobie [Textbook], Moscow: Os-89, 2009, pp. 198-213.
Razvitie islamskogo teologicheskogo i religioznogo obrazovaniya v Rossii i za rubezhom [Development of Islamic theological and Religious education in Russia and abroad]. Moscow: Islamic State University, 2009, pp. 58-65.
North-South-Rossgya. 2008. Moscow: IMEMO, 2009. Author: Russian-Iranian cooperation: Multilateral aspects, pp. 136-142; Iran and the nuclear program in 2008, pp. 174-181.
"Traditional and Islamic elements of Iran's economic culture - past and present" / / Iran and Islamic Countries, Moscow, 2009, pp. 146-152.
30 let islamskogo pravleniya v IRI osnovnye itogi [30 years of Islamic rule in Iran: the main results]. Thirty years of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Moscow, 2009, pp. 96-108.
Economic potential of Islamic countries and Iran's place in the economic development of Muslim countries. Moscow, 2009, pp. 15-26.
2009 year in Russian-Iranian relations / / Middle East and Modernity. 2010. Issue 41, pp. 88-97.
Achievements and problems of political and socio-economic development of Iran in the context of Islamic statehood (1979-2009) / / 30 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran: main results and prospects of development. Moscow, 2010. pp. 5-6; pp. 17-30. Ed. co-authored with A. Ebrahimi Torkaman.
Iranskaya modeli modernizatsii [The Iranian model of Modernization]. Sovremennye problemy razvitiya, Moscow: IMEMO RAS, 2010, pp. 191-199.
Experience of Iran's economic development under Islamic rule // Modern Iran. 2010. No. 1, pp. 39-48.
Experience economic development of Iran in terms of Islamic rule and globalization // business Management. 2010. No. 6. pp. 3-8.
North-South-Russia. 2009. Moscow: IMEMO RAS, 2010. Author: Achievements and problems in Russian-Iranian cooperation, pp. 28-32; Iran before and after presidential elections, pp. 91-95.
Soviet Union and Iran / / USSR and the countries of the East on the eve and during the Second World War. Moscow, 2010. pp. 265-314 (sovm. with others).
Traditional and Islamic elements of the economic culture of Iran past and present / / Irano-Slavika. 2010. No. 1. pp. 12-14.
Iran and Turkey: Models of Economic Development / / Asia and Africa Today. 2011. No. 2. pp. 17-19.
Iran and the SCO / / The SCO and the countries of the Near and Middle East (to the 10th anniversary of the formation of the SCO). Moscow, 2011. pp. 31-46. Ed. sovm. with B. M. Khakimov.
The electoral system in Iran and its role in legitimizing power / / Irano-Slavika. 2011. No. 1 (23), pp. 10-12.
Iran on the eve and during the Second World War. Moscow: IVRAN, 2011. Auth.: Preface. pp. 5-8; Economic potential of Iran on the eve and during the Second World War. pp. 61-78. Ed.
Iranian interests in Afghanistan and the main parameters of Iran-Afghanistan relations / / Modern Afghanistan and neighboring countries, Moscow: IV RAS, 2011, pp. 71-91.
Islamskiy faktor v razvitii sovremennogo Irana [The Islamic Factor in the development of modern Iran].
O nekotorykh problemakh formirovaniya vneshnoi politiki IRI [On some problems of forming the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran]. 2011. Issue 44, pp. 75-81.
Politika RF i IRI v regional'nom kontekste (CA, Kavkaz, Middle East) [Russian Federation and Iran Policy in the Regional Context (CA, Caucasus, Middle East)]. Moscow: IV RAS, 2011. - Auth.: Preface pp. 5-8; Ekonomicheskie interesy Rossii i Irana v regione [Economic interests of Russia and Iran in the region]. P. 90-100.
Islamskiy faktor v razvitii sovremennogo Irana [The Islamic Factor in the development of modern Iran]. Moscow: IVRAN, 2011, pp. 270-283.
Russia-Iran: Three Decades of "Cautious Strategic Cooperation" / / Triedinstvo. Russia faces the near East and the near West. Scientific and Literary Almanac, Moscow: Grifon Publ., 2011, pp. 244-250.
Sanctions and their impact on the situation in Iran// North-South Russia. 2010. Moscow: IMEMO RAS, 2011, pp. 126-132.
Sanctions against Iran calculations and miscalculations / / Modern Iran. 2011. No. 2. pp. 56-60.
Economy of neighboring countries. Textbook / MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2011. - Author's section: Features of socio-economic models of Transcaucasia; Specifics of socio-economic models of Central Asia. P. 143-304.
Russia's Traditional Partners (Iran) // Russia in Polecentric World. M., 2012. C. 424-427.
Iran and the Economic Crisis (socio-economic situation) / / Svobodnaya mysl, Moscow, 2012, no. 9/10 (1635), pp. 14-24.
The Iranian component of world politics // Asia and Africa in the Modern World, Moscow: IMEMO RAS, 2012, pp. 181-193.
Russia-Iran: Three Decades of "Cautious Cooperation" / / Triedinstvo: Russia before the Near East and Near West, Moscow, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 244-251.
Sanctions and their Impact on the Situation in Iran, Moscow, 2012. Author: Preface. The sanctions regime against Iran and its impact on the situation in the country. pp. 5-18. Ed.
Cooperation-rivalry with Iran / / Turkey: a new role in the modern world, Moscow, 2012, pp. 35-38.
Economic jihad as a response to tougher sanctions // North-South-Russia. 2011. Moscow, 2012, pp. 56-61.
Efficiency of economic models of Iran and Turkey (comparative analysis) / / Muslim space along the perimeter of the borders of the Caucasus and Central Asia, Moscow, 2012, pp. 44-55.
Iran: interests in Central Asia and opportunities for influence // Security Challenges in Central Asia, Moscow, 2013, pp. 48-50, 102-105.
Iran under M. Ahmadinejad. Moscow, 2013. Auth.: Preface. P. 5-7; In memory of A. Z. Arabajyan. p. 8-13; Main directions of social and economic policy of the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. p. 40-53; Afghan direction of Iranian policy in the period of Ahmadinejad. p. 123-129. Ed.
Russia and Iran: Contradictions and mutual interests. - Shark name. Rusia va alshark alavast. Beirut, 2013. pp. 49-58.
Social policy of Iran in the Islamic context / / Asia and Africa Today. 2013. No. 4. pp. 16-19.
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