September 1, 2013 marked the 75th anniversary of V. E. Radnaev, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Asian and African Languages of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Buryatia.
V. E. Radnaev was born on September 1, 1938 in the family of a rural employee in the village of Argada in the Barguzin aimag of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR (now the Republic of Buryatia). After graduating from Argadinsky secondary school, he studied at the Kansk Library Technical School of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the direction of the Department of Culture of the aimag. He worked in Buryatia in the editorial office of the newspaper "Barguzinskaya Pravda", in libraries and schools. He graduated from the courses of working correspondents at the editorial office of the newspaper "Power of Soviets" of the Kansk CC of the CPSU. It was published in local and national newspapers.
He studied for two years at the D. Banzarov Buryat Pedagogical Institute, and then transferred to the Mongolian Department of the Eastern Faculty of Leningrad State University, graduating in 1968. For some time he worked at the Buryat Institute of Social Sciences (now the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology) of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968-1972). He completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1972-1975), defended his PhD thesis (1976). From 1977, Radnaev worked in Moscow at the Institute of National Schools of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR (now the Federal Institute of Regional Education (FIRO)) until March 1982; taught Mongolian at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1986-1987), at the Higher courses of Foreign Languages (HQII) at the State Committee for Economic Relations of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, at similar courses under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR (1989-1992). Since 1986, senior and then leading bibliographer of the Central Scientific and Technical Library of the Ministry of Transport of the USSR, Russian Federation (now JSC Russian Railways), was engaged in computer science, bibliography, as well as practical bibliography, scientific and technical literature.
Worked in the bibliographic information sector of INION RAS (2003) as a senior researcher, then as a researcher and chief librarian of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library Russian Agricultural Academy (2004-2010), since 2011 is a senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
He mainly deals with the history of Buryat and Mongolian linguistics, issues of Mongolian lexicography, Mongolian historical biography, bibliography and historiography of Mongolian studies in Russia and abroad, related to the heritage of Mongol scholars of the XIX-XX centuries. He is interested in problems of linguistic consciousness, Buryat ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics, aspects of Mongolian writing and epigraphy.
For a number of years he took part in the work of the Buryat diaspora in Moscow, was the author of a number of projects for conducting scientific events on the history of the social movement and thought of the Buryat people at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. In the late 1990s, V. E. Radnaev held conferences dedicated to the memory of D. Banzarov (1993, 1998), E.-D. Rinchino (1994), A. Dorzhiev (1995), on the epic "Geseriada" (1996), D. B. Ulymzhiev (1998). He wrote a number of articles about V. I. Zolkhoev (1999), G. Ts. Pyurbeev (2001), O. M. Kovalevsky (2001), and others.
V. E. Radnaev's monograph "Mongolian linguistics in the first half of the XIX century in Russia: problems of heritage" (2012) was the result of many years of work. The book examines the most important areas of grammatical theory, historical lexicology, and Mongolian multilingual lexicography. The scientific foundations of grammars of Mongolian languages by academician Ya. I. Schmidt, professor O. M. Kovalevsky, Irkutsk Archpriest A. I. Bobrovnikov, Professor A.V. Popov, Bachelor of the Kazan Theological Academy A. A. Bobrovnikov are studied in detail. The historical lexicology of the Mongolian language is considered in close connection with the study of consciousness
Mongol peoples, the initial forms of their statehood (principalities, khanates, etc.). The development of Mongolian lexicography can be traced from the XIV to the XIX centuries. In the light of continuity and mutual influence, V. E. Radnaev is engaged in complex technical work to complete the "Etymological Dictionary of Mongolian Languages".
V. E. Radnaev is the author of about 200 scientific papers written in various genres of modern Mongolian studies, dealing with topical issues of Mongolian literary studies, folklore and literature.
The hero of the day is widely known among Mongolian scholars in Russia and abroad, especially in Mongolia and other countries. He participated in many Mongolian and Altaic conferences, symposia, and congresses.
V. E. Radnaev was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Republic of Buryatia", is a member of the Society of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2004).
Colleagues and friends of V. E. Radnaev warmly congratulate him on the anniversary, sincerely wish him new achievements in the field of modern Mongolian studies, as well as to preserve good health, courage and talent!
Istoriko-filologicheskie etudy D. Banzarov v nauchnoi exclusivnoy kritike ego sovremennikov [Historical and philological studies of D. Banzarov in the scientific exclusive criticism of his contemporaries]. Ulan-Ude, 1999, pp. 131-137.
Buryat Orientalist D. Banzarov and his scientific heritage in the Soviet era and in our days / / Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Otechestv, i zarub, lit. Ser. 7. Literaturovedenie, 1999, no. 4. pp. 115-121.
A. V. Igumnov kak leksikograf [Igumnov as a lexicographer] / / Vladimirtsovskiye chteniya IV. Moscow, 2000, pp. 90-92.
In: Leading Linguists of the world. Encyclopedia, Moscow, 2002. Author: Zhamtsarano Tsyben (1881-1942), pp. 282; Nomtoev Rinchen (1821-1907), pp. 539-540.
Academician G. Z. Bayer as a harbinger of Russian Mongolian studies // Problems of history and culture of nomadic civilizations of Central Asia, vol. 2.Istoriya, filosofiya, kul'turologiya i iskusstvo [History, Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Art]. Ulan-Ude, 2000, pp. 159-161.
Zaya-Pandita and his time in the society's scientific and public life of modern Kalmykia // Social Sciences and Humanities. Otechestv, i zarub, lit-ra. Ser. 7.Literaturovedenie [Literary studies]. Moscow, 2000. Issue 4. pp. 137-144.
In: Ural-Altaic (Turkic-Mongolian) linguistics. Encyclopedia, author: Banzarov Dorji (1822-1855), pp. 54-56; Baradin Bazar Baradievich (1878-1937), pp. 56-57; Zhamtsarano Tsyben (1881-1942), pp. 190-193; Kara Dzrd (born in 1935), pp. 232-234; Zolkhoev Valentin Ignatievich (born in 1928), pp. 209-211; Nomtoev Rinchen (1821-1907). Pp. 344-346; Pagba Tavshni (1928-1972). pp. 362-363; Rinchen Byambyn (1905-1977). pp. 421-422.Moscow, 2001.
About the work of the linguistic section of the intern. sci. Conf. "Problems of history and culture of nomadic civilizations of Central Asia" / / Voprosy yazykoznaniya. 2001. No. 2. pp. 154-156.
O zhizni i deyatel'nosti yazykovedika, perevodchik i pedagoga Aleksandra Bobrovnikov [On the life and work of linguist, translator and teacher Alexander Bobrovnikov]. Byul. V. M., 2001, pp. 388-397.
Mongolian, Oirat and Buryat translations of "Bodhicharyavatary" / / Culture of Central Asia: written sources. Vol. V. Ulan-Ude, 2001, pp. 131-138.
Buryats // Picturesque Russia, Moscow, 2002, no. 4, pp. 6-10.
In: Legacy of the Mongol scholar O. M. Kovalevsky and Modernity. Kazan, 2002. - Author: Professor O. M. Kovalevsky as a source specialist. The fate of his home library and personal archive. Pp. 66-73; M. T. Navrotsky as a Mongolian-Kalmyk scholar and Arabist. pp. 206-209.
Professor A.V. Popov as a Mongol scholar and Kalmyk scholar // Russia and Mongolia in the light of the dialogue of Eurasian civilizations, Moscow, 2002, pp. 258-262.
Professor O. M. Kovalevsky as a grammarian / / Man in the mirror of language. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [Questions of Theory and Practice], Collection dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A. P. Yudakin, Moscow, 2002, pp. 22-37.
* Comp. S. D. Miliband. For a list of the main works of V. E. Radnaev up to and including 1998, see: Vostok, 1999, no. 1, pp. 214-215.
Professor O. M. Kovalevsky as a lexicographer. Congress of Mongol Studies, Moscow, 2002, pp. 258-262.
In: Mongolian Studies in the New Millennium (to the 170th anniversary of the organization of the Department of the Mongolian language for the first time in Russia). Elista, 2003. Auth.: The inscription on the Grushevkinskaya paytss as a linguistic source. pp. 31-33; At the origins of Russian Buddhology (from Ya. I. Schmidt to V. P. Vasiliev). pp. 279-280.
Two Alphabets of Square Writing (the Results of the Study: Metamorphosis and Essence of the Truth) // Mezhdunar. Congress of Orientalists of Asian and North African Studies, Moscow, 2004, pp. 150-151.
Materials on Mongolian languages, which are in the scientific archives of St. Petersburg, as a linguistic source / / Sanzheyevskie chtsnii-5. In 2 parts of Part 1. Ulan-Ude, 2003, pp. 39-44.
About the life and work of Academician Sh. Luvsanvandana / / Altaica X. Collection of articles and mat. Moscow, 2005. pp. 169-172.
Assessment by Academician Sh. Luvsanvandan phonetic system of the Mongolian language in the works of Russian Mongolists-philologists (1st floor). XIX century) // Vladimirtsovskiye chteniya-V. M., 2006. pp. 196 199.
Classes of words in Mongolian languages in the context of general linguistic and philosophical problems. Congress of Mongol Studies, Moscow, 2006, pp. 319-322.
The Phonetic Views of Russian Mongolian Language Researches of the First Half XIX Century in Interpretation of Academician Sh. Luvsanvandan // The International Association for Mongol Studies Bulletin. Ulaanbaatar, 2006 (38), 2007 (39). P. 104-107.
The first Russian Mongol scholar [to the 200th anniversary of Ya. I. Schmidt] // Vestn. Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 77, No. 2, Moscow, 2007, pp. 1131-1133.
Mongolian linguistics in Russia and abroad (formation, development and current state) / / Man in the mirror of language. Book 4. Moscow, 2009, pp. 133-159.
Comparative-historical Mongolistics (history, development and current state) / / Problems of Mongol studies and Altaistic studies. Elista, 2009. pp. 158-162.
Kazan School of Mongol Studies in the works of domestic and foreign scientists / / Vostok (Oriens), 2009, no 5, pp. 178-189.
Main directions of the scientific heritage of the largest European orientalist A. Mostaert (1881-1971) / / Anton Mostaert ba mongol sudlal 'Antoine Mostaert and Mongol Studies'. Ulaanbaatar: Admon Publishing House, 2011, pp. 312-317.
Mongolian linguistics in Russia in the first half of the XIX century: problems of heritage. Ulan-Ude, 2012. 392 p., fig.
Synthesis of Eastern and Western achievements in Mongolian lexicography / / Mongolian Language and Culture, their Urgent Problems. Vol. 2. Ulaanbaatar, 2012. P. 333-334 (Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Mongolists. Vol. II).
J.-P. Abel-Remusat, his school and Russian Orientalists of the first half of the XIX century. An International Journal of Mongol Studies. Ulaanbaatar: JAMS, 2012. Vol. 1 (45). P. 216-226.
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