Libmonster ID: UZ-1342


Ulan-Ude: BSC SB RAS Publishing House, 2012, 392 p.

The reviewed monograph by V. E. Radnaev is devoted to the history of Mongolian linguistics, which emerged in Russia in the first half of the 19th century in two centers - the Asian Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Kazan Imperial University. The first half of the 19th century in Russian orientalism was a stage of origin and rapid development of Russian Mongolian studies, the main scientific directions of which were philology (linguistics and literature), the history of Mongolia and Mongolian ethnic groups, religious studies (shamanism and Buddhism). In accordance with these areas, new personnel were trained.

The book consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

The introduction presents a modern view of the history of Mongolian studies in the period under review. In the 20th century, the Mongolian peoples underwent a major acculturation during the Soviet era, which took place in Buryatia and Kalmykia. A slightly different picture was observed in Mongolia than in the Soviet autonomous regions, although repressions were also carried out there against the old intelligentsia, the Lamas and Buryats-repatriates from Transbaikalia and Eastern Siberia. In China, the Mongols retained their traditional culture and language, but during the Cultural Revolution, the non-Han population was subjected to persecution, harassment, and other forms of violence.

The introduction is written on a rich retrospective material. The author considers those sections of Mongolian studies that were studied by Academician A. N. Kononov in his work on the history of pre-revolutionary and Soviet Oriental studies. They suggested the author's ideas and logic of presentation. The author distinguishes between the historiography of Mongolian linguistics and works devoted to the study of biographies of Mongol scholars of those years. At the end of the Introduction, a brief overview of the history of studying the Mongolian and Kalmyk languages in Russian school education is given. It recreates a retrospective picture of the development of the national school in tsarist Russia.

The main chapters of the book deal with three problems of Mongolian studies: grammatical theory, historical lexicology, and lexicography.

Chapter 1, " The development of Grammatical teaching in Mongolian Linguistics in Russia in the first Half of the 19th Century: Grammars by J. I. Schmidt, A. I. Bobrovnikov, O. M. Kovalevsky, A.V. Popov, and A. A. Bobrovnikov," describes the origin of the basic elements of grammatical theory that formed the basis of the first grammars of the Mongolian language.

In Section 1, " Indo-Tibetan, Mongolian and European linguistic traditions. Sources and components of grammars of Mongolian languages" the author investigated the prerequisites for the emergence of new languages.-

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introduction and formation of grammatical theory. It highlights the role of the treatises " Jirüken-ü tolta "("The rim of the heart, or the cap of the heart") and"Kelen-ü cimeg" ("The Decoration of speech") by the theologian Agvandandar Alashansky, who was also an excellent philologist. The author traces the influence of ancient, Roman and Latin schools on the first Russian grammarians-Mongolists. Special attention is paid to the influence of the Port Royal Grammar on the works of J. I. Schmidt, who compiled the Grammar of the Mongolian Language first in German (1831), then translated into Russian on behalf of the Minister of Public Education S. S. Uvarov (1832). The author established that Mongolian linguistics had two stages: pre-scientific, represented by the works of acad. Ieriga and A.V. Igumnova, and scientific.

In the same chapter, the author described the first grammars of the Mongolian language by J. I. Schmidt (1831, 1832), O. M. Kovalevsky (1835), A. I. Bobrovnikov (1835), A.V. Popov (1848) and A. A. Bobrovnikov (1849), and highlighted the issues of their phonetics, morphology, and syntax elements. It should be noted that the study of the verb in the Mongolian languages has caused some difficulties for many grammarians due to its complexity and tiering in participial and adverbial turns. There were disputes between Mongolists who proposed diametrically opposite interpretations of the issues discussed. Grammatical theory at the initial stage of the development of Mongolian studies was described primarily in the curriculum. Grammars of those years created in Kazan, as a rule, had similar schemes. Only the comparative grammar of A. A. Bobrovnikov differed, which, according to O. M. Kovalevsky, did not pursue narrowly educational goals and objectives, but was in fact a scientific grammar. Subsequently, it contributed to the emergence of adherents of A. A. Bobrovnikov in the person of Professor N. N. Poppe and Professor G. D. Sgnzheev. Despite this, there were disputes between them over the nominal parts of speech.

V. E. Radnaev covered the issues of grammar of the Mongolian languages mainly in historical and linguistic terms. In addition to a thorough analysis of all grammars of the period under review, the author reviewed critical literature that reflects the attitude of contemporaries to these grammars.

In chapter II, "Historical lexicology in the Mongolian language in Russia and abroad, developed in the 19th century in the context of modern linguistics", the author examines D. Banzarov's scientific contribution to the study of the ancient history of Mongolia, made by him in historical and philological studies published for the first time in the series" Library of Oriental Historians", published by Professor I. N. Berezin In Kazan in 1849, D. Banzarov was the first among his contemporaries to give original interpretations of the ethnonyms "Mongol", "oirat", the title" Genghis "and the geonym" Ergunekun ""homeland of the Mongols". The problems of etymology of these words have been and continue to be the subject of scientific disputes among scientists for many years. After the collapse of the USSR, these words became popular in alternative works by S. Sh. Chagdurov, A. L. Angarkhasva and others written from nationalist positions. This trend was a kind of cultural nationalism of the Buryat people.

V. E. Radnaev analyzed the valuable works of D. Banzarov on Mongolian epigraphy, including an article on deciphering the inscription on the Isungge stele, works on reading the inscription on the paijs of Abdulla with scientific translation and explanations, research on the interpretation of the names of weapons of Eastern origin in Russian. The author of the book presents a review of the literature on Banzarov's hypothesis about the history of the ethnonym "Sakha-Yakut". When analyzing these works of the scientist, the author used the method of heuristic research of Hungarian Orientalists led by Academician L. Ligeti, and also took into account the achievements of Russian linguistic thought.

Chapter III "Mongolian lexicography from the 13th century to the 50s of the 19th century: issues of continuity and mutual influence" is devoted to the study of the development of the national lexicography of the Mongols. It traces all the stages of lexicography: its origin in the 13th century under the influence of the Muslim cultural tradition in Iran, its formation under the auspices of Indo-Tibetan lexicography, and the actual Mongolian way of development of national lexicography, which was established in Mongolia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Mongolian scientific lexicography owes its final design to the Russian Mongolists Ya. I. Schmidt, O. M. Kovalevsky, and K. F. Golstunsky, who managed to synthesize Mongolian lexical material based on the techniques and techniques of Western European lexicography. This is how lexicography was formed in Russia as a branch of applied linguistics in the 1950s. The description of the lexicography of this period was based on the analysis of multilingual dictionaries of Academician Ya. I. Schmidt, professor O. M. Kovalevsky, remaining in the Russian language.

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To this day, the most important manuals for Mongolian and Tibetologists dealing with classical Mongolian studies and Tibetology.

The great merit of the author is that he examines in detail the structure and corpora of these dictionaries, the expediency of applying the principle of alphabetical arrangement of words, opposed to the ideographic approach in dictionary work.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized. The author shows how all the compiled grammars of the Mongolian languages published in St. Petersburg and Kazan during the studied period laid the foundations for the emergence of comparative historical linguistics in the XX century, which played a positive role in Mongolian philology on a global scale.

V. E. Radnaev's monograph is based on the study of a huge scientific multilingual literature: books, articles, reviews, and Mongolian trilingual dictionaries. The author collected and systematized unique linguistic and historical data, rare and interesting information concerning Mongolian linguistics, introduced undeservedly forgotten material into scientific circulation, which has not lost its sound even today.

Unfortunately, the monograph is not without some drawbacks. It was especially difficult to summarize all the facts and information on Mongolian historical lexicology. Regarding the ethnonyms "Mongol", "oirat", and the title "Genghis", it should be noted that their etymologies remain unclear. These etymons originated in the ancient period of Mongol history, but were recorded a little later. Aberrations appeared in them, they came down to us in the Chinese hieroglyphic system, whose polyphony could not convey them correctly both in sound and semantics. According to the Mongolian chronicles, the name "Mongol" was known during the time of Khabul Khan, who united 28 clans into one large principality in 1180 to resist the attacks of the Khitan conquerors [Gorokhova, 1967, p.20]. In the era of Genghis Khan, this ethnonym was completely assigned to this people. As you can see, the word "Mongol" was interpreted differently in those years.

In explaining the phrase "Khamug Mongol Uls", V. E. Radnaev gives a wrongly established translation, given by historians of the word form as "The State of all Mongols". The sinologist-Mongolist N. C. Munkuyev found a more correct approach to its interpretation: this expression should have been rendered as "the union of all Mongol clans" or"principality, khanate".

The word "ulus" in the modern Mongolian language "uls" is not properly understood semantically, since the latter is a reinterpretation. Mongolian historians have now begun to study the word "uls" in historical, cultural, and legal aspects, but the truth in the semantics of this word has not yet been found. The leading Mongolist I. de Rachewiltz [Rachewiltz, 2007, pp. 388-391] published a substantial heuristic article on the origin of the word "Yeke mongol ulus", in which the author put forward a number of interesting and quite understandable ideas based on the facts of Chinese and Mongolian sources. Du Shiwei, Ph. D., an associate of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, published an article on the topic "On the question of translating the 13th-century Mongolian term "Mongol uls" into Chinese " [Du Shiwei, 2006, pp. 159-165]. V. E. Radnaev advocates systematization of the semantics of this word in order to limit the chaos in different interpretations and subjective inventions of the authors.

V. E. Radnaev's monograph is undoubtedly a new word in modern Mongolian studies. It seems that the necessary and useful book of V. E. Radnaev will help more than one generation of Mongolian scholars and readers interested in the history and language of the Mongolian peoples.

list of literature

Gorokhova G. S. Once again about the tribal name of the Mongols. Mat. yubileynoy nauch. konf. Vostoka. L.: LSU Publishing House, 1967.

Du Shiwei. 13-р зууны "Монгол Улс-ын нэр томъeог монгол хэлнээс хятад хэл руу орчуулах асуддал // Mongolica. 2006. Vol. 18(39).

Rachewiltz J. dc. The genesis of the Name Yekc Mongyol ulus' // Mongolica. 2007. Vol. 20(41).

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A. I. BITKEEVA, V. E. RADNAEV: MONGOLIAN LINGUISTICS IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE XIX CENTURY: PROBLEMS OF HERITAGE // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 26.11.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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