Libmonster ID: UZ-1278

On August 2, 2011, Olga Ivanovna Zhigalina, a well-known Russian orientalist, Kurd scholar and Iranian scholar, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Kurdish Studies and Regional Problems at the Center for the Study of the Near and Middle East at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and one of the world's leading Kurdish scholars, turned 65.

O. I. Zhigalina graduated from the Faculty of Philology (Romano-Germanic department) in 1969 Lomonosov Moscow State University. In the same year, she joined the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences as a research and technical assistant, and a year later she was certified as a junior researcher in the Central Asia sector, which was headed by the famous scientist N. A. Khalfin, a major expert in the field of source studies and historiography. Under his leadership, O. I. Zhigalina began to prepare for publication the memoirs of the Russian General I. F. Blaramberg, which are an interesting source for studying Central Asia and the Caucasus of the XIX century. She translated these memories from German and prepared a commentary. In 1978, they were published with an introductory article by N. A. Khalfin in the publishing house "Eastern Literature" in the series "Central Asia in sources and materials". N. A. Khalfin suggested O. I. Zhigalina to develop the topic" The Central Asian question in English historiography of the XIX century", on which she worked for several years. Scrupulously collected and processed material not only in libraries in Moscow, but also in Dushanbe, in the akad Foundation. Semyonov, which contained unique books that were not available in Moscow libraries. Gradually, she began to prepare her dissertation. In 1973, O. I. Zhigalina defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. In 1974-1979, together with her husband, the head of the APN Bureau in Iran, she was in this country on a business trip. This allowed her to study the country in depth, as she and her husband managed to visit many parts of Iran, as well as learn the Persian language.

After returning to Moscow in 1979, O. I. Zhigalina, under the guidance of the famous Turkologist and Kurdologist M. A. Gasratyan, began working in the group for the study of the Kurdish question, which was created on the initiative of the then director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academician E. M. Primakov, within the Department of the Near and Middle East, headed at that time by the famous scientist Yu. V.Gankovsky. Initially, the group had two permanent employees (M. A. Gasratyan and O. I. Zhigalina). However, M. A. Gasratyan also attracted specialists from other departments of the Institute, in particular M. S. Lazarev, R. L. Tsabolov and others. Under the leadership of E. M. Primakov, the group for the study of the Kurdish question successfully conducted situational analyses of the situation in ethnic Kurdistan. In addition, its members were also engaged in fundamental research: they developed topics for writing monographs.

In 1984, the Kurdish Studies group was transformed into the Kurdish Studies Sector. Until 1990, the Kurdish studies department was headed by M. A. Gasratyan, in 1990-2004 by M. S. Lazarev, and since 2004 by O. I. Zhigalina.

Thus, for the last 32 years Olga Ivanovna has been a permanent employee of the Kurdish studies department, continuing the glorious traditions of Russian and Soviet Kurdish studies. Having worked for more than a quarter of a century under the leadership of the luminaries of Soviet Kurdish studies M. A. Gasratyan and M. S. Lazarev, and having been the head of the Kurdological sector for seven years, she can be called, perhaps, a representative of the Moscow school of classical Russian Kurdish studies. Representatives of the Moscow school, as well as Russian Kurdish studies in general, were characterized by careful work with sources, in particular with archival documents, and a deep and comprehensive analysis of the topic under study. It is no coincidence that a significant number of O. I. Zhigalina's scientific works are based on the analysis of documents from Russian archives and are devoted to topics that were not previously studied or poorly studied in the field of Kurdish studies. O. I. Zhigalina's research interests include the Kurdish question in general and the Kurdish problem in Iran, Iran proper, Central Asia, English historiography in connection with the Middle East, etc.

The first work of O. I. Zhigalina, as mentioned above, was the translation of the memoirs of the German I. F. Blaramberg, who served in the Russian army in the XIX century, and scientific comments on this work. In his memoirs, military engineer Lieutenant-General I. F. Blaramberg, who spent half a century in the Russian military service, wrote about a topographical expedition to the east coast

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The Caspian Sea in 1836, about his stay in Persia, including his participation in the siege of Herat in 1837-1840 and about his service in Orenburg in 1840-1855*.

As already noted, O. I. Zhigalina started studying the problems of Kurds and Kurdistan directly in 1979. In the early 1980s, her research (scientific articles) dealing with various issues of Kurdology were published, mainly devoted to the problems of Kurdish studies, Iranian Kurdistan, the national liberation struggle of Iranian Kurds and the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan. Since that time, O. I. Zhigalina has become one of the leading experts on the problems of Eastern Kurdistan and the Kurdish issue. Throughout the 1980s, O. I. Zhigalina's fundamental articles covering almost all aspects of the Kurdish problem in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan were published almost annually in special publications of the Institute of Oriental Studies and other centers of Oriental studies of the USSR. It should be noted that due to the fact that many of O. I. Zhigalina's works were published at that time in a special bulletin of the Institute of Internal Affairs of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was classified as chipboard, they could be used by a limited circle of readers.

In her article "Some foreign centers of Kurdish Studies" written exactly 30 years ago, O. I. Zhigalina analyzed the rapid development of Kurdish studies in Western countries. She noted the increased activity of foreign research centers in the field of Kurdistan studies in the 50s and 80s of the XX century, due to the most important importance of the territory of Kurdistan and the role of the Kurdish factor in the region. She correctly predicted a further increase in the attention of foreign centers to the study of the Kurdish problem, which was explained by the rise of the national liberation movement, the struggle of the Kurdish people for their national rights in Kurdistan, as well as the desire of the imperialist powers to strengthen their positions over communications and oil fields, thus anticipating the geopolitical processes of the O. I. Zhigalina believed that the Kurdish problem will remain at the center of many important international issues in the Middle East for a long time to come.

The section on the Kurdish problem in Iran in the material prepared together with M. S. Lazarev and others shortly after the Islamic revolution in that country testified to O. I. Zhigalina's deep understanding of the processes associated with the development of the Kurdish liberation movement in Eastern Kurdistan. It analyzed both the policies of the new Iranian authorities and the activities of various Kurdish parties, groups and leaders. According to O. I. Zhigalina, the anti-Kurdish position of the new Iranian leadership, which excluded the possibility of resolving the Kurdish issue on a democratic basis, contributed to the achievement of a significant scale by the Kurdish movement in Iran. She explained the tightening of the policy towards the Kurds by the desire of the new Iranian leadership to create a politically and religiously homogeneous state.

When considering the Kurdish problem in Iran, O. I. Zhigalina paid considerable attention to the Islamic factor. The essence of the Kurdish issue in Iran, O. I. Zhigalina believed, lies in the contradiction between the Iranian Kurds, who are fighting for autonomy within the Iranian state, and the ruling elite of the conservative Shiite clergy, who not only reject these demands, but also open military operations in Iranian Kurdistan. Khomeini's attitude to the Kurdish problem was determined by the ideology of Muslim nationalism, and he called the Kurdish opposition "anti-Islamic". The paper analyzes the position of Sheikh Izeddin Hosseini, abbot of the Friday mosque in Mehabad, who became one of the leaders of the Kurds of Iran. O. I. Zhigalina concluded that "a political solution to the Kurdish problem in Iran is impossible, at least as long as zealous followers of the religious course are in power."

In the collective monograph "The Kurdish Movement in modern and Contemporary Times" (Moscow, 1987), O. I. Zhigalina analyzed the Kurdish problem in Iran in the XX century (from the period after the First World War to the 1980s). In 1988, her monograph "The National Movement of Kurds in Iran (1918-1947)" was published. This was the first comprehensive study in Russian historiography devoted to the formation and development of the Kurdish national movement in Iran. Demographic and socio-economic aspects are also widely covered in the paper. It is written on the basis of studying the unique archival sources of the National Fund of India, the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, the personal fund of the famous Russian Kurdish scholar O. L. Vilchevsky and the materials of the Archive of Orientalists of the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts.

In 1990 O. I. Zhigalina published her monograph " Great Britain in the Middle East. Analysis of foreign policy concepts", written on the basis of her PhD thesis. This book analyzes various concepts of English historiography of the XIX - early XX centuries on the problems of British policy in the Middle East (mainly Iran and Afghanistan), studies the history of the British Empire and its history in the Middle East.-

* Blaramberg I. F. Memoirs / Translated from German by O. I. Zhigalina and E. F. Schmidt; introduction. article by N. A. Khalfin, Moscow: GRVL; Nauka Publ., 1978, 360 p.

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The works of the most prominent representatives of English historiography are presented. This work is actively used by researchers in studying the views of British figures in relation to the Middle East.

In 1996, O. I. Zhigalina defended her doctoral dissertation on "Ethnosocial processes in Iran in the XIX-XX centuries". It formed the basis of the monograph "Ethnosocial evolution of the Iranian society". It examines trends in the ethnic development of Iranian society and the dynamics of ethno-social changes on a broad historical basis. Special attention is paid to the aggravation of the ethno-political situation and the interethnic conflict in Iranian Kurdistan. O. I. Zhigalina concludes that " the most acceptable way for the country would be a national-state structure in the form of a federation, which, however, is problematic due to the position taken by the Shiite clergy in the field of interethnic relations."

In 2002 O. I. Zhigalina published the monograph "The Kurdish Khanates of Khorasan under the last Qajars", which is probably the only comprehensive study of the Kurdish khanates of Khorasan at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries in the world of Kurdish studies. Using archival materials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, O. I. Zhigalina showed the ethnocultural features of the Kurdish enclave in Khorasan, the socio-political situation in Iran at the beginning of the 20th century, the political and strategic role of the Kurdish khanates in the Anglo-Russian rivalry in the region, the participation of the Khorasan Kurds in insurgent movements, as well as the collapse of thex years of the XX century.

In 2005 O. I. Zhigalina was awarded the academic title of professor.

Based on extensive Russian archival materials, she wrote the monograph "Kurds of the Iranian province of Kermanshah on the eve and during the First World War" (M, 2008). This monograph brilliantly analyzes the place of this province in inter-imperialist contradictions and the policies of external powers.

In 2011, the German publishing house Lambert Academic Publishing published O. I. Zhigalina's monograph " The Kurdish Question in the Politics of Modern Iran. The problem of resolving the Kurdish ethno-political conflict in Iran", devoted to the policy of the Iranian regime on the Kurdish issue after the overthrow of the Shah's monarchy in 1979 to 2010 in domestic and foreign policy aspects. The paper examines the nature of the Kurdish national movement in Iran during the Iranian revolution of 1978-1979, the policy of Iran towards Kurds after the death of Imam Khomeini, aimed at eliminating the Kurdish political opposition and forcibly subordinating Iranian Kurdistan to the new power of the Shiite clergy. The book shows the peculiarities of the Iranian policy on the Kurdish issue during the term of office of Presidents A. Hashimi-Rafsanjani, M. Khatami and M. Ahmadinejad. The article also analyzes the evolution of political organizations of the Kurds of Iran and their futile attempts to unite them into a single Kurdish national democratic movement. In conclusion, the author notes the futility of resolving the Kurdish issue in Iran by armed means, expresses an opinion on the possibility of peace talks between representatives of the Kurdish opposition and the Iranian leadership, tolerance and active participation of Kurds in the socio-political and public life of the country, and the restoration of the regional economy. Obviously, this monograph is an important contribution to one of the most relevant topics of modern Kurdish studies. Without exaggeration, it can be considered the only comprehensive study of the Kurdish problem in Iran since the Islamic Revolution to date.

Another of her works, which is expected to be published in the near future, is dedicated to the leader of the national liberation movement in Iraqi Kurdistan in the 40-70s of the XX century, Mullah Mustafa Barzani (historical portrait).

Thus, many of O. I. Zhigalina's studies are innovative and are being studied for the first time. It introduces a significant amount of new materials into scientific circulation.

In total, O. I. Zhigalina published more than 200 scientific papers.

O. I. Zhigalina also conducts extensive organizational and editorial activities. On her initiative, the scientific conference "Lazarev Readings", "round tables" and workshops are held annually, where current problems of Kurdish studies and the Kurdish question in ethnic Kurdistan are discussed, she edits collections of articles and monographs prepared within the framework of the Kurdish studies sector.

O. I. Zhigalina is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Dissertation Academic Council on Modern and Contemporary History of MGIMO. Under her guidance, three graduate students prepared and defended their PhD theses. She continues her creative research and teaching activities.

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O. I. Zhigalina regularly participates in various Russian and international conferences and symposia. So, in 1996, she presented a paper at the conference " Kurds and the city "(Paris), in 2008 - at the conference "Eastern City" (Krakow, Jagiellonian University). She is a member of the Society of Iranian Scholars of Europe, participating in its regular (every four years) and intermediate conferences (Paris, Ravenna, Oxford and Vienna).

O. I. Zhigalina actively continues her creative activity, and we, her colleagues, are waiting for new deep and fascinating research.



Features of the Kurdish national liberation movement in Iran in the 60s and 70s / / Kurd Studies. Yerevan, 1985.

Evolution of the conflict situation in Iranian Kurdistan. byull. IV OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences. N 2 (235). Moscow, 1985.

The situation in Iranian Kurdistan / / Special Bulletin. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 242. Moscow, 1986.

National-religious policy of the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iranian Kurdistan / / Islam and problems of nationalism in the countries of the Middle East and the Middle East. Moscow, 1986.

Kurdy i Kurdistan [Kurds and Kurdistan]. IV OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences, No. 6, Moscow, 1986.

In: Kurdskoe dvizhenie v novoe i sovremennoe vremya [The Kurdish Movement in the New and Modern Times], Moscow, 1987, ed. in: Kurdskiye razvitii v Irane (1918-1923), pp. 113-118; Dvizhenie v Iranskom (Vostochnom) Kurdistan. Simcoe's Revolt. pp. 136-142; The Mehabad Republic (December 1945-October 1946). pp. 176-185; The Kurdish movement in Iranian Kurdistan after the defeat of the Mehab Republic. pp. 220-227; The Anti-Shah Revolution and the problem of Kurds in Iran. pp. 245-256.

On the issue of the Kurds ' allies in their struggle for autonomy. byull. IV OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences, No. 1, Moscow, 1988.

Some aspects of the Kurdish movement in the Islamic Republic of Iran. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 254. Moscow, 1988.

National Movement of Kurds in Iran (1918-1947). Moscow, 1988.

Translated from German. (co-authored with E. F. Schmidt) I. F. Blaramberg. Memoirs / I. F. Blaramberg, Moscow, 1978, 360 p.

On the issue of the Kurds ' struggle for national autonomy during the Iranian Revolution of 1979-1989. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 5 (212). Moscow, 1980.

Sovremennoe sostoyanie kurdskogo voprosa [The current state of the Kurdish issue]. Spec. bul. N 2 (215), Moscow, 1981, pp. 5-57 (sovm. with others).

Nekotorye zarubezhnye tsentry kurdovedeniya [Some foreign centers of Kurd studies]. Spec. bul. N 2(215), Moscow, 1981, pp. 97-131.

Rol ' islam v razvitii ideologii kurdskogo natsional'nogo dvizheniya v Irane [The role of Islam in the development of the ideology of the Kurdish national movement in Iran].

Attitude of the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Kurdish problem / / Modern Islam: problems of politics and ideology / "Comprehensive program of scientific research on actual problems of modern Islamic studies in 1980-1982" / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, 1982. pp. 105-121.

The situation in Iranian Kurdistan / / Special Bulletin. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 1 (223). Moscow, 1983.

Politicheskaya situatsiya v Iranskom Kurdistane [Political situation in Iranian Kurdistan]. IV OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences. N 1 (229). Moscow, 1984.

On the Kurdish problem in Iran. IV OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences. N 1 (219). Moscow, 1985.

Iran's recognition of UN Resolution 598. Positions of the Iranian Kurds on war and peace. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 6. M " 1989.

Western historiography on the current situation of the Kurds in Iran / / Historiography of Iran. Moscow, 1989.

Great Britain in the Middle East (XIX-early XX centuries). Analysis of foreign policy concepts. Moscow, 1990. 166 p.

On the situation in Iranian Kurdistan / / Vostok i sovremennost', Moscow, 1990.

Some features of ethno-religious processes in Iran / / Islam and Social Structures, Moscow, 1990.

Kurdish political parties and public organizations in Iran. IV OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. N 6. M " 1990.

Etnosocial evolution of the Iranian society, Moscow, 1996.264 p.

Kurd Khanates of Khorasan under the last Qajars: the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX century / RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Vostochny lit., Moscow, 2002. 247 p.

Iranskii Kurdistan: ot konflikt k dialogu [Iranian Kurdistan: from conflict to Dialogue]. Mizhnij Vostok i sovremennost ' [Middle East and Modernity], Moscow, 2002, No. 19, pp. 77-82.

Nekotorye problemy regional'noy politiki sovremennogo Irana [Some problems of regional policy in modern Iran]. 2003. N 20. pp. 9-16.

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Coalition forces in Iraq and the situation in ethnic Kurdistan / / Middle East and Modernity. 2004. N 23. P. 246 255.

Kurdsky vopros v Zapadnoy Azii na sovremennom etape [The Kurdish question in Western Asia at the present stage].

Politicheskaya aktivizatsiya iranskikh kurdov [Political activation of the Iranian Kurds]. 2004. N 24. pp. 142-149.

Islam i obshchestvennoe razvitie v nachale XXI veka [Islam and social development at the beginning of the XXI century], Moscow, 2005, pp. 451-464.

Problems of ethnic and cultural conflict in modern Iran, / / Ethnic groups and religions in the East: conflict and collaboration. M., 2005. P. 336-352.

Presidential elections and the "Kurdish" policy of the new cabinet in the north-western provinces of Iran / / Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan: time of elections and changes. Moscow, 2006. pp. 104-116.

The process of resolving the Kurdish problem in Iraq and its impact on the Kurdish enclaves of Turkey, Iran, and Syria. 2006. N 2. pp. 184-187.

Kurdsky vopros v Zapadnoy Azii v nachale XXI v. [The Kurdish question in Western Asia at the beginning of the XXI century].

Kurdsky vopros v Zapadnoy Azii v nachale XXI v. [The Kurdish Question and the problem of stability in Western Asia]. Moscow, 2006, pp. 194-205.

The Kurdish issue in West Asian countries and the problem of regional instability // East (Oriens). 2006. N 5. pp. 187-191.

Positions of Iranian neoconservatives on the Kurdish issue / / Kurd issue in Western Asia at the beginning of the XXI century, Moscow, 2006, pp. 185-192.

The Kurdish issue in Iran: a solution in the dialogue of the parties //Asia and Africa today. 2006. N 10. pp. 27-31.

Diaries of the Russian diplomat S. V. Chirkin / / Irano-Slavika, Moscow, 2007, N 1-2, pp. 22-24.

The Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911. 2007. N 1. pp. 165-170.

Some aspects and problems of self-determination of the Kurdish autonomous region in Iraq / / Middle East and Modernity. 2007. N 31. Pp. 30-12.

Problema kurdskoy nezavisimosti v period politicheskogo krizisa v Irakii (nachalo 2006 g.) [The problem of Kurdish independence during the political crisis in Iraq (early 2006)]. 2007. N 30, pp. 55-65.

Russia, the Islamic world and global processes// East (Oriens). 2007. N 3. pp. 148-160 (sovm. with others).

Kurds of the Iranian province of Kermanshah on the eve and during the First World War / RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Vostochny lit., 2008, 288 p.

"Kurd threat" to Iran and ways of its settlement / / Middle East and Modernity. 2008. N 36. P. 25-35.

Nekotorye tendentsii razvitiya kurdskogo natsional'nogo dvizheniya v etnicheskom Kurdistane [Some trends in the development of the Kurdish national movement in ethnic Kurdistan]. 2008. N 37. pp. 67-77.

110 years of Kurdish journalism // East (Oriens). 2008. N 6. pp. 135-137.

Ethnocultural conflict in modern Iran / / Conflicts in the East: ethnic and confessional, Moscow, 2008, pp. 274-288.

The Islamic factor in history and modernity// East (Oriens). 2009. N 2. pp. 136-142 (sovm. with others).

On the issue of internally displaced persons in Iran and the CIS. History, economy, and culture. In memory, SEE Alieva, Moscow, 2009, No. 28, pp. 95-101.

Kurds waiting for political changes / / Analytical Notes, Moscow, 2009, No. 28, pp. 111-124.

USSR and the Kurdish question (1939-1945) / / USSR and the countries of the East on the eve and during the Second World War. Moscow, 2010. From 315-354.

Stages of development of relations between Russia and ethnic Kurdistan// Russia and the Muslim World, Moscow, 2010, pp. 161-171.

The Kurdish question in the politics of modern Iran. The problem of settling the Kurdish ethno-political conflict in Iran / / Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. 396 p.

The Kurdish crisis of 1945 and the creation of the Mehabad Republic / / Iran and the Second World War, Moscow, 2011, pp. 28-41.

Kurd ethnopolitical conflict and problems of its settlement // Conflicts and conflict zones in Asia and North Africa, Moscow, 2011, pp. 254-266.

National and Islamic factors in the political process in Iraqi Kurdistan / / Islamic factor in history and Modernity, Moscow, 2011, pp. 200-211.

The process of overcoming the crisis of power in Iraq / / Middle East and Modernity. 2011. N 44. pp. 15-27.

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