Libmonster ID: UZ-1163

Japan's penetration into Arab countries in the late 60s / / Far East. Istoriya, ekonomika [History and Economics], Moscow, 1974, pp. 3-21.

On the importance of foreign trade for the economic development of Arab countries / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1975. N 6. pp. 121-129.

Cooperation of Arab countries in the field of finance / / The Middle East. Economics and History, Moscow, 1976, pp. 24-33.

Arab" common market": some results and prospects // Actual problems of the Arab East and North Africa countries, Moscow, 1977, pp. 101-119.

Influence of petrodollars on the development of Arab countries and Iran / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. Moscow, 1977. N 3. pp. 153-164. (together with I. L. Gainullina).

Export of Arab capital to developing countries / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1977. N 4. pp. 119-126.

Nekotorye problemy razvitiya mezharabskogo ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva v kontse 60-kh - nachale 70-kh godov [Some problems of development of inter-Arab economic cooperation in the late 60s-early 70s].

Vneshneekonomicheskie svyazi mezhdunarodskimi stranami (1951 - 1975) [Foreign economic relations between Arab countries (1951-1975)]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1978, 176 p.

Problemy sovetsko-arabicheskikh ekonomicheskikh otnosheniy i perspektivy ikh razvitiya [Problems of Soviet-Arab economic relations and prospects for their development].

Arab capital in the Arab region: the 70s / / Arab Countries: History and Modernity. Moscow, 1981, pp. 106-125.

Ekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo i problemy integratsii v arabskom regione [Economic cooperation and integration of the countries of the East]. Moscow, 1982, pp. 118-161.

Economic relations between Arab and liberated countries. 1961-1980 / USSR Academy OF Sciences. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1983, 151s.

Qatar. United Arab Emirates, Moscow: Mysl', 1984, 116 p. (At the world map) (together with V. V. Ozoling).

Mezharabskoe finansovoe sotrudnichestvo: nekotorye itogi i problemy [Inter-Arab financial cooperation: some results and problems].

France and the Arab East: Economic Expansion / / Asia and Africa Today. 1984. N 5. pp. 32-34 (together with A. O. Filonik).

Capital arabe: annees 70 // Le developpement contemporain des pays arabes. M., 1984. P. 160 - 181.

Ala ard wadi al-rafidein al-kadima / / As-Saqafa al-Jadida. Baghdad. 1985. January, pp. 37-41.

Jordan: Contours of Change, Moscow: Mysl', 1987, 143 p. (co-authored with E. A. Lebedev and A. O. Filonik).

Razvitie kapitalizma v arabskom mire [Development of Capitalism in the Arab World], Moscow, 1988, Auth.: Vvedenie, pp. 3-7 (co-authored with R. N. Andreasyan); Arab countries in the system of World capitalism, pp. 162-197 (co-authored with R. N. Andreasyan); The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, pp. 251-265 (co-authored with A. O. Filonik).

An Assessment of Arab Economic Performance: the Process of Capital Formation and Shifts in the Social Product of the Countries // Arab Affairs / Oxford / Winter 1987 - 1988 / Vol. 1. N 5. P. 76 - 86.

OPEC: The high price of disagreement // Echo of the Planet, Moscow, 1989, No. 22, pp. 26-31.

A difficult parting with the past (Oman) / / Asia and Africa Today. 1989. N 4. pp. 30-32.

Arab World: Three Decades of Independent Development, Moscow, 1990. 374 p. (Rel. ed. together with V. V. Naumkin). - Auth.: Introduction. pp. 3-10; Economy and decolonization. pp. 11-46 (together with A. O. Filonik); Conclusion. pp. 358-361 (together with V. V. Naumkin).

The State of Kuwait. Handbook, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1990, 272 p. - Author: Fiziko-geograficheskiy ocherk, pp. 6-15; Ekonomika, pp. 108-180. Appendix. pp. 264-271.

Kuwait. A war stood on the threshold / / Asia and Africa today. 1990. N 10. p. 38-42.

After the "Storm in the Desert": the price of aggression / / Asia and Africa today. Moscow, 1991. N 6. pp. 7-9.

Current Issues in Inter-Arab Economic Cooperation // Occasional Papers. Tel Aviv, 1991. January. N 109. P. 1 - 20.

Soviet-Arab Economic Relations: Results, Problems, Prospects // Mediterranean Quaterly. Washington. Summer 1991. Vol. 2. N 3. P. 71 - 85.

* Comp. by E. M. Kalashnikov, O. A. Tutushina.

page 212

Vneshneekonomicheskie svyazi [Foreign Economic Relations]. Spravochnik [Handbook], Moscow, 1992, pp. 297-309.

"Black gold": how the Arabs and Russia dispose of it // People's Deputy, Moscow, 1992, No. 12, pp. 59-62.

Immigrants demand a place in the sun / / Asia and Africa today. 1992. N 2. pp. 6-8.

Unclaimed potential of cooperation / / Asia and Africa today. 1993. N 3. pp. 2-4.

Rossiiskaya ekonomika: itogi reforma 1992 g. i perspektivy [Russian Economy: Results of the 1992 Reform and prospects]. Obozrevatel, Moscow, 1993, No. 19, pp. 74-78.

1994. Reflections on Arab and Russian oil // Asia and Africa today. 1994. N 5. pp. 5-10.

Russian Reform // Occasional Paper. Jerusalem. 1994. April. P. 11 - 24.

Arab and Russian oil in comparison / / Arab countries, Moscow, 1995, pp. 6-22. (Ed. together with A. O. Filonik)

Place and role of the Middle East in the system of national interests of Russia / / Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 1995, pp. 3-48 (together with R. V. Vladimirov).

Die Rolle des neuen Rublands im Nahen Osten // Internationale Politik. Bonn, 1995. Juli. N 7. P. 25 - 30.

Arab countries in the international division of labor: results, problems, prospects (1961-1990). Moscow: Vostochny litra, 1996. 232 p.

Middle East and modernity. Issue 2. Moscow, 1996. Author: Arab countries ' use of oil revenues for socio-economic needs. pp. 3-16; Problems of socio-economic development of Lebanon. pp. 17-56.

Experience of Arab countries in the development of the oil industry and problems of Russian oil // Economic reforms in Asia in the Transition Period, Moscow, 1996, pp. 7-12.

Lessons from Arab oil // Delovye lyudi [Business People], Moscow, 1996, No. 66, pp. 82-83.

Financial and credit systems of the Persian Gulf countries / / Financial structures of the Middle East, Moscow, 1996, pp. 89-131 (sovm. with A. O. Filonik, A. V. Fedorchenko).

United Arab Emirates, Moscow, 1997, 228 p. (co-authored with A. Z. Yegorin).

UAE: from Poverty to Prosperity // Asia and Africa today. 1997. N 10. p. 30-33.

Problemy sotrudnichestva [Problems of cooperation] / / Aziya i Afrika segodnya [Asia and Africa Today], Moscow, 1997, No. 4, pp. 37-38 (together with A. O. Filonik).

Reanimation of Russian interests / / Asia and Africa today. 1997. N 4. pp. 29-32.

Ability to lead a home / / Asia and Africa today. 1997. N 2. pp. 26-30.

Emirates: a 25-year-long road / / Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 1997, issue 3, pp. 100-106.

Social-Economic Changes in Russia after Economic Reform // Yeungnam University. 1997. P. 3 - 12.

OPEC: Problemy i perspektivy [Problems and prospects] / / Aktual'nye problemy Midekogo Vostoka, Moscow, 1998, pp. 16-27.

Modern Saudi Arabia, Moscow, 1998. Author: Gosudarstvennyi stroi i sudebnaya sistema, pp. 14-22; Religiya, pp. 23-27; Russo-Saudi Relations, pp. 139-144; Vneshneekonomicheskie svyazi, pp. 231-258; Transport i svyaz, pp. 259-270; Radio broadcasting and Television. p. 271-272; Appendix. p. 273-276. (Ed. ed. together with A. O. Filonik).

The State of Qatar: Problems of development, Moscow, 1999, 145 p. (sovm. with A. O. Filonik).

Plany sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya v promyshlennoi strategii Syrie [Social and economic development plans in the industrial strategy of Syria]. Issue 7. Moscow, 1999, pp. 47-58. (Ed. together with A. O. Filonik).

Problema inostrannykh i chastnykh investitsii v syriyskoy ekonomike [The problem of foreign and private investment in the Syrian economy]. Issue 6. Moscow, 1999, pp. 38-51. (Ed. together with A. O. Filonik).

Syria: problems of environmental protection / / Environment and development in the Arab world, Moscow, 1999, pp. 102-116.

On the issue of Russian-Tajik economic relations / / The role of Russia in the formation of Tajik statehood. Dushanbe, 2000, pp. 5-14.

Ruling elites of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar / / Political elite of the Middle East, Moscow, 2000, pp. 34-48. (Podp.: V. A. Grande).

Russian and Arab gas: partners or rivals? // Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 2000, issue 9, pp. 44-59.

Sultanate of Oman (Essay on socio-political and socio-economic development), Moscow, 2001, 240 p. (co-authored with A. O. Filonik).

K voprosu o politike Rossii na Mizhne Vostoke [On the issue of Russia's policy in the Middle East]. 12. p. 3-16 (together with A. O. Filonik).

Russia and Arab Countries: Results and Problems of Cooperation / / Russia in the Middle East

page 213

In the East: goals, tasks, opportunities, Moscow, 2001, pp. 70-77.

Russia and Arab Countries: New Realities of Economic Cooperation / / International Politik. Bonn. 2001. N 8. P. 78 - 85.

Kuwait: contours of Economic Change, Moscow, 2003, 256 p. (sovm. with A. O. Filonik).

Kuwait and the Kuwaiti people in the Modern world, Moscow: Eastern Literature, 2003, 340 p. (co-authored with A. O. Filonik and V. E. Chagall).

Pros and cons of Russian-Saudi relations / / Russian-Saudi Relations, Moscow, 2003, pp. 57-61.

The United States is actually beginning to manage the global oil trade. Russkaya Mysl. Paris, 2003. N 17. P. 3.

Syria: Economic Relations with Lebanon and Imperatives of economic restructuring / / Syria: Problems of Internal political stability and External Security, Moscow, 2004, pp. 50-61 (sovm. with A. O. Filonik).

The Caspian oil factor is weakening day by day // Evraziya, Moscow, 2004, No. 4, pp. 68-71.

Mudaraba: opyt islamskikh bankov [Mudaraba: the experience of Islamic Banks]. Rodina, Moscow, 2005, No. 5, pp. 50-53.

Problema rosta energeticheskikh riskov v Rossii [The problem of growth of energy risks in Russia]. 26. pp. 241-249.

Transport integration strategies for Central, South Asia and the Middle East // Bulletin of the Eurasian Transport Union. Issue No. 2. pp. 124-129.

Kingdom of Bahrain. Experience of development in a changing resource orientation. M., 2006. 292 p. (co-authored with A. O. Filonik).

Gazprom et le marche gazier europeen // Medenergie. Alger. 2006. N 20. P. 40 - 44.

The Middle East and the Challenges of globalization / / Arab countries of West Asia and North Africa. Moscow, 2007. Vol. 6. p. 54-63.

Syria: political Evolution and Potential Threats / / The Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 2007, issue 31, pp. 165-192. (sovm. with A. O. Filonik).

The Kingdom of Bahrain. Moscow. 2008.181 p. (co-authored with A. O. Filonik).


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MAIN SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF DOCTOR OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES V. A. ISAEV // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 13.07.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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