The International scientific conference "Topical Issues of Archeology and Ethnology Central Asia", organized by the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMBT), was held on April 6-9 in Ulan-Ude. 149 scientists from Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), China (Hohhot), Germany (Bonn), Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, and Kyzyl participated in its work. Elista. Chita, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok. 125 reports and presentations were presented and discussed.
The meeting focused on the problems of the evolution of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures, the interaction of different technological trends in Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic industries; general theoretical and methodological aspects of modern archaeological research; methods for studying archaeological sites; the use of geophysical exploration and satellite photography in archaeology; burial practices and rituals of Bronze Age and Scythian cultures; the ancestral home of the Xiongnu and the early Xiongnu monuments; historical, geographical, cultural and socio-political aspects of Xiongnu studies and nomadic studies; problems of interaction and mutual influence of cultures and civilizations of Eurasia at an early stage of development; problems of preserving cultural heritage and related issues of museumification of monuments; tourist potential of displaying archaeological monuments.
The conference was held in the following sections: "Culture of the Stone, Bronze and Early Iron Ages", "Xiongnu era, urban and settlement complexes of nomads", " Socio-political history, spiritual culture and worldview of nomads (from the Middle Ages to the present)", "Archaeological sites and problems of preserving cultural heritage".
The conference was opened by Corresponding member, Director of IMBT SB RAS. RAS B. V. Bazarov. He highlighted the achievements in archaeology and ethnology of Central Asia and outlined the tasks of research in the field of history and Oriental studies. Deputy Head of the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia and the Government of the Republic of Buryatia, Chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Development of Civil Initiatives M. A. Kharitonov; Director of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences akad. S. Chuluun; Director of the Eastern Institute of BSU D. I. Buraev; Head of the Department of Archeology of Ulaanbaatar University D. Erdenebaatar; Dean of the Faculty of History of BSU V. V. Nomogoeva.
The plenary session was opened by P. B. Konovalov (IMBT SB RAS). The speaker reviewed the research results of S. V. Danilov, who participated in the international expedition "Transformation of Nomadic peoples of Central Asia", the international Russian-Mongolian expedition to study Khitan and Xiongnu cities. It was noted that S. V. Danilov was one of the founders of the priority scientific direction "Socio-political and economic prerequisites for the formation of cities and urban culture in nomadic societies of Central Asia". N. N. Kradin (IAE FEB RAS, Vladivostok) drew attention to the features of urbanization processes in the medieval empires of Central Asia and the Far East. Suo Mingji (Ped. of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot) presented an interpretation of the ancient cultures of East Asia in the Chinese historical and geographical concept of Sanyuan. D. Erdenebaatar (Ulaanbaatar University) presented the latest data on research of Xiongnu monuments in China.
Sergey Y. LEPEKHOV-Doctor of Philosophy, Deputy Director of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS. Ulan-Ude.
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Mongolia. The burial rite of the Kereksurs in Central Asia was studied by A.D. Tsybiktarov (BSU), the results of studying the tombs with the graves of the nobles of the Pugu aimag were contained in the report of L. Erdenebold (Mongolian University of Science and Technology).
Section "Culture of the Stone, Bronze and Early Iron Ages".
Yu. E. Antonova (Museum of the BSC SB RAS) considered the issues of cultural and chronological identification of the stone industry at the Dabhur site in Western Transbaikalia. Documentary evidence from the history of paleolithology in Buryatia was studied by A. M. Klementiev (Irkutsk). Fishing of the population of the Zaisanovskaya cultural tradition based on the materials of the Klerk-5 monument in Primorye-the topic of the report by A.V. Sannikova, L. N. Besednov, Yu. E. Vostretsov (Institute of Archaeological Research of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). V. I. Tashak reviewed the results of archaeological research at the Barun-Alan 1 monument in Western Transbaikalia. A.V. Tetenkin (Irkutsk State Technical University). un-t) spoke about the study of the site of Kovrizhka IV on the Lower Vitim, and N. A. Bokovenko (IIMK RAS, St. Petersburg) about the ancient cultures of the Usinsk valley of the Western Sayan Mountains. A.V. Varenov (NSU, Novosibirsk) made a report on funerary monuments of the Scythian-Saka period on the southern slope of the Yanshan Mountains (near Beijing). G. Ankhsanaa (Center for Cultural Heritage of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar) reported on a previously unknown ancient stone sculpture from the area of Their Balchir (Mongolia). G. L. Ivanov's report was devoted to studies of the parking lot in the Kuda River Valley (Mankhai IV). Kilunovskaya (IIMC RAS) summed up the results of research on a complex of monuments of Scythian times on White Lake in the Uyuk basin in Tuva.
The report of D. E. Kichigin (Research Institute of State Technical University, Irkutsk) discussed the issues of forming ceramic vessels with cord impressions from the Pre-Baikal region. Semantics of artifacts of the Okunev culture (Khakassia) dating back to the Bronze Age is the topic of a speech by G. D. Kovalenko (Siberian State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk). Description and research of the Late Bronze age men's jewelry set from the Khakass-Minusinsk Valley was given in the report of O. V. Minor (Novosibirsk National Center of Fine Arts). V. V. Molchanova (Chelyabinsk State University of Local Lore. Yu. I. Ozheredov and A. Yu. Ozheredova (Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Siberia, Tomsk State University) analyzed animal images and plots on belt ornaments of nomads of Northern and Northwestern China of the 1st millennium BC. a new find in Western Mongolia). The report of B. Ochir (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar) was devoted to the results of a comparative analysis of bone products from the burial ground in "Sakhityn am". V. A. Semenov (Institute of Ancient History and Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) considered elite burials of the Uyuk culture near Mount Kosh-Pei (Tuva).
J. Bemmann, W. Brosseder, J.-O. Gantulga, G. Grupe, G. McGlynn, S. Reichert, and C. Yuruul-Erdene (University of Bonn, Germany) reported on bioarchaeological studies of Bronze and Iron Age burials from Maikhan Tolgoi in the upper reaches of the Orkhon Valley in Central Mongolia. A. V. Tivanenko (J. "Bargujin Tokum", Ulan-Ude) proposed his approach to the ideographic reading of rock pictographic writing of ancient tribes of Central Asia and Siberia. The latest achievements of archaeology in Western Mongolia (from the Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages) were analyzed by Ts. Torbat (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Ulaanbaatar).
Two reports by A. A. Anoikin and a joint report by M. A. Borisov (both INAETC SB RAS, Novosibirsk) were devoted to the problems of studying the Paleolithic of the Rubas River Valley (Dagestan). N. E. Belousova (IAET SB RAS) discussed the technology of fine-plate splitting in the Early Paleolithic industries of the Kara-Bom site (Gorny Altai). The Stone Age of Vietnam based on the materials of the Ziem cave complex-the topic of the report by A. P. Derevyanko, A.V. Kandyba, A. A. Tsygankov, A. M. Chehi (all INAETC SB RAS). V. N. Zenin and A. G. Rybalko (INAETC SB RAS) in two reports considered the early (based on the materials of Darvagchai-zaliv-1) K. A. Kolobova (IAET SB RAS) and A. I. Krivoshapkin (Altai State University, Barnaul) drew attention to karenoid technologies in the Paleolithic industries of Western Central Asia. A. I. Krivoshapkin and K. K. Pavlenok (IAET SB RAS) investigated the variability of Obirakhmat tradition complexes in the Stone Age Yu. A. Mochanov (Center for Arctic Archeology and Human Paleoecology, Yakutsk) and S. A. Fedoseeva (Archeologist of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk). Museum of North-East Asia, Yakutsk) made a report on the study of archaeological sites lying in permafrost sediments. G. D. Pavlenok (Institute of Electrometeorology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the microplate tradition in the Final Paleolithic of Western Transbaikalia.
The results of excavations of a new Holocene monument of the Lower Angara region - the Skorodumny Byk burial site-were contained in the report of S. M. Fokin (IAET SB RAS). To before-
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S. V. Schneider's clade (IAET SB RAS) presented a modern view of the problems of studying the Mesolithic of Western Central Asia. Bronze Age burial mounds at the Insky Dol burial ground in Western Altai topic of a speech by P. K. Dashkovsky (Altai State University). The chronology of the Iron Age monuments of the Northern Angara Region was proposed by V. P. Leontiev (IAET SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk) and L. D. Chadamba (Tuva Institute of Humanit. Issled., Kyzyl) considered the fine traditions of rock art of the Late Bronze Age in the territory of Tuva.
Section "Xiongnu era, urban and settlement complexes of nomads".
In the report of B. Batsuren and Ch. Enkhtuul (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ulaanbaatar) discussed the issue of the territory of the Huns in the IV-III centuries BC S. A. Vasyutin (Kemerovo State University) considered nomad cities as a factor of socio-political transformations. N. Ganbat and G. Odmagnai (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of China) clarified some information about the southern Xiongnu in the Chinese historical work "Jin Shu". Bohai dwellings and outbuildings study topic E. I. Gelman (Institute of Ancient and Medieval Cities of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). S. V. Danilov, N. V. Imenokhoev, B. Z. Nanzatov, A. I. Simukhin (Institute of Ancient and Medieval Cities of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) reported on the preliminary results of research on the project "Creation of an electronic map of ancient and medieval cities of Central Asia (2010-2013)". P. K. Dashkovsky and I. A. Meikshan (Altai State University) provided new data on the nomadic elite of the Xiongnu, obtained on the basis of the analysis of funerary monuments of Western Transbaikalia and Northern Mongolia. Yu. I. Elikhina (State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) examined pottery objects from the Khara-Balgasun settlement, discovered by V. L. Kotvich and stored in the museum's collection. in the State Hermitage Museum. N. N. Kradin, S. E. Sarantseva (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), E. V. Kovycheva (Trans-Baikal State University, Chita), and A.V. Kharinsky (Irkutsk State Technical University) reported on the study of the Khirkhirinsky settlement in southeastern Transbaikalia. un-t).
S. Olziybayar and E. Urtnasan (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan) discussed the early stages of the Xiongnu burial culture. A.V. Omelchenko (State Hermitage Museum) spoke about new finds of weapons at the Paikend settlement (Bukhara oasis). M. A. Ochir-Goryaev (Institute of Archeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan RT, Kyzyl) considered the settlements of the Eurasian steppe zone of the Scythian era. Topic of the report Ya. E. Piskareva (IAE FEB RAS) mohe ancient settlements of Southern Primorye. S. D. Prokopets (IAE FEB RAS) analyzed various cultural ceramics from the Nikolaevskoe I ancient settlement. Report by Ragchasuren Tugssayhan (Museum of Mongolian Troops, Ulaanbaatar) It was dedicated to the monuments of cities of the Chin state period in Mongolia. T. R. Sadykov (IIMC RAS, St. Petersburg) spoke about the ancient settlement of the Kokel culture (Katylyg-5). A. Yu. Sanafeev (IAE FEB RAS) considered the architectural features and spatial organization of the cheongnimsa temple complex in the historical aspect. A. I. Simukhin (IMBT SB RAS) made a report on the collection of copper-bronze arrowheads from the Museum of the Belarusian National Research Center SB RAS (1-2 th millennium BC). The designation of settlement types in the Mongolian languages was discussed in the report of E. V. Sundueva (IMBT SB RAS). Chinese influence on the design of elite Xiongnu burials - the topic of the report by N. A. Sutyagina (State Hermitage Museum). In the report of D. K. Tulush (Tuvan Institute of Humanit. research, Kyzyl) provides information about fortifications of the Xiongnu era in the territory of Tuva.
Section " Socio-political history, spiritual culture and worldview of nomads (from the Middle Ages to the present)".
D. D. Vasiliev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) drew attention to the ancient Turkic runic inscriptions and petroglyphs of Southern Siberia, which are a valuable source on the history of the periphery of the Turkic Khaganate. The rock runic inscriptions of Alash II were the subject of a report by U. T. Khovalyg (Tuvan Institute of Humanit. research.). B. S. Dugarov (IMBT SB RAS) reported on Mongolian ethnonyms in Turkic epics. The topic of distribution and planigraphy of burial complexes of Early Medieval Turks of Mongolia was revealed by N. N. Seregin (Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Study of Archeology of Western Siberia and Altai, Barnaul). The problem of the ancestral homeland of the early Mongols and the location of Bargujin-Tokum were discussed in a report by B. R. Zoriktuev (IMBT SB RAS). The question of whether the Sagenut burial ground is a monument of the first Mongolian-speaking settlers in the Baikal region was raised in the report of N. V. Imenokhoev (IMBT SB RAS). E. V. Astashenkova and A. L. Melev (IAE FEB RAS) drew analogies between medieval bronze mirrors from Primorye and the Liao ones. Cultural and historical relations of the medieval population of Primorye (based on the materials of the Koksharovka-8 burial complex) are traced in a joint report by N. A. Korotkov. A. Klyueva, I. Y. Sleptsova, and A. L. Ivleva (IAE FEB RAS).
E. V. Kovychev (Zabaikalsky State University, Chita) introduced the audience to unpublished materials on medieval burials from the Chikoy River basin. About the results of archaeological research in the Sardag monastery, founded by Ondor-gegen Zanabazar, said
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S. Chuluun (Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences). Animal bones from the Baikal burials of the X-XV centuries - the topic of a speech by A.V. Kharinsky (Irkutsk State Technical University). un-t). New data on the funeral rites of the Daurovs were provided by B. D. Tsydenov (IMBT SB RAS). N. S. Goncharova (Altai State University) studied the historiography (20-50-ies of XX century) of the initial stage of reconstruction of the worldview of the population of Southern and Western Siberia during the Paleometallic period. P. V. Mandyrka and P. O. Senotrusova (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk) studied the Late medieval burial site of Prospikhinskaya Shivera II on Angara. On wooden intra-grave structures in burials of the XII-XIV centuries. Z. Ch.Ukhinov (Zabaikalsky State University, Chita) told the South-eastern Transbaikalia. D. V. Tsybikdorzhiev (IMBT SB RAS) reported on the results of reconstruction of variants of the evolution of the formation of a men's house and a military camp among Mongolian-speaking nomads. Historical mapping was the subject of research by B. Z. Nanzatov (IMBT SB RAS), who introduced the participants to the results of reconstruction of the ethnic map of Buryatia.
The world of nomadic livestock breeders in Mongolia in market conditions and globalization topic of the report by A.D. Gombozhapov (IMBT SB RAS). D. M. Mansheev (East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude) and G. G. Pikov (Novosibirsk National Research Center) spoke about the research of E. M. Zalkind and I. A. Asalkhanov on the Buryat economy. research. E. V. Nolev (IMBT SB RAS) considered modern concepts of relations between the rulers of Russia and the Golden Horde. In particular, the question of whether they had the character of vassalage or tributary was discussed.GU, Chelyabinsk) traced the fate of the nomadic civilization of Eurasia in the Middle Ages, which experienced Ural-Kazakh and West Siberian influence. A. I. Buraev (IMBT SB RAS) spoke about Central Asia in its historical and geographical aspect. A. M. Kharitonov (Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok) considered geographical aspects in the coverage of the ethnic history of Central Asia. N. I. Rybakov (Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Krasnoyarsk) traced the Manichaean routes along the trade routes of Central Asia in the VIII-X centuries in the south-north direction.
E. V. Batunaev (IMBT SB RAS) presented a report on the colonization policy of the Qing Empire in Mongolia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The reflection of the history of Manchurian-Mongolian relations in Buryat written and folklore sources was the topic of a speech by D. B. Batoeva (IMBT SB RAS). L. S. Dampilova (IMBT SB RAS) spoke about folklore and archaeological research of shamanic objects. Ichthyological vocabulary in the toponymy of Buryatia was analyzed by G. N. Chimitdorzhieva (IMBT SB RAS). Problems of organization of the health care system of the Far Eastern Republic and the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Region (1920-1922) were considered by V. Yu. Bashkuev (IMBT SB RAS). L. V. Kalmina and A.M. Plekhanova (IMBT SB RAS) noted regional features of gold mining in Western Transbaikalia in 1880-1920. Land as a means of labor in extractive industries was discussed in the report of I. P. Basharov (IMBT SB RAS). E. V. Petrova (IMBT SB RAS) reported on the problems and prospects of local self-government in the Baikal region.
Several reports were devoted to the problems of migrants. Thus, D. D. Badaraev (IMBT SB RAS) outlined the main trends and trends of migration in modern Mongolian society. M. N. Baldano (IMBT SB RAS) has identified the features of interaction between non-ethnic migrants and the host society on the example of the Baikal region. The problem of migrants in Central Asia was also discussed in the report of Z. A. Danilova (Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Ulan-Ude). M. M. Sodnompilova (IMBT SB RAS) reported on the socio-cultural adaptation of migrant women in the Baikal region. Ecological aspects of the spiritual and material culture of the Kalmyk ethnic group were discussed by G. E. Nastinova (Kalmyk State University, Elista). Cultural heritage in the identification discourse of Buryats topic of the report by I. E. Elaeva (IMBT SB RAS). The role of Buddhist monasteries in the cultural history of the Eastern Buryats was noted by D. S. Zhamsueva (IMBT SB RAS). Historical and cultural prerequisites for the formation of professional musical culture in Buryatia were analyzed by S. V. Kirichenko (IMBT SB RAS).
O. V. Buraeva (IMBT SB RAS) spoke about the results of the ethnographic expedition in the Aginsky Buryat district in 2012-2013, and S. G. Zhambalova (IMBT SB RAS) spoke about the field ethnographic work in the Yeravnensky and Khorinsky districts of the Republic of Buryatia in 2015.
Section "Archaeological monuments and problems of cultural heritage preservation".
V. N. Avramenko (NIIr.GTU) proposed to consider the archaeological heritage of the Pre-Baikal territory as a resource for tourist development of territories. Yu. E. Antonova and S. A. Baturin
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(Museum of the BSC SB RAS) reviewed the archaeological collection of S. V. Danilov, stored in the collections of the Museum of the Buryat Scientific Center. B. A. Bazarov (IMBT SB RAS), I. G. Tatkov, A.D. Bazarov (Geologist. in-t SB RAS) spoke about the application of geophysical exploration methods in archeology. In particular, the experience of studying the archaeological site of the Xiongnu culture of Transbaikalia was considered. B. A. Bazarov also introduced the participants to the results of work in such areas in the scientific activities of the Institute of Biotechnologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences as "historical and cultural expertise" and "rescue archeology". S. V. Bakhvalov (E. I. Popov Institute of Cybernetics, Irkutsk S. V. Buraeva (IMBT SB RAS) paid tribute to S. V. Danilov's contribution to the creation of the exhibition "Ancient Cultures of the Baikal Region".
B. TS Gomboev, T. A. Boronoeva, D. D. Khubitueva (National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia) drew attention to the actual problems of forming museum collections. As an example, they chose the exhibition "Buryat Folk Holidays" in the V. M. Kimeev National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia (Kemerovo State University) He devoted his report to the preservation of ethno-cultural heritage in the border areas of Western Mongolia. Features of placing archaeological objects in the landscape structure were noted by M. G. Konyushkina (Irkutsk State Technical University). un-t). D. A. Miyagashev (IMBT SB RAS) reported on S. V. Danilov's monument protection activities. S. B. Miyagasheva (National Museum of the Republic of Belarus) and D. A. Miyagashev (IMBT SB RAS) considered the problems of museification of archaeological monuments on the example of the Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia. E. S. Naidaiova (National Museum of the Republic of Belarus) considers it necessary to include the display of archaeological monuments in the developed routes for the development of the tourist potential of the republic. The topic of the report of E. V. Samushkina (IAET SB RAS) was the revival of the ethnic identity of the Altai people (late XX-early XXI century). The Museum of the Republic of Belarus) was dedicated to the first archaeologists of the Buryat-Mongolian (Verkhneudinsky) regional Museum A. P. Bazhin, V. V. Popov, G. P. Sergeev ad their contribution to the formation of funds. E. D. Zhambaltarova (IMBT SB RAS) spoke about the materials of the Fofanovsky burial ground stored in the Museum of the BSC SB RAS.
Within the framework of the conference program, an exchange of experience of specialists in the field of studying and protecting monuments and cultural heritage took place.
At the final plenary meeting, the final documents were adopted, which recommended strengthening the coordination of archaeological, ethnological, local history and museum studies within the framework of the newly created Historical Society and widely popularizing the achievements of domestic archaeologists.
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