Libmonster ID: UZ-1347

The International scientific expedition to Western Mongolia (26.07-05.08.2013) was attended by scientists from Russia (Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Tuva) 17 people, China (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) 8 people, Mongolia-10 people.

The following organizations participated in the expedition: Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Kalmyk State University (Russia), Tyva Institute for Humanitarian Studies under the Government of the Republic of Tuva (Russia), Xinjiang Association for the Study of Oirats (China), Northwestern University of Nationalities (Gansu, China), Kobdo State University (Mongolia) Mongolian State Pedagogical University (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), Center for the Study of Oirat History and Culture "Tod nomyn geral" (heads - B. Bat-Amgalan, Executive Director of the expedition N. Sukhbaatar).

The route of the expedition was agreed with colleagues from Mongolia and included a number of somons and bags of the Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia.

A group of scientists from KIGI RAS arrived in the city of Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva). They visited Tyva State University, where they met with its management (the rector of the SB. Head of the Department of International and Interregional Relations S. S. Tovuu), got acquainted with the exposition and individual funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Tuva. Scientific literature of Kalmyk researchers was transferred to the Library of the Tyva Institute for Humanitarian Studies under the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, and TIGI publications were donated to the scientific library of KIGI RAS. In Kyzyl, a meeting was held with the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva, K. A. Bicheldey, who noted that relations between Tyva scientists and KIGI RAS are increasingly expanding. K. A. Bicheldey and Co. Mongush provided great assistance in organizing the expedition in the territory of Tuva. Directly involved in the organization of events were the deputies. TIGI Directors E. D. Mongush and Head of the Department of Science, Innovative Development, Informatization of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan S. V. Mongush, Associate Professor of TSU E. V. Ayyzhy, Head of the Department of Science, Innovation Development, Informatization of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. TIGI B. Bayarsaikhan, Professor of Mongolian Studies.

On July 26, members of the expedition of the Republic of Kalmykia went to the border of the Khandagaity checkpoint (Russia) together with their colleagues from the Republic of Tuva. At the Borshoo checkpoint (Mongolia), the delegation of Russian scientists was met by representatives of the administration of the Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia (adviser to the Governor Erdenebat and his assistant), known as dzhangarchi1 Zh. Delek, artists of the Ulangom Theater.

The members of the expedition got acquainted with the bagh of Borshoo somon Sagil, then proceeded to Ulangom. In Ulangom, the capital of the aimag, an official meeting was held with the leadership, deputies of the Ubsunur aimag and the asset of the Center for the Study of Oirat History and Culture "Tod nomyn Geral" in the museum, which is a memorial yurt dedicated to Galdan Boshogtu Khan. On the same day, the expedition members visited the local museum and theater "Oirad", where the premiere of the play based on the script of the Mongolian scientist N. Sukhbaatar was held. In Ulangom, the expedition members were met by Mongolian colleagues who visited Elista in January-February 2013 as members of the joint delegations of Tod Nomyn Geral and Ubsunur Aimag.

On July 27, the expedition arrived in Somon Malchin. In the monastery of Somon Gandan Raash Darjalin khid, which is the successor of the Tsalgaryn Khid monastery, the expedition participants got acquainted with a copy of the biography of Zai Pandita "Saryn Geral", made from the original manuscript,

1 Performer of the epic "Jangar".

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which in 1912 A. B. Burdukov purchased from Prince Natsagdorj. Tsalgaryn hiid was built on the initiative and with the participation of gelyung2 Bandiyn Sanj in 1993. Hamba Lama Tseven getsel (Tsetsenhuu Village), Oyun getsel (Batbold Island), Tseveal getsel (Sh.Shirchin), Od-Geral getsel (Od-Geral Island) currently hold services in this Buddhist temple. Prayers are usually said in Tibetan during worship, but the Oirat clear Writing sutras are also recited.

In Malchin Somon, meetings were held with zasak darga3 of Malchin Somon and the Prime Minister of Mongolia, N. N. Abdrakhmanov. Altankhuyag, a native of the Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia, who addressed the members of the expedition. Then the members of the expedition arrived in Somon Khargyas, where a solemn meeting was held with local residents (mainly Baits) and the Somon leadership. The expedition members got acquainted with the exposition of the Khargyas Somon Museum and visited the Buddhist temple of the Dejalingiin Khure monastery, the most famous and largest temple, founded in 1875 in the Tevd area, built of wood and clay. His education is connected with the separation of one of the temples from Tsalgarin Raash Darjalin Khida. Believers of the aimag were parishioners of this temple, among the monks there were both Baits and Derbets. According to residents of the Khargyas somon, Dejalingiin khure was the main shrine for ten Ba'it khoshuns. In the whole of Western Mongolia, only in this temple was Jahir tsam held, a great celebration was held here-the "Maydari Cycle"holiday. In addition, there was a printing house where books were printed in woodcuts and calendars were published annually. The monastery library had complete collections of Ganjur and Danjur.

On July 29, the Khargyas somon hosted an international scientific conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of A. B. Burdukov4. It was attended by representatives of the administration of the Khyargyas somon, scientists from Russia, Mongolia, China, and the public of the Ubsunur aimag. Scientists made presentations: "About Kalmyk songs collected in the 1930s by A. B. Burdukov in Kalmykia" (B. Kh. Borlykova, E. U. Omakaev); "From the history of a photograph" (E. P. Bakaeva); "Taisiya A. Burdukova-teacher of the Mongolian language" (S. N. Tsedenova); "On letters of the 19th century kept in the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia" (D. B. Gedeeva); "Dambijantsan and Baity" (H. Sukhbaatar). "Kalmyk national costume: history and modernity "(S. V. Saratov); "Image of the Ja-lama of Dambidzhantsan based on published archival documents "(L. K. Hertek), "On kinship relations between Mongols and Tyvans" (E. V. Ayyzhy); "A. B. Burdukov's contribution to the study of Mongolian fairy tales "(Ts. Onorbayan) and others.

A memorial stele dedicated to A. B. Burdukov was unveiled in the Khangiltsag area on the site where his house once stood.

In Khargyas Somon, scientists visited the Dayanchin Agui cave and got acquainted with the sacred objects located in this area. So, in the culture of the Oirat peoples, there is a tradition of honoring trees, especially those that grow alone or have bizarre shapes. About 70 km from the center of Khyargyas Somon, two curiously curved larch trees are especially revered, where, according to legend, the Dayanchi Lama Tuvshingiin Tuvdendovdon (1865-1933) performed sacrifices, who went to meditate in a nearby cave (later called Dayanchin agui). These trees are credited with the ability to grant wishes, and the area where they grow, the famous Dayanchi Lama cave , has a special energy. It is forbidden to tie ribbons on growing trees, so a high pillar is installed next to the sacred object, supported by large stones.

Members of the expedition were working on collecting information in the bagh of the Khyargyas somon. Local residents demonstrated skills in catching and breaking horses, horse riding workshops, rope weaving, folk games, etc.

Further, the expedition arrived in Naranbulag somon, the main population of which is Derbets and Bayits, where information was collected about the history of the Ubsunur aimag and the customs of the population.

2 Gslyung is a Buddhist priest of the Kalmyks.

3 Zasak darga-local leader.

4 A.V. Burdukov, a Russian Mongol scholar (1883-1937), lived in Western Mongolia for 19 years, starting his career as an assistant to the merchant Ya.E. Mokin to the trustee of his firm. Author of numerous publications about Mongolia in the Siberian press. Thanks to Burdukov, Russian Mongolian studies were enriched with such masterpieces as" Biography of Zai Pandita"," Bolor Toli"," Shiditu Khur","Khan Harangui". The Council of the Russian Geographical Society awarded Burdukov a small silver medal for his active work. For more information, see: Burdukov A. B. In old and New Mongolia. Memoirs and Letters, Moscow: GRVL Publ., 1969.

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The next point of the expedition is Aldar bagh Naranbulaga, where the Khotons live, and then Ulangom, where scientists ' attention was focused on studying the culture of the Oirats of Mongolia.

On the territory of Somon Sagil to the area of Uureg Nur, members of the expedition collected information from the local population. The work was continued at the festival "Traditional creativity of Oirats" in the territory of somon Turgzn. During the holiday, materials were collected from the local population who participated in the holiday.

The object of the expedition's research was the Oirat peoples of Mongolia. The somons of Sagil, Turgen, Naranbulag, Malchin, and Khyargyas in the Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia are mainly inhabited by Derbets and Baits, as well as Khotons, who are close in culture to the Derbets - a former Turkic-speaking ethnic group.

During the expedition, materials were collected on the history and culture of the Oirat population of the Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia, on the pre-Buddhist beliefs of the Oirat peoples, their written tradition, handwritten heritage, the history of Buddhist monasteries, Oirat dialects and dialects, geographical names, Buddhist astrology, calendar, toponymy, songs, musical instruments, anthropology, demography of the Mongolian peoples. Mongolia. In total, materials of more than 50 GB and more than 10 thousand files were recorded.

A considerable amount of materials has been collected on the language, history and culture, everyday life, traditions, written monuments, and oral folk art of the Oirat peoples of Mongolia. The current state of the language is recorded, in which the influence of the Khalkha dialect of the Mongolian language is traced. Video and photo recording of traditional customs and rituals was carried out; a number of data on the history of Oirat monasteries in Mongolia were identified; information was collected on the existence of old written sources preserved by the beginning of the XXI century in Mongolia, on public and private collections; materials were collected that form the basis for a database of old written sources, electronic copies of samples of the written heritage of the Oirats were made western aimags of Mongolia.

The further task of scientists is to describe and study the collected materials, including cataloging, publishing, studying and translating written monuments in the Oirat, Mongolian and Tibetan languages, and work to clarify the history of the formation of collections of old written monuments. Lamas of Oirat monasteries - G. Yadamzhav, B. Chimitdorj, as well as D. Baldorj, T. Namsaray, X. Dalaa, etc. - were very helpful in collecting information.

Electronic copies of the collected materials were transferred to the scientific archive of KIGI RAS. In the near future, research will be continued on the basis of the collected materials using synchronous-diachronic and integrated approaches as the most promising for the study of the chosen topic.

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E. P. BAKAEVA, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION DEDICATED TO THE 130TH ANNIVERSARY OF A. B. BURDUKOV'S BIRTH // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 26.11.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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