Libmonster ID: UZ-1214

In August 2009, it was 400 years since a significant part of the Oirats, a Mongolian-speaking people living in Western Mongolia, together with their families, livestock and property, covered a distance of more than 6 thousand km, migrated to the vast steppes of the Lower Volga region and voluntarily accepted citizenship of the Russian state. This people became widely known as the Kalmyks, the only people in the European part of Russia and throughout Europe who profess Buddhism. In connection with this significant event in the history of the Kalmyk people and the entire multinational and multi-confessional Russia, the Republic of Kalmykia has developed and is implementing an extensive program of commemorative events.

On September 13-18, 2009, Elista hosted the international scientific conference "United Kalmykia as part of United Russia: Through the Centuries to the Future", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the Kalmyk people into the Russian state. The organizers and sponsors were the Government of the Republic, the Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KIGI RAS), Kalmyk State University and other scientific and educational institutions of the Republic, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Science Foundation. The conference was attended by about 300 scientists from Kalmykia, 25 other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as from Mongolia, China, Japan, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Abkhazia*.

The conference received numerous greetings, including from the head of the Republic of Kalmykia K. Ilyumzhinov and other leaders of the republic, the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Presidium, UNC and Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific and educational institutions of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Buddhist and Orthodox Churches, foreign delegations, etc. This scientific forum was the first project that opened a series of numerous and diverse events included in the national program of celebrating the anniversary. Therefore, the leadership and scientific institutions of the republic, first of all KIGU RAS, paid close attention to its preparation.

Describing the general atmosphere at the history section, one of the Kalmyk participants called it "a true celebration of historical thought." This definition can reasonably be applied to the entire conference. Russian and foreign participants were impressed by the scale and wide representation of scientific centers and universities in many regions of Russia and foreign countries. Suffice it to say that among the participants were more than 100 doctors and 115 candidates of sciences. The organizing committee of the conference received about 300 reports, which the organizers published by the beginning of the conference in the form of a collection of materials consisting of two books with a volume of over 1 thousand pages. The Chairman of the National Commission of Mongolia for Cooperation with UNESCO, N. Urtnasan, who participated in the conference, noted with satisfaction that he had never seen such a large number of Russian Mongolian scholars. The organizers showed the best traditional qualities of the Kalmyks-hospitality, attention

* This review covers the work of the plenary sessions, the first and fourth sections.

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and care for the guests who were placed in a modern and comfortable City Chess complex with all the conditions for fruitful work, acquaintance with the sights and cultural life of the republic. The conference participants were very impressed by the visit to the new temple complex - the Central Hurul (monastery) "Golden Abode of Shakyamuni Buddha".

The conference was held in plenary sessions and in six sections: "The history of the peoples of Russia in the geopolitical space of the Great Steppe", "Ethnogenetic and ethno-cultural relations of the peoples of Russia and Central Asia", "The Kalmyk heroic epic "Jangar" and oral tradition: problems of inter-folklore and literary relations", " The Ethno-linguistic landscape of Eurasia: language and writing heritage", "Modern political and socio-economic processes in Russia", "Modern problems of ecological agriculture in Russia"

In total, about 150 reports and presentations were heard and partially discussed at the plenary and breakout sessions.

On September 14, at the first plenary session, in addition to greetings, interesting and informative reports were heard, most of which touched upon various topical issues of the history and current state of Kalmykia in close connection with the history and modern development of Russia and Mongolia. Among them are reports by: Deputy Head of the Department. Chairman of the Government, Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia B. K. Salayev "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Kalmykia: yesterday and today", acad. G. G. Matishova (Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don) "Problems of development of the South of Russia and current problems of social and humanitarian sciences" , etc. The history of Russian-Kalmyk relations and the gradual incorporation of the Kalmyks into the state structures of Russia were covered in the reports of K. N. Maksimov (Department of History and Archeology, KIGI RAS, Elista) "Integration of the Kalmyk people in the state national policy of Russia in the XVII-XIX centuries"; V. V. Trepavlov (Center for the History of the Peoples of Russia and Interethnic Relations, Institute of Russian History Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) " The entry of the Kalmyks into the Russian state. Voluntariness and expediency in the conditions of the XVII-XVIII centuries"; corresponding member. S. A. Arutyunova (Caucasus Department of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Eurasia, Russia, Kalmykia: problems of interaction", N. F. Bugaya (Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Adviser to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow) "Kalmykia in the 1940s-1990s: problems of management and regulation of national processes"; V. A. Muravyova (RSUH) "Kalmykia and Moscow Historians: XX century" and others.

Presentations were also made by: Director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Ch. Dashdavaa "Issues of development of historical science in Mongolia"; Director of the Kazakh Research Institute for Cultural Heritage of Nomads, Almaty, Kazakhstan I. V. Erofeeva "Oirat monuments on the territory of East Kazakhstan"; Director of the Tuva Institute for Humanitarian Studies under the Government of the Republic of Tuva (Kyzyl) K. A. Bicheldey "Language policy and regulation of language relations as an integral part of the development of historical science in Mongolia". State National Policy of the Russian Federation"; V. V. Graivoronsky, Head of the Mongolia Sector of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences" On the Standard of Living of the Population of Kalmykia and Mongolia (2000 - 2008)"; Deputy Head of the Department of Social Policy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS Yu. V. Popkova "Kalmyk youth: values of 'Russian' Mongols in a comparative perspective"; B. R. Zorigtuev (IMBT SB RAS, Ulan-Ude) " On the problem of Mongol ethnogenesis (based on the results of the international expedition "Ergune-kun") " and others.

Due to the lack of time, some important, generalizing reports, including the Director of KIGI RAS N. G. Ochirova "Humanities in Kalmykia: problems and prospects of development at the present stage"; Rector of Kalmyk State University. G. M. Borlikov University "Stages of the formation of higher education in Kalmykia in the XX century" and others, were not announced at the plenary session, but were published in the conference proceedings.

At the section "History of the peoples of Russia in the geopolitical space of the Great Steppe", 22 reports out of 45 submitted reports were heard and partially discussed. The section was attended by scientists from Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, as well as from Moscow, Elista, Volgograd, Stavropol, Samara, Novosibirsk, Perm, Nalchik, Kyzyl and other cities of Russia. The topics of most of the reports were broad, diverse, relevant and debatable. A group of reports on the archeology and ancient anthropology of Kalmykia can be conditionally distinguished: A. S. Skripkin (Volgograd) - "Sarmatian-Kalmyk ethno-historical parallels", M. A. Balabanova (Volgograd) - "Anthropological types of the ancient population of Kalmykia", M. A. Ochir-Goryae-

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Russian Academy of Sciences (KIGI RAS) "Ancient nomads in the territory of Kalmykia", E. A. Kekeev (Elista) "Materials of archaeological excavations from the Lola I and II burial groups", etc.

A lively discussion about the place and role of the Mongol Empire in world history was caused by the report of a young Mongol scholar O. V. Lushnikov (branch of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm) "The role of the Mongol Empire in forming the foundations of the Eurasian civilizational community".

B. Dorgi (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, Hohhot) made a report "On the location and activities of Taiji Arabjur after he became a citizen of the Qing Dynasty", N. Sukhbaatar (Mongolian State Pedagogical University). un-t, deputy. Head of the Tod Nomin Geral Center, Ulaanbaatar) - "On the place and role of Derbets in the history of the Oirats". The historical significance of the Dzungarian Congress of Mongol and Oirat princes in 1640 was revealed in his report by V. P. Sanchirov (KIGI RAS).

A significant part of the reports based on archival materials was devoted to the history of the Oirats, Kalmyks and Russian-Kalmyk relations in the XVII-XVIII centuries: M. I. Golman (IB RAS) "Russian archival materials about Batur-khuntaiji", V. T. Tepkeev (KIGI RAS) " Historical Review of the letters of the Oirat Taish of the XVII century. materials of RGADA)", A. S. Ryazhev (Tolyatti, Russia) "Religious policy of Russia at the end of the XVII - first quarter of the XVIII century and the Kalmyks: a foreign policy aspect", etc.

The section participants were very interested in reports on the history of military affairs among the Kalmyks, their weapons, participation in the national units of the Russian army, in particular, reports by L. A. Bobrov (Novosibirsk) "On some features of military affairs of the Volga Kalmyks in the XVII-XVIII centuries", U. B. Ochirov (KIGI RAS) " Specifics of formation and application national units of the Russian Army (on the example of the peoples of the South of Russia)", S. V. Dzhundzhuzov (Orenburg) " Orenburg (Buzuluk) Kalmyks as part of the Orenburg Cossack army (second half of the XVIII-first half of the XIX century)", etc.

The problems of Kalmyk statehood development at different stages of history are reflected in the reports of L. B. Chetyrova (Samara) "The origins of modern federalism: the Kalmyk Khanate in the Russian Empire", M. S. Goryaev (Kalmyk State University) " Paradigms of Kalmyk statehood (XVII-XXI centuries)", N. D. Sudavtsov (Stavropol) "Kalmyk Autonomous Region in the Stavropol Territory (1957-1958)".

Taking into account the large number of reports submitted and the lack of time, the work of the section was intensive, but organized and interesting. During the meetings, several proposals were made, including regularly posting on the Internet information about new publications of KIGI RAS on Kalmyk and Mongolian studies, and coordinating the work of Russian military historians to study the participation of national units in the Russian Army.

The section "Ethnolinguistic landscape of Eurasia: language and written heritage" discussed a wide range of problems related to the description of language from the point of view of the"world view". The topics of the reports included in the program of the section (52 reports and presentations) covered topical issues of modern linguistics, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, textology, epic studies, philological study of the written heritage of the Mongolian peoples.

During two days, 34 reports were heard. Famous scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ulan-Ude, Makhachkala, Vladikavkaz, Nalchik, as well as from Mongolia, China, and Japan took part in the section. Presentations were made in four working languages of the conference: Russian, Kalmyk, Mongolian and English.

The study of the linguistic landscape of Eurasia is an important area of modern Mongolian studies. The analysis of language as the most important form of realization of general cultural paradigms within the framework of not only one, but also several ethnic groups is a perspective for the development of national and world Mongolistics in general.

The actual linguistic part of the reports was devoted to the problems of semantic reconstruction of the worldview of the Proto-Mongols and, more broadly, the Proto-Altaians, as well as issues of lexicology, dialectology, terminology and grammar of the Mongolian languages. In this section, we should mention the report of G. Ts. Pyurbeev (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) " Military vocabulary in the Mongolian-Oirat laws "Ikh tsaaz" (XVII century) and "Khalkha jirum" (XVIII century)", as well as the report of the Mongolian linguist Tsedeviin Onorbayan, Director of the Institute of Mongolian Studies of the Mongolian State Pedagogical University "On the contribution of Kalmyk scientist Prof. Tseren-Dorji Nominkhanova in the study of Oirat dialects on the territory of Western Mongolia".

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Special attention was paid to the issues of language contacts between the peoples of Russia, language policy and the situation in various regions of Russia, in particular in Kalmykia and Dagestan. Reports on this topic were made by, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia R. B. Dyakieva and Director of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. I. Magomedov.

A large number of reports were related to various aspects of studying written monuments of Mongolian-speaking peoples, primarily monuments of the epistolary genre and Buddhist works. D. A. Suseeva (Kalmyk State University) made a report "On the issue of the official and business style of the Kalmyk language of the XVIII century". I. V. Kulganek (Hebrew, St. Petersburg.) In her report "The History of the Formation of the Mongolian Fund of the Institute of Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences", she first drew the attention of specialists to a valuable archival document discovered by her - the Decree of Anna Ioannovna of March 7, 1735 on the appointment of Donduk Ombo as the Chief Steward of the Kalmyk people. It is established that this document is a bilingual monument of the documentary genre in the Russian business language of the XVIII century. N. S. Yakhontova (Hebrew, St. Petersburg) spoke about the features of the essay "Dharani of the Holy Golden Luster" from the collection of Hebrew K. V. Orlov (Hebrew Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a report on the Oirat essay "History of the Dzakhchinsky Buddhist Monastery" based on materials of an expedition trip in 2009 to the Kobdo aimag of Mongolia.

The audience was very interested in the report of a scientist from Japan, Prof. Shouva Khukhbaatar University "Problems of Mongolian writing in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region", as well as reports by L. S. Dampilova (IMBT SB RAS) "Interaction of folklore traditions in ritual texts of Mongolian-speaking peoples" and E. E. Khabunova, Director of the Institute of Kalmyk and Eastern Philology (Elista) "Genres of Kalmyk folklore: modern life and performance (based on the Russian language). on the example of the epic "Jangar" and folk songs)".

The head of the Department devoted his report to the issues of historiography of Mongolistics. Department of Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Oidovin Adya. He highly appreciated the scientific works of the famous Russian Mongol scholar G. Ts. Pyurbeev.

The report of Borjigin Bayarmand (University of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot, China)" On the study of words denoting the camel's hump in the Ejing dialect from the point of view of cognitive linguistics " aroused interest in using new approaches to the object under study.

A number of reports were devoted to the problems of linguoculturology: T. S. Esenova (Kalmyk State University) "Figurative and axiological characteristics of the concept" kbdelmesh/work "in the language consciousness of Kalmyks" and E. U. Omakaeva (KIGI RAS) "Color image of ethnic culture in the mirror of the language picture of the world: semantics of color-signifying vocabulary and symbolism of basic colors (based on the material of Kalmyk, Mongolian, Russian and English languages)".

Within the framework of the section, a round table meeting "Problems of preserving the native language and written heritage of the Mongolian-speaking peoples of Russia" was held, dedicated to the 410th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Oirat educator, creator of the "clear writing" (todo bichig) Zai-pandita Namkai Jamtso (1599-1662). Head of the Center "Tod nomin geral" ("Light of Clear teaching") Bat-Amgalan (Mongolia) spoke about the activities of the center headed by him, about new publications prepared by Mongolian scientists-historian N. Suhe-Bator, acad. Turbisham et al. R. P. Kharchevnikova (Kalmyk State University) made a report on the progress in preparing the Academic Grammar of the Kalmyk language. N. Urtnasan, Chairman of the National Commission of UNESCO in Mongolia, made a very interesting speech, emphasizing the special role of this international organization in preserving the cultural heritage of Mongolian-speaking peoples.

The work of the sections and the round table was accompanied by a lively discussion and was very fruitful. Recommendations were developed for introducing the written heritage of the Kalmyk people into scientific circulation, studying and publishing it, improving the efficiency of teaching the Kalmyk language in schools in Kalmykia, resuming the activities of the State Commission on Terminology and Toponymy, and introducing the reformed spelling of the Kalmyk language into the national education system.

At the final plenary session, general recommendations were adopted, in particular, the desire to unite the efforts of Russian scientists to prepare for the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. In this regard, it was decided to appeal to the leadership and public of the Republic of Kalmykia with a proposal to restore the historical and cultural monument of friendship of peoples and military valor - Hosheutovsky khurul. The conference participants supported the idea of applying to UNESCO with a proposal to include the Kalmyk national heroic era.-

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sa "Jangar" is included in the register of masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind. It was also recommended to intensify the scientific study of Mongolian languages in comparative and typological terms, to pay special attention to the expansion of lexicographic research. Scientific-based proposals were formulated for the leadership of Kalmykia to regulate the system of ecological management, primarily in the field of agriculture.

In addition, presentations of new books, "school of young Mongolian scholars"were held within the framework of the conference. For the anniversary, historians of Kalmykia have prepared a valuable gift - a new fundamental work "The History of Kalmykia from ancient times to the present day" in three volumes. The first volume was presented during the conference. There were also Days of Russian Science in Kalmykia, a meeting of the Presidium of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where, in particular, topical issues of the current state and prospects for the development of science in Kalmykia were discussed. On September 15, the monument to I. K. Ilishkin, a prominent figure of science and education in Kalmykia, the First Minister of Education, founder and long-term director of the Institute of Higher Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was inaugurated.

Summing up the above, it should be concluded that the last conference demonstrated noticeable movements in the development of science in the Republic of Kalmykia, the entire Russian Kalmyk and Mongolian studies, and gave a strong impetus to the further development of this branch of domestic Oriental studies in Kalmykia and Russia as a whole.


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V. V. GRAIVORONSKY, E. U. OMAKAEVA, G. TS. PYURBEEV, KALMYKIA: 400 YEARS AS PART OF RUSSIA // Tashkent: Library of Uzbekistan (BIBLIO.UZ). Updated: 18.07.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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