To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory
In October 1942, members of the collective farm "Struggle for the Commune" in the village of Salaryevo, Kuntsevsky district, Moscow Region, at a general meeting adopted a resolution to buy a tank with their own personal funds and " maintain its crew until the end of the war." Salaryevtsy appealed to the collective farmers of the district to organize a fundraiser for the construction of the tank column "Kuntsevsky Kolkhoznik", and they themselves decided to deduct 5 rubles for the construction of the tank (in the then calculation) from the workday, which amounted to 165 thousand rubles. After the meeting, A. Komova, secretary of the Komsomol organization of the collective farm, A. V. Makarychev, and M. L. Dvorkind, chairman of the collective farm, were the first to make their personal savings .1 The idea of Salaryev residents found a wide response in the district. In the Mnevnikovsky collective farm named after him. Chkalov decided to contribute 315 thousand rubles to the construction of tanks 2 . By November 26, the collective farmers of the Kuntsevo district had already paid 2.2 million rubles to the State Bank for the construction of a tank column .3 At the same time, a fundraiser for tanks was launched by collective farmers of the Leninsky district of the Moscow Region, who competed with Kuntsevsky. Komsomol members of the collective farm "Path to socialism" der. On November 11, 1942, Zyablikovo decided: "In order to provide practical assistance to the front, the collective farm should start collecting funds for the construction of the Leninsky Kolkhoznik tank column. Their initiative was supported by other collective farmers of the Leninsky district.
At the general meeting in the collective farm "Ilyich's Way" der. On November 13, the collective farmer K. E. Grankina offered to contribute 200 thousand rubles to the tank column at the expense of the collective farm and all collective farmers. She stated: "We will spare nothing for our Homeland." She was supported by A. I. Rodina, whose husband died heroically in the fight against the Fascist invaders. Members of the agricultural cartel "Ilyich's Way" decided to deduct 5 rubles per workday for the construction of tanks. In the collective farm "6th anniversary of Lenin's death" der. Batyunino, Leninsky district, it was decided to contribute 350 thousand to the construction of tanks at the expense of the collective farm and collective farmers; in the collective farm "Ogorodny Gigant" in the village of Kolomenskoye-300 thousand; in the collective farm im. 4. On November 14, the Leninsky Put newspaper published a "Letter of collective farmers" from the agricultural cartels of seven villages (Batyunino, Sadovniki, Novoki, Brateevo, Semyonovskoye, Kuryanovo and Kolomenskoye) to all collective farmers of the Leninsky district, in which it was reported that they had decided to transfer to the construction fund tank column "Leninsky Kolkhoznik" 1.5 million rubles. and called on all collective farmers to join them.
The Patriots ' initiative has found broad support in all districts of the Moscow Region. Party organizations spearheaded this movement. On the ground, the idea of building a common tank column "Moskovsky Kolkhoznik", approved and supported by the Moscow Regional Committee of the CPSU(b), arose. The collection of funds took place in November-December 1942 and January 1943. In a few days, the collective farmers of the Leninsky district collected more than 4 million rubles for the construction of a tank column, the collective farmers of the Ramenskoye district-more than 3 million, and the collective farmers of the Kuntsevo district-about 2.5 million rubles .5
Fundraising for weapons for the Red Army took place in many regions of the country. On December 9, 1942, a report was published stating that the workers of the Tambov region collected funds for the construction of a tank farm-
1 Bolshevik, Kuntsevo, 3. XI. 1942.
2 Ibid., 14. XI. 1942.
3 Ibid., 26. XI. 1942.
4 Leninsky put, Lenino, 12, 14. XI. 1942.
5 Moscow Bolshevik, 11. XII. 1942.
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6. Two days later, the country learned about the glorious patriotic deeds of the Saratov collective farmers, who transferred 33 million rubles to the creation of the Saratov Collective Farmer combat aircraft squadron 7 . Saratov and Tambov collective farmers were the first to whom the Supreme Commander-in-Chief expressed gratitude on behalf of the Soviet Armed Forces for their patriotic initiative.
On December 10, 1942, the collective farmers of the Leninsky district solemnly handed over 21 tanks for the Moscow Collective Farmer tank column to one of the Red Army Guards units .8 Initiators of fundraising for the tank column made speeches at the rally: N. Maksimova, secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Komsomol of the Way to Socialism collective farm, I. I. Sinev, chairman of the Batyuninsky collective farm, S. N. Rozanov, Secretary of the Lenin RC of the CPSU(b), and B. N. Chernousov, secretary of the Moscow Regional Party Committee.: "Fellow tankers! Boldly lead the collective farm tanks into battle. If necessary , we will give you more. " 9
The Moscow Regional Party Committee proposed that the significance of the patriotic initiative of the workers of the Kuntsevsky and Leninsky districts should be widely explained to all collective farmers and that funds should be raised in all districts for the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column. Local party, Soviet, and Komsomol organizations launched a great deal of propaganda and organizational work. On December 12, the newspaper Moskovsky Bolshevik published an open letter from kolkhozniks and kolkhozniks of the Leninsky district "To all kolkhozniks and kolkhozniks of the Moscow region". It said: "The other day we handed over KB tanks to the Red Army at the expense of a tank column. These "Moskovsky Kolkhoznik" tanks were built with our labor money, which was wholeheartedly collected by the collective farmers of the Leninsky district... Collect money for the Moscow Collective Farmer tank column, and as much as possible. Help the Red Army persistently and persistently prepare a crushing blow against the enemy." This appeal was reprinted by all regional and city newspapers of the Moscow region. In the second half of December 1942, large-scale meetings and meetings were held in the collective farms of the Moscow region to discuss this appeal.
Fundraising for the tank column has taken on an even broader scale. The Moskovsky Bolshevik newspaper, district and city newspapers published daily materials about voluntary monetary contributions of collective farmers, employees of MTS, state farms and hospitals, teachers and students. Kolkhoznitsa A. A. Polyakova from the kolkhoz named after A. A. Polyakova. Stalin Ozersky district, deducting from their personal savings 400 rubles. on the construction of a tank column, she said: "My husband at the front defends our homeland, the happiness of our family, and I work here for the same purpose." All the villagers followed suit. By December 22, the collective farm collected 120 thousand rubles. At the general meeting in the collective farm named after the 12th anniversary of October of the Ukhtomsky district, brigadier P. F. Chushkin contributed money for the construction of the column and said: "The damned fascists killed my son. Great is my hatred for the accursed Hitlerites. I bless my second son and the entire Red Army for their military exploits and for their speedy victory over the enemy. For my part, I promise to work better and better on the Collective Farm." His example was followed by all the members of the artel. They collected over 325 thousand rubles 10 .
The facts of donations of personal funds by collective farmers became widely known at that time. So, the collective farmer of the Saratov region F. P. Golovaty made a significant amount for the construction of the aircraft. In the Moscow region, O. R. Barabol, a member of the Ulyanov collective farm in the Novo - Petrovsky district, gave his personal savings for the construction of the Moskovsky Kolkhoznik tank column .11 Agronomist of the kolkhoz named after him. Kalinina village On December 25, A. I. Pavlenko transferred money to the State Bank for the creation of self-propelled artillery installations and asked to be sent to the front in the car that would be built with his labor savings .12 S. G. Alishkin, Chairman of the collective farm named after Dimitrov of the Kolomna district, paid money to the State Bank for the construction of a tank. The chairman of the Vertyachee collective farm in the Voskresensk district, A. A. Krupnoye, gave his savings to the Motherland. Beekeeper of the Krasny Oktyabr collective farm in Lukhovitsky district
6 Pravda, 9. XII. 1942.
7 Ibid., 12. XII. 1942.
8 Moskovsky Bolshevik, 10, 11. XII. 1942; Moscow Party Archive of the Institute of Party History of the MGK and MK of the CPSU (hereinafter-IPA), f. 3, op. 27, d. 13, l. 75.
9 Moscow Bolshevik, 11. XII. 1942.
10 Ibid., 22. XII. 1942.
11 Ibid., 9. I. 1943.
12 Ibid., 10. I. 1943.
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On December 22, 1942, ye. I. Loktev gave all his savings for the construction of the tank column "Moskovsky Kolkhoznik" 13 . Mishin, chairman of the Novaya Denisovka collective farm in the Borovsky district, also gave personal funds for the construction of the tank column, and 25 Novodenisovites contributed another 75 thousand rubles. In total, a small collective farm "Novaya Denisovka" contributed 100 thousand rubles 14 .
On December 21, 1942, it was reported in the newspapers that the collective farmers of the Moscow region had already collected 75 million rubles for the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column. The bulk of this amount was made up of donations from those patriots who did not have large personal savings. But their small shares together formed a significant fund of funds, so necessary for the Motherland in a difficult time for it. On the same day, a telegram from the chairman of the State Defense Committee, I. V. Stalin, to the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council, P. S. Tarasov, was published, stating: "I ask you to convey my fraternal greetings and gratitude to the Red Army to the collective farmers of the Moscow Region who collected 75 million rubles for the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column. "15 The telegram caused a new patriotic upsurge among the workers of the Moscow region. On December 22, its representatives handed over to the Red Army a new, even more powerful group of tanks built with the collected funds for the same column 16 . This time, delegations from eight districts of the Moscow region arrived to transfer combat vehicles: Ramenskoye, Kuntsevsky, Kolomenskoye, Kommunisticheskiy, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky, Petushinsky, Lukhovitsky and Kashirsky. Speeches were made by their representatives. In response, the tank commander, whose turret bore the inscription "A gift to the Red Army from the collective farmer Stepan Alishkin", Lieutenant M. I. Pronin, swore an oath to fight until complete victory over the enemy.
The collective farmers ' orders to tankers were announced. It read: "Our sons and brothers! We have one thought, one concern: destroy the enemy as soon as possible, and clear the Russian land of him faster. Please accept, dear tankers, our collective farm assistance-tanks built for 75 million labor rubles of collective farmers in the Moscow region... Lead a collective farm tank column with pride into battle. Destroy the enemy and trust us that the tanks that we have given you will not be the last. From now on, the collective farms of the Moscow region take patronage over all tank units of the Red Army equipped with Moscow Kolkhoznik tanks. The sponsored tank units will be surrounded by paternal care, and the tankers will be surrounded by maternal affection... So be well, our sons and brothers! Remember the collective farm order: "Forward, to the west! We are waiting for you with a victory! " 17 . In December 1942 and January 1943, the combat vehicles transferred to the Guards, on which the "Moscow Collective Farmer" was displayed, smashed the enemy on the Stalingrad front18 .
The collection of funds for the construction of tanks continued. At the same time, the collective farmers contributed agricultural products to the Defense Fund, collected and made warm clothes for the Red Army. By January 1943, the collective farmers of the Lukhovitsky district contributed 4 million rubles to the tank column "Moskovsky Kolkhoznik". In addition, they gave 280 pounds of wool, 5,860 sheepskins and more than 6 thousand warm clothes for the Red Army soldiers. In January 1943, a telegram was received to the secretary of the Lukhovitsky RC of the CPSU (b), signed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, which said: "Convey to the collective farmers and collective farmers of the Lukhovitsky district, who contributed 4 million rubles to the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column and collected warm clothes for the Red Army, my fraternal greetings and gratitude to the Red Army" 19 .
By the end of December 1942, collective farmers, teachers and medical workers of the Khimki district had already collected over 1.5 million rubles for the construction of tanks, and 4.3 thousand warm clothes and underwear for the 25th anniversary of the Red Army. On February 22, 1943, they sent 2,726 holiday gifts to the front .20 The collective farmers of Solnechnogorsk district, which was subjected to enemy occupation in 1941, completed the plan to supply grain, potatoes and vegetables to the state ahead of schedule in 1942, and by mid-January 1943, they made the Moskovsky tank column
13 Ibid., 22, 23. XII. 1942; 26. I. 1943.
14 Ibid., 22. XII. 1942.
15 Ibid., 21. XII. 1942.
16 Ibid., 22. XII. 1942.
17 Ibid., 23. XII. 1942.
18 Krasnaya zvezda, 26. I. 1943; Moskovsky Bolshevik, 22. XII. 1942; 3. III. 1943.
19 Moscow Bolshevik, 8. I. 1943.
20 Stalinist way, Khimki, 25. XII. 1942; 23. II. 1943.
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kolkhoznik" 2,6 million rubles. and additionally handed over to the state 4 thousand pounds of grain in advance at the expense of naturopayments for the work of MTS and 1 thousand pounds. - to the grain fund of the Red Army 21 . By mid-January 1943, kolkhozniks and collective farms of the Kolomenskoye district had contributed 5.2 million rubles to the construction of the tank column; the Leninsky district-7.5 million rubles .22 At the same time, members of the agricultural cartels "Krasny Mayak" of the Kolomenskoye district and "Ogorodny Gigant" (Kolomenskoye village) of the Leninsky district collected 1 million rubles each .23 In the Ukhtomsky district, a group of women proposed to start raising funds for a tank column named after the wives and mothers of front-line soldiers. Their proposal was warmly supported by teachers of the Ukhtomsky district. By January 10, they contributed 100 thousand rubles to the construction of a tank column. By January 21, residents of villages in the Moscow Region had raised an additional 52.5 million rubles for the construction of tanks. As a result, the Red Army received another tank column. In total, the peasantry of the Moscow region contributed 127.5 million rubles to the construction of tanks by January 21, 1943 .24
Komsomol members and young people, pioneers and schoolchildren of the Moscow region took an active part in the creation of tank columns. They raised over 25 million rubles for the construction of tanks .25 Supreme Commander-in-Chief in response to a letter from the secretary of the Moscow Regional Committee of the Komsomol. SEE 3. T. Fedorovoi expressed his gratitude to the Red Army 26 . On February 7, 1943, the newspaper Pravda published a letter from a kolkhoz woman named M. V. Ustinova from the Shatursky district of the Moscow Region. It said: "I am a simple Russian woman-a hard worker and a loving mother. My only and beloved son, a 16-year-old boy, volunteered for the Red Fleet. Recently, I received sad news: my son, Fleet Lieutenant Vasily Ionovich, died a brave death defending his native land. For me, there is no better memory of my son than strengthening the power of our glorious Red Army. And so, after consulting with my husband Ion Petrovich, I decided to contribute all my savings to the construction of the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column... Let the tank, which will be built on my labor rubles, smash and strangle the fascist evil spirits."
On the basis of the Moscow Kolkhoznik tank column, three tank regiments were formed, equipped with T-34 and KV combat vehicles. They passed a glorious military path, participated in many major battles of the Great Patriotic War: near Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge, near Kiev, Lviv, Krakow and other places. The tank unit, consisting of combat vehicles built at the expense of collective farmers in the Leninsky district, destroyed 16 fascist tanks, an armored vehicle and 14 cars, 43 cannons, 6 mortar batteries, 47 machine guns, 81 pillboxes and bunkers, and more than 1.3 thousand enemy soldiers and officers in just two days of fighting in February 1943 .27 Many residents of Mozhaisky, Zagorsky, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky and other districts of the Moscow Region fought in tank units equipped with tanks from the Moskovsky Kolkhoznik column .28
Significant sums for the construction of weapons for the Red Army were received at the same time from the workers of the Leningrad, Gorky, Voronezh, Kirov, Oryol and other regions, as well as from the national republics of the USSR. The funds raised by the workers were used to build tank columns "Tambov Kolkhoznik", "Kuibyshev Kolkhoznik", "From the Peoples of Uzbekistan", "Chelyabinsk Komsomolets", "Magnitogorsk Komsomolets", "Soviet Tank Builders" and many others. 29 Workers of the capital and cities of the Moscow region raised funds for tank columns "Moscow" and "Metallurg", aviation connection "Moscow" and other types of weapons 30 . In unison, the Soviet people declared: "We will spare nothing to defeat the enemy!", "We will give the front thousands of new tanks and planes!", " With national help to the front, we will accelerate the defeat of the fascist invaders!".
According to the Moscow Regional Party Committee, in 1942-1943 the workers of the Moscow region collected 220 million rubles for the construction of tanks and airplanes. And in total, during the war years, they contributed to the Defense Fund
21 Moscow Bolshevik, 14. I. 1943.
22 Ibid., 10, 12. I. 1943.
23 Ibid., 13. I. 1943; Leninsky put, 22. XII. 1942.
24 Moscow Bolshevik, 21. I. 1943.
25 Ibid., 8. I. 1943.
26 Pravda, 8, 9. I. 1943.
27 Moskovsky Bolshevik, 3. III. 1943; Leninets, Vidnoye, 9. V. 1975.
28 Moscow Bolshevik, 27. III. 1943.
29 Istoriya vtoroi mirovoi voyny [History of the Second World War], vol. 6, Moscow, 1976, p. 366.
30 Moskovsky Bolshevik, 21, I. 1943.
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489 million rubles 31 . If we take into account the contributions of residents of the Moscow region who worked at enterprises and institutions of the capital, this will amount to more than 0.5 billion rubles. The mass patriotic movement to raise personal funds for the creation of weapons for the Red Army is a clear evidence of the boundless devotion of Soviet patriots to the Motherland. This movement accelerated the defeat of the enemy and also brought Victory Day closer.
31 MPA, f. 3, op. 66, d. 8, l. 8.
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