Author: A. A. TISHKIN
January 13, 2006 marked the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yuri Fedorovich Kiryushin. He is the rector of Altai State University (AltSU), the head of the Department of Archeology, Ethnography and Source Studies of this university, as well as the head of the Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography of Southern Siberia of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Institute for Humanitarian Studies at AltSU. For 60 years, they have passed a path filled with many life events and outstanding results. A purposeful worker, a gambler and enthusiastic researcher, the founder of a scientific school and a wonderful family man - these are just some of the positive characteristics of Yu. F. Kiryushin.
Yu. F. Kiryushin was born on January 13, 1946 in Berdsk, Novosibirsk region. In 1969, while working as the head of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Siberia at Tomsk State University (TSU), he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the same university. In 1970, Yuri Fyodorovich was assigned as a junior researcher at the TSU Problem Laboratory of History, Archeology and Ethnography In the first half of the 1970s. He actively participated in research in the north of the Tomsk region. Based on these materials, Yu. F. Kiryushin, under the guidance of L. A. Chindina, wrote and defended his PhD thesis "The Bronze Age of Vasyugan" in 1977. In the summer of the same year, he was accepted as a senior lecturer at the Department of History of the USSR at AltSU.The organization of the extra-budgetary laboratory of Archeology, Ethnography and history of Altai in 1978 gave an impetus to the development of scientific research, the results of which laid the foundation for a qualitatively new stage in the study of the archeology of a large historical and cultural region. In 1979, the first monograph of Yu. F. Kiryushin "The Bronze Age of Vasyugan" was published, written in collaboration with the geographer A.M. Maloletko. This book has long been an example of the effective use of natural science methods in archaeology.
In 1980, Yu. F. Kiryushin was elected an associate professor of the Department of History of the USSR at AltSU. His active research activity in Altai allowed him to collect significant archaeological material that required serious generalization. For two years, Yuri Fedorovich has been systematizing the accumulated data, introducing them into scientific circulation. In 1987, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Eneolithic, early and developed bronze of the Upper and Middle Ob region".
In 1988, Yu. F. Kiryushin was elected professor of the Department of Pre-revolutionary Russian History, and later-head of the Department of Archeology, Ethnography and Source Studies at AltSU In the late 1980s.Administrative and research work of Yuri Fedorovich began to acquire a complex character. This was reflected in the creation and broad specialization of the scientific school, conducting large-scale excavations in the territory of the Altai Territory, organizing a number of scientific conferences and publishing scientific collections. An important event was the creation of the Altai Museum of Archeology and Ethnography at AltSU. It should be noted that Yu. F. Kiryushin constantly collaborates with scientists of the nearest academic institution-the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
In 1990, Yu. F. Kiryushin received the title of professor. In 1991, an important stage in his activity as a vice-rector for Scientific Research began.
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In the same year, the Research Institute for Humanitarian Studies was opened at the university and Yu. F. Kiryushin became its scientific director. He is the head of the branch of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography of Southern Siberia.
In 1994, the Faculty of History of AltSU opened a Council for the defense of candidate's theses, in 2005 - doctoral dissertations. Yu. F. Kiryushin is its permanent chairman. During the work of the Council, applicants from many cities of Siberia defended more than 100 theses.
In 1997, Yu. F. Kiryushin was elected Rector of Altai State University. Now, not being able to spend a long time on expeditions and get a lot of new material, Yu. F. Kiryushin focuses on generalizing the results already obtained. He has published eight monographs reflecting many years of research.
Yu. F. Kiryushin's contribution to the archaeological study of Western and Southern Siberia is significant. His research interests are quite broad: from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. However, priority is given to the Eneolithic and Bronze Age. The expeditions conducted for many years under the leadership of Yuri Fedorovich provided material that allowed us to consider some problems in a new way. The list of scientific works of Yu. F. Kiryushin includes more than 330 positions. He is the author and co-author of more than 10 monographs, editor and co-editor of several dozen publications. The scientific school created by Yu. F. Kiryushin continues its growth. Yuri Fedorovich was a scientific consultant for three defended doctoral dissertations, under his supervision 18 PhD theses were prepared.
Yu. F. Kiryushin managed to achieve a lot as rector of AltSU For the second year in a row, the university is among the 100 best universities in Russia and is awarded the gold medal "European Quality" in 2004 and 2005. Yuri Fedorovich was awarded the honorary badge "Rector of the Year".
During his career, Yuri Kiryushin was repeatedly awarded with commendations, certificates of honor, diplomas and prizes. In 1997, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of ATU", in 2004 - "Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation". In 1998, Yuri Fyodorovich was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia". Yu. F. Kiryushin is a laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Award in the field of education (2002). In 2003, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor of the Altai State University"; he was awarded the badge "For Services to the development of the city of Barnaul". In 2004, for his great personal contribution to the development of historical science, the surname of Yuri Fedorovich was entered in the Book of Honor of Siberia. In 2005, Yu. F. Kiryushin was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of the Altai Republic".
Yuri Fedorovich Kiryushin is full of creative forces and scientific ideas, he is ready to actively work on strengthening the position of Altai State University, provide a high level of training of specialists and conduct research.
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